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Liam and Aiden managed to reach Aiden’s car parked in a nearby alley without anyone noticing them. Aiden owned a large SUV, but their size still represented a challenge in their runaway plan. Aiden was a mountain of muscle, well over 600 pounds, with broader-than-door shoulders, tree trunk arms, massive pillow pecs, enormous thighs, bulging calves, and a massive muscular butt. His 2-foot-long dick was fully hard, and his balls churned full of cum. He wasn’t immobile anymore, but he was far from being of average size.

“The only option is sneaking into the backseat. If I get in the passenger’s seat, it’ll be a tight fit for you,” Aiden said, looking at Liam’s body up and down. “You look amazing, by the way.” Aiden couldn’t help but add.

“Uh? I…” Liam finally looked down at his own body. He wasn’t as thick as Aiden, even though he was taller. Liam estimated his weight to be around 350 pounds. He looked like a world-class bodybuilder but with additional assets that would never allow him to wear the tiny posers that bodybuilders usually wear.

Liam moved his hands to his pecs and grabbed the massive slabs of meat. His pecs were so thick that his nipples pointed downward, also casting a shadow over his chiseled abs. Liam marveled at his detailed deltoids, huge biceps, and thick forearms. Then, looking down at his lower body, his eyes widened even more as he noticed his 16-inch-long, thick dick pointing up over full balls that looked as big as grapefruits.

“See? We all got benefits from this situation,” Aiden said, reaching forward to stroke Liam’s dick.

“Man, my apartment is destroyed! How is that a benefit?” Liam said, but as Aiden rubbed his dick, he couldn’t help but moan.

“You can stay in my cabin. You won’t need to pay for rent anymore, and... we get to be together,” Aiden said, pulling Liam closer to push their bodies together. “Also… You started this all, so you can’t complain.”

Liam’s breathing became shallow as he felt Aiden’s massive muscles against him. He knew Aiden was right, but the anxious part of his mind couldn’t stop thinking about his apartment. The ocean of cum and milk, the hole in the wall, the flooding of the streets—everything was surreal, and the more Liam thought about it, the less he believed it was true. However, Aiden stood right before his eyes with muscles beyond Liam’s wildest dreams.

“We gotta go. They said this shrinking stuff won’t last for long,” Liam said, moving away from Aiden and opening the car’s door to help him get in. “You’ll fit without much trouble.”

Aiden grinned and rolled his eyes. Even though he had experienced the most intense growth, orgasm, and shrinking ever, he couldn’t help but lust over Liam’s body and long to have more fun with him. Aiden stood by the car and attempted to get in the back seat, unable to get his shoulders through the door. He tried again, sideways this time, but between his back and bulging pecs, it was still hard. His hard dick and big balls weren’t helping because it was uncomfortable for him to move his legs with his big genitals on the way.

Aiden took a deep breath, struggling to contain his laughter because he never thought he would face such a challenge. He had spent years building his well-defined muscles, but they couldn’t compare to his current size. He had dreamt about getting as big as heavyweight bodybuilders, but his body was far bigger than any bodybuilder he had seen.

While Aiden struggled to get in the car, Liam’s anxiety escalated because he was worried about people seeing them naked on the streets. Even then, he couldn’t help but feel aroused as he saw Aiden’s muscles in action. Every inch of his body bulged and fought for space while the big guy fit his upper body in, leaving his huge legs and massive balls out. Liam couldn’t help but chuckle and approached Aiden to push against his ass and balls to help him.

“Hmm, that feels nice,” Aiden playfully said.

“Bro, I’m serious. We gotta go,” Liam said, pretending to be worried, but he was loving the feeling of Aiden’s massive ass against his body.

Aiden laughed as the rest of his body got into the car, and Liam slapped his ass hard before closing the door. He slowly turned and got in a comfortable position, as much as he could, while Liam ran around the car to get into the driver’s seat. Even though Liam wasn’t as big as Aiden, it still took him about a minute to get behind the wheel in a comfortable enough position. Liam felt clumsy, but it was due to his muscles limiting his range of motion.

“Okay. Where do I go?” Liam asked, turning the engine on and looking at Aiden’s smiley face in the rearview mirror.

“Just drive north. The cabin is about 20 minutes away,” Aiden said as he turned on his seat again, groaning like he was trying to get into a certain position.

Liam nodded and started driving, following Aiden’s indications. The car was silent most of the trip because Liam’s mind was flooded with memories of his destroyed apartment. He wondered if he could ever go back there and have a regular life, but looking at Aiden’s handsome face in the rearview mirror again made him chuckle and realize he didn’t want a regular life anymore.

Aiden continued turning as he groaned in the backseat. Liam thought he looked cute, but when he saw the enormous muscles flexing and relaxing with each move, cute came short to describe the magnificent body.

“Keep your eyes on the road. Don’t mind me back here,” Aiden said, finally relaxing after moving so much. Liam nodded and continued driving. He estimated they were halfway to the cabin, and even though he was worried, he was also excited.

“How does it feel?” Liam asked, not looking at the mirror to focus on the road.

“What?” Aiden responded as he started slightly moving again.

“Being so big. The immobility. All the milk, the cum, and... everything. You were so big,” Liam asked, feeling his 16-inch dick throbbing below the wheel.

“Oh. It’s hard to explain. I felt so powerful, and when I couldn’t move... the sensation was even better. I could feel every single inch of my body, even though I couldn’t see past my pecs. I loved when you climbed up my body and when you rubbed your whole body against my dick. Fuck, that was hot,” Aiden said, feeling his dick throb violently against the back of Liam’s seat.

“Oh… Was that your knee or something? I can push the seat forward if you want,” Liam kindly said, and Aiden chuckled.

“It wasn’t my knee. It was a body part that I can’t seem to control anymore,” Aiden playfully said as his dick throbbed again, hitting Liam’s seat even harder. “Also... don’t get scared if you feel something sticky getting around your feet. Thinking about you against my dick is making me leak again, and... fuck, it feels nice.”

“What?! What do you mean?” Liam said, stopping the car and looking down at his feet, where a pudge of white, sticky cum was coming from beneath the seat. “You gotta be kidding me! You flooded the whole block, and you still have more?” Liam said, turning around to see Aiden. Liam’s eyes widened at the sight.

“Told you, I can’t control it,” Aiden responded as Liam tried to process the scene.

Aiden had one muffin in each hand, and considering the crumbs over his massive pecs, he had already eaten a few. He had a box with the Big Boy’s Bakery logo on it, like the boxes that led to the destruction of Liam’s apartment. The box was already empty. Liam estimated Aiden had eaten ten muffins, and the two in his hand completed the dozen that fit in the box.

“What are you doing? Where did you get that from?” Liam asked, scared and amused.

“I left the box here when I went to your apartment. It was for later, but my visit was longer than I expected. I didn’t know if the muffins were still good, but they’re perfect. Yummy as always,” Aiden said as he gave one muffin a large bite, soon followed by two more, and the muffin was gone.

“What are these muffins for? What if you grow again before we get to the cabin?” Liam said, watching in awe as Aiden devoured the last muffin.

“I don’t remember their name. It was something like, Oh, Mighty Muffins. I think they make all the muscles grow,” Aiden said, smiling and playfully bouncing his pecs to a shocked Liam. “I’m about to grow again anyway, so why not make it more interesting?”

Aiden bounced his pecs, and Liam noticed they looked plumper and fuller with each flex. Then he saw Aiden’s shoulders broadening in the back seat, taking up more room and filling up the tiny available space. Aiden started moaning, and Liam didn’t know if he should continue driving or if he should get out of the car and escape.

“Fuck!” Liam shouted as he felt Aiden’s dick hitting the seat again, even harder this time, and his balls visibly filled up with cum. The pool of cum beneath the seat grew, and Aiden started moaning, high on pleasure.

Aiden stretched slightly, the seat’s leather groaning under his expanding body. He flexed his basketball-sized biceps as a loud roar escaped his lips. This sound sent shivers down Liam’s back because he remembered the flooding of his apartment and how Aiden had lost control of his body.

“This feels incredible! Even better than before,” Aiden said, his voice deep and resonant.

A tremor ran through Aiden’s body, making him close his eyes to savor the sensation. His muscles continued slowly expanding. His deltoids expanded like inflating balloons, quickly reaching the car’s inner walls. His traps rose higher, engulfing his neck and head and merging with the ever-growing mountains of his shoulders.

Liam struggled to focus on the road as he could hear the leather of the backseat creaking. The car felt heavier, so he had to step harder on the gas pedal. Liam looked down and saw more cum covering the floor. However, as worried and scared as he was, his hard dick throbbed due to his arousal. He couldn’t deny that a growing Aiden turned him on more than anything else.

Aiden’s chest surged forward, each pectoral muscle growing to the size of a small boulder, obscuring his perfectly sculpted abs. His nipples started getting engorged, and a small flow of milk escaped them, landing on his massive thighs, which thickened, forcing his legs to spread wide. Then Aiden felt his dick getting longer and thicker as his balls grew from basketballs to beach balls in a blink. He started to feel cramped in the backseat, but the sensation was too fantastic, so he wanted it to continue.

“How are you feeling back there? Are you okay?” Liam asked, glancing nervously at the rapidly expanding titan in the backseat.

Aiden chuckled as he felt his dick throbbing hard. “Better than okay. This feels amazing!” While he moaned, Aiden managed to move his dick from behind Liam’s seat to place it between the front seats of the car, with the leaking head of his dick right by Liam’s side.

“Dude! You’re going to ruin your own car!” Liam shouted, absentmindedly reaching for Aiden’s dick to rub it.

“Hmm, who cares? It’s not like I can drive it anymore,” Aiden said, enjoying Liam’s touch. “Keep going. Make me cum. My balls are getting so full. I won’t make it to the cabin.” Aiden tilted his head back as much as he could due to his traps locking his head.

Aiden’s growth continued. His arms, now thicker than most men’s waists, flexed involuntarily, causing his biceps to peak impressively, with thick veins snaking over them. His forearms soon followed, bulging and thickening beyond Aiden’s wildest dreams. His back spread wider, his lats flaring out like wings, pressing against the sides of the SUV. His quads, resembling overinflated tires, strained against the confines of the seat, and his calves were swelling to match the monumental growth of his upper body.

The vehicle, sturdy as it was, began to creak in protest, the suspension groaning under the increasing weight. Aiden’s growth showed no signs of slowing, and each muscle group fought for space.

“We’re almost there, right? We must be close by now,” Liam nervously said, looking back at Aiden, who now took up the whole space in the backseat.

“Yeah. We must be able to see the cabin and the lake in a few seconds,” Aiden said between moans as Liam finally saw the cabin on the horizon. However, Liam didn’t know if the cabin was a proper word to describe the building because it was bigger than most houses, but it was surrounded by nature and a lake, so the word still fit.

The SUV finally pulled up to the secluded cabin. Liam parked and turned to face Aiden, who looked trapped inside the car. “Let’s get you out before you destroy the car like you destroyed my apartment,” Liam said, making Aiden chuckle and nod.

Aiden’s movements were slow. As he shifted, the SUV rocked slightly, and with an audible groan, the vehicle’s metal frame began to give way under his immense bulk. The door, designed for average human proportions, now seemed impossible for him to get out of.

Before Liam could open the doors, Aiden felt his triceps flaring and thickening further against the door, making the metal bend outward. His biceps swelled with each movement, dwarfing even the biggest bodybuilder’s wildest dreams. As his chest surged outward, pushing against the front seats of the car, Aiden started groaning as he felt uncomfortably cramped. Liam rushed to the back, thinking about how to help, and the only thing he could try was opening the door and pushing against Aiden’s massive body.

“So tight, everything’s so tight,” Aiden groaned, feeling his pecs pushing the front seats forward with their immense bulk.

Aiden groaned louder as his body expanded even more, making him more uncomfortable, but then, with another surge of growth, the door frame and the roof bent outward, and Aiden managed to wedge himself free, slowly stepping out of the SUV. The car, now visibly warped, rocked back into place, relieved of the titanic burden.

As Aiden stood before Liam’s wide eyes, his muscles continued to grow, expanding and thickening with each passing second. The handsome colossus laughed and flexed his muscles as best as possible since he quickly approached immobility. As he began to walk toward the cabin, each step was a careful movement; his legs brushed against each other, limiting his range of motion. His arms, now enormous pillars of strength, hung away from his body, the biceps, triceps, and lats too large to allow them to rest naturally at his sides.

His chest expanded further, the pectoral muscles pushing out several feet in front of him. His back muscles, from the traps to the lats and lower back, looked like a powerful wall of marble, each movement causing waves of muscle to ripple beneath his skin. His massive ass looked like beach balls, hypnotically moving with each step he took. His yoga-ball-sized balls reached almost to the ground, and his huge 6-foot-long dick stood tall, reaching above his head while releasing a river of pre-cum that left a white, creamy trail behind him.

Liam ran to open the cabin’s double doors and marveled as Aiden struggled to fit through them. Once inside, the space seemed to shrink around Aiden’s enormous body, his muscles fighting for space even in the open interior. The place was huge; only the living room was about 20 feet wide, and the kitchen was almost as big.

“Welcome. Get comfortable and... enjoy the show,” Aiden said as he collapsed on a huge couch, which immediately broke under his immense weight. “I think we made it just in time.”

Liam stood away, marveling at Aiden’s muscles bulging outward. Aiden’s moans grew louder, and his body expanded faster than inside the car. Liam realized that his recent growth spurt was only the effect of the muffins, but now he was growing back because the shrinking formula was wearing off.

Aiden’s pecs grew enormous in a blink, pushing about 10 feet in front of his torso and as broad as the whole living room. His nipples grew larger and looked engorged. Just as it had happened in the apartment, a constant river of milk started pouring out, instantly forming a white pool around him. Aiden tried to reach for his pecs to rub them because they were extremely full, but his massive biceps didn’t let him.

“So full! So incredibly full!” Aiden groaned and moaned loudly, prompting Liam to approach and massage Aiden’s pecs.

Then, Aiden’s shoulders broadened, soon getting slightly broader than his pecs, taking over most of the space in the living room. His traps and back muscles grew higher, forming a mighty wall of muscles around and behind Aiden’s handsome face. His arms inflated like air balloons, fighting for space with his enormous lats, which spread magnificently. His upper body alone looked bigger than Aiden’s wrecked car.

His legs thickened, and his ass grew enormous, pushing Aiden higher and giving him extra support to handle his weight while sitting on the destroyed couch. His calves were thicker than a heavyweight bodybuilder’s torsos. Each muscle group bulged so enormously that Aiden could barely move an inch.

Liam was speechless while Aiden continued to grow, much bigger than before, turning Liam more than ever before. Since Aiden’s body was so big, Liam climbed up to stand on his lap while Aiden’s dick and balls started expanding faster than the rest of his body. His dick grew to 20 feet long in a blink, quickly pushing 30 feet long without signs of stopping. His balls expanded and filled up the few free spaces left in the whole place. Aiden’s body took the whole living room and grew into the dining room and part of the kitchen.

By the time the growth stopped, Aiden’s hard dick was 50 feet long, pushing against the opposite wall and the roof. His balls spread across the room, 15 feet wide each and about 8 feet tall. Liam’s mouth watered, and even though he was worried about a lot of things, he jumped over Aiden’s enormous dick and stroked it with his arms. Aiden started moaning as the flow of pre-cum intensified, and the rivers of milk coming out of his nipples grew thicker.

“We should call Chris and Sam,” Liam said, without really meaning it.

“Where’s your phone?” Aiden asked between moans.

“I don’t know. Where’s yours?” Liam replied.

“Who cares?” Aiden moaned louder as Liam moved closer to the head of his dick.

“Let’s worry about them later then,” Liam said, tightly hugging the head of Aiden’s dick, making it shoot a massive glob of pre-cum, which was quickly flooding the cabin.

“Yeah. Just keep going. Make me cum. My balls are so full,” Aiden said, feeling his balls tightening as they produced even more cum, much faster.

Aiden’s pre-cum leak intensified, prompting Liam to lick the dick slit to taste Aiden’s cum. Liam expected a salty taste like regular cum, but as he swallowed Aiden’s pre-cum, he realized it was sweet. Liam got lost in the tasteful pre-cum, teasing Aiden’s dick even more and taking him to the verge of a massive orgasm.

Liam thought about his apartment and the Big Boy’s Bakery owners, but as he felt Aiden’s dick throbbing hard and a massive tsunami of cum came out of his slit, Liam decided he could worry about that another day. He only wanted to enjoy his massively muscular former trainer and the sweet, creamy cum that he provided limitlessly. The cum and milk flooded the cabin in a few minutes and leaked outside through the double doors, flowing across the land and soon reaching the lake.

“I’ll never get tired of this sweet, tasteful cream,” Liam managed to say, taking a short break before continuing to drink Aiden’s cum and feeling his muscles slowly expanding.

“I don’t think I can ever stop cumming, so you can keep drinking forever. But don’t forget about my pecs; they’re so full,” Aiden said, moaning and enjoying the sensation of Liam’s “tiny” body hugging his dick. As big as he was, he couldn’t stop thinking about all the desserts on the Big Boy’s Bakery counter, hoping they would get him even bigger.

The End


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