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Jackson sat at home a week after the birth of his twins, cradling the baby boys in his arms as they nursed hungrily on his pecs. Becoming a father was initially chaotic for Jackson, but seven days after pushing Ronan’s babies out of him, he was used to his new parental role. Even though his relationship with Ronan didn’t work, they decided to co-parent the twin boys, so Ronan visited the twins daily and helped Jackson with everything he needed.

With every second he spent with the twins, Jackson fell more in love with them. Having the babies in his arms, suckling on his nipples, and drinking the milk he provided for them was Jackson’s favorite activity. Nursing his babies was an essential part of his routine, making him consider very often about having more babies in the future.

Jackson’s body had almost gone back to normal after the delivery of the babies, surprisingly fast, leaving him only with a small pudge on his abdomen and bigger milky pecs. The feminization, as Ronan used to call it, had gone away.

As Jackson settled into the familiar nursing routine, a soft buzz from his phone interrupted the peaceful moment. With a gentle shift, he reached for his phone, careful not to disturb the delicate balance of his twin boys suckling on his nipples. As he unlocked the screen, Jackson was surprised to find a notification from FlirtNest.

The app had been silent for the last few months, not matching him with any new guys during his pregnancy, but the notification said there was a new match for Jackson. Looking down at the twins drinking his milk, he hesitated for a few seconds but finally opened the notification. His heart fluttered with anticipation as he beheld the profile of his new match.

“Eric, that’s a cute name,” Jackson said as the app showed Eric’s face. “And that’s a cute face. You got me interested, Eric.”

Inspecting the profile, Jackson was surprised at the stark contrast between Eric and the men he typically found himself drawn to. At 19 years old, Eric was a twink in every sense of the word, with a petite frame emphasizing his youth. At 5’2” tall and weighing 145 pounds, Eric looked like the definition of innocence and charm. Again, this description was somewhat far from the rugged masculinity that Jackson had usually found himself attracted to. However, as Jackson studied Eric’s profile with curiosity, he couldn’t help but smile and feel drawn to the twink’s smile and unbelievable cuteness.

“There’s something about this guy,” Jackson whispered, again attempting not to disturb his baby boys as he scrolled through Eric’s profile. “I don’t know what it is, but…” He swiped the blue arrow to the right, accepting the app’s match and soon receiving a message from Eric.

“Hi. I’m Eric. I’m glad you swiped the arrow to the right,” Eric’s message said, and something in those simple words made Jackson gasp in excitement. “Would you like to go have a coffee at Starbucks? I used to work there, and it’s a great place.”

“Sure. I’d love to. No coffee for me, but I can definitely have juice,” Jackson replied, smiling like a horny teen. “5:00 PM works for you?”

“Yes, it does. It’s a date.” Eric added several smiling emojis, making Jackson chuckle.

“Well, it seems like Daddy has a date. How cool is that?” Jackson said to his babies as he placed the phone away. “Your dad should be here in a while, and I’m sure he won’t mind looking after you for a few hours,” he added, smiling at the prospect of meeting Eric.


The soft chime of the doorbell announced Jackson’s arrival at Starbucks. His excitement about meeting Eric was evident as his heart was pounding rapidly. Also, it was the first time he was out of his apartment without his babies. Ronan was taking care of them as the responsible father he was, but Jackson couldn’t help but feel nervous about leaving the twins for the first time.

Before looking for a table, Jackson checked his reflection in the door’s glass, smiling at the sight. His blue T-shirt hugged his broad shoulders and accentuated his big arms, the most comfortable way for Jackson to go out. Also, his big, lactating pecs were evident beneath the fabric, making him look hot and powerful. A pair of tailored trousers that clung to his powerful thighs and big ass was the perfect complement to his outfit.

As Jackson looked around among the sea of people, he saw Eric’s cute smiley face. Eric looked even prettier in person, and Jackson couldn’t help but sigh in awe as he approached the table. Eric wore an oversized hoodie and jeans, giving him a youthful appearance that Jackson loved. His eyes sparkled with excitement, but his blushed cheeks expressed nervousness.

“Jackson?” Eric softly said, standing up as he extended his hand in greeting, looking up at Jackson, who towered over him by a whole foot. “It’s great to finally meet you.”

With a warm smile, Jackson returned the gesture. “Same here, Eric. I’ve been looking forward to this moment since I saw your profile picture.”

“Have you? I mean, that’s unexpected,” Eric said, marveling at Jackson’s strong-looking physique and trying his best not to drool.

“Unexpected? How so? You’re a cute guy, and I like that.” Jackson winked at Eric, leaving him in shock.

They settled into their seats and started talking about their lives, with Eric sounding really nervous. As they ordered their drinks, Jackson couldn’t help but notice Eric’s hands had a subtle tremor. He was also sweating a lot, and his breath was short at some moments. However, Jackson managed to engage Eric in casual conversation, making the young twink feel more confident about his date.

With each passing moment, they started feeling more comfortable with each other, giving Jackson the chance to mention his surprise pregnancy and the babies. This information made Eric’s eyes shine in awe. Jackson was worried the news about his pregnancy would scare Eric, but the more Jackson talked about himself, the more convinced Eric became that Jackson was definitely his type instead.

“I hope you don’t mind me having babies. It’s a complicated story, but things happened. I got pregnant, which I know is super strange, but I love my kids, and I’m glad their dad is in the picture for them,” Jackson said, taking a sip of his juice as he explained to Eric about the twins. “But he’s not in my picture if you know what I mean.” He winked at Eric again.

“I don’t mind. I mean, that’s really cool. I’ve read about male pregnancy, and I’m glad I got to know a guy who can actually get pregnant,” Eric said with shaky hands.

“Are you okay?” Jackson asked, his voice filled with concern as he reached out to hold Eric’s hands. “You seem a bit... nervous? Did I scare you?”

Eric’s cheeks blushed with embarrassment. “I’m surprised that someone like you would want to go out on a date with a guy like me. You’re so hot and so big, and I’m a twink. I’ve heard that word so many times.” Eric’s voice changed from nervous to sad. “So, it’s weird that you’re here with me, and I don’t want to ruin this date.”

“Oh, come on! You’re amazing,” Jackson leaned forward and passionately kissed Eric’s lips to make his point. “You’re one of the cutest guys I’ve ever met. Trust me, I’m loving this date with you. Actually, I’d love to go somewhere private to show you how much I’m enjoying your company.” Jackson winked, and Eric’s mind was barely holding together.


Jackson and Eric were making out in a nearby motel room only a few minutes later. Both were naked while Jackson carried Eric to the bed. Eric wrapped his legs around Jackson’s torso, feeling Jackson’s hard dick rubbing against his ass. Eric pulled himself tighter against the big guy’s milky pecs and pudgy abdomen, and while their making out intensified, Eric’s thick 10-inch-long dick rose to full mast, leaving Jackson surprised.

“You hid that big package very well. I should be the one calling you big guy,” Jackson said, crawling into the bed with Eric tightly holding himself against the powerful torso.

“I didn’t know if you would like it,” Eric said, softly landing on the mattress and immediately lifting his legs to give Jackson access to his hole.

While they kissed, Jackson pushed his dick against Eric’s hole, finding some resistance at first. Jackson tried to be gentle, but once his dick slid inside Eric’s hole, the moans and the heat of the moment were so intense that Jackson couldn’t resist the urge to fuck Eric as hard as possible.

As Jackson started thrusting, Eric’s moans grew louder, and his dick started leaking. The bed trembled with each powerful thrust. Both guys lost track of time, but Eric’s hole was so tight that Jackson couldn’t hold his load for long, coating Eric’s guts with a thick layer of his warm seed a few minutes later.

Then, in the afterglow of such an amazing fuck, they continued making out passionately. Eric’s hands caressed Jackson’s powerful torso, teasing the big, milk-filled pecs and making some droplets of milk come out of his nipples. Eric was so intoxicated by Jackson’s body that, while they kissed, he asked the big guy to change positions. Eric had seen Jackson’s big ass back at Starbucks, and he couldn’t lose the chance to fuck it.

With a kind smile, Jackson nodded and got on all fours. In an instant, Eric got behind Jackson and rubbed his thick 10-inch-long dick against the big guy’s plump ass. Without hesitation, Eric pushed his hips forward, and his thick dick slid into Jackson’s ass with surprising ease. Even then, Jackson’s hole was so tight that both guys moaned loudly. Jackson had never taken such a big dick before, and it was Eric’s first time with such a big ass and tight hole.

Holding Jackson’s hips for support, Eric started thrusting hard. Jackson’s moans grew even louder, making the whole place tremble. The world disappeared around them while Eric’s dick kept stretching Jackson’s hole beyond precedent. The faster Eric thrust, the louder Jackson’s moans turned, and the more he wanted. Jackson loved Eric’s cuteness, but the big dick was the best bonus ever.

Jackson’s dick leaked like a faucet, and his nipples poured milk out like fountains. His body was a mess, but he only wanted more. The sensation was so good that when Eric started shooting buckets of cum into his ass, Jackson’s own dick shot big globs of cum onto the mattress. Even then, feeling Eric’s dick pulsating inside him was worth the mess.

“This was so much fun, and maybe we’ll get to see each other again, but it’s 8:00 PM, and Ronan must be waiting to leave,” Jackson said, quickly kissing Eric’s cheek before getting dressed and leaving the motel room.


As a happy Jackson arrived home, he couldn’t ignore a sense of unease in his lower abdomen. His hands traveled down to his midsection, attempting to calm the discomfort intensifying with each passing moment. He couldn’t help but wonder if Eric’s big dick had broken something inside him, but at least he didn’t feel any pain.

“Something feels off,” Jackson murmured to himself as he entered the living room, where Ronan stood waiting with their sleeping twin boys in his arms.

“Is everything okay? How was the date? I hope it wasn’t better than ours,” Ronan joked, making Jackson chuckle.

“Our date gave me these wonderful kids, so that’s definitely a plus,” Jackson said, taking the babies in his arms as Ronan picked up his belongings and kissed Jackson’s cheeks.

After Ronan left, Jackson turned his attention to his sleeping twin boys as their tiny chests softly rose and fell. With a warm smile, Jackson went to his bedroom and placed the babies in their cribs while he took a shower. The discomfort in his lower abdomen persisted, and his hands rubbed his midsection, trying to feel better.

Once he came out of the shower, Jackson heard the babies cooing, and he lifted each boy from the cribs, ignoring the intensifying discomfort in his body. Cradling the babies against his chest for them to have their final meal of the day, Jackson sat on the bed and enjoyed another tender moment with his babies. However, as he nursed his twin boys, Jackson was overcome by a sudden wave of nausea and dizziness that got him really worried.

“Something’s not right,” Jackson murmured to himself, his voice barely a whisper as he continued to feed his boys. “Maybe he went too hard,” he added, his thoughts consumed by worry about Eric’s dick being too big.

Jackson tried to ignore the strange symptoms as he continued getting his boys ready for bed. However, as he changed their diapers a few minutes later, an even stronger wave of nausea took over and made him run to the bathroom to throw up. The overall discomfort was only worsening as the minutes passed, and by the time the babies were soundly asleep in their cribs, the nausea was constant, and the dizziness made Jackson stumble when he was on his feet. Also, an intense headache didn’t let him focus on anything but his sickness.

Jackson experienced nausea and vomiting, fatigue and dizziness, and sudden mood changes, all in just a few hours. He didn’t know what was happening, but he couldn’t deny that all the symptoms reminded him of his pregnancy with the twins.

By midnight, the nausea and vomiting had slowed down a bit, but as he got ready for bed, he noticed something else that activated his alarms. As he rubbed his midsection to ease the discomfort, he finally noticed his belly wasn’t pudgy anymore but firm to the touch and somewhat rounder than just a few hours before. Considering he had emptied his stomach several times in the last four hours, Jackson knew it wasn’t a normal sensation.

However, he decided to get some sleep instead of worrying even more. So, as he drifted off to sleep, he absentmindedly rested his hand on his rounded-out midsection, hoping that he would feel better in the morning.


As Jackson stirred from his sleep six hours later, his extreme exhaustion made him groan. He felt somewhat disoriented, but hearing the twins cooing in their cribs reminded him that it was time for their first meal of the day. However, as he moved his limbs and attempted to sit up, he felt a strange weight pinning him to bed.

Jackson surveyed the room with blurry eyes until his gaze fell upon his swollen abdomen. His heart skipped a few beats as disbelief washed over him. Jackson couldn’t find the words to describe the scene before his eyes. His belly had grown bigger than ever, surpassing the size it reached at the end of his pregnancy with the twins.

“What the fuck is this?” Jackson shouted, reaching to caress his massive belly and receiving kicks in response. He was familiar with the sensation but couldn’t understand how he had gotten so big so fast. “Am I pregnant?” Jackson asked, already knowing the answer.

Jackson rubbed his belly and felt the taut skin stretched beyond his worst nightmares, with several kicks in different directions coming from within. He traced the contours of his huge belly as his mind struggled to comprehend the enormity of the situation. Additionally, Jackson noticed his pecs had grown to almost twice their size overnight, and his nipples felt more sensitive than ever. His chest was nearly overflowing with milk, and with every passing second, the intense plumpness worsened.

With a heavy sigh, Jackson forced himself to his feet, his muscles trembling with the effort as he stood in front of a mirror to examine his reflection. He groaned as he kept rubbing his belly because the weight and the pressure within seemed to worsen every second. Jackson marveled at his swollen and distended belly, but every part of his body had thickened overnight. However, instead of getting more feminine like in his first pregnancy, Jackson’s muscles had grown considerably, making him look similar in size to a bodybuilder.

Even though his body had gotten more muscular, the sheer weight of his sudden pregnancy left Jackson short of breath only by standing in front of the mirror. Trying to go back to bed, he felt the weight of his swollen belly taking a toll on his body with each step. However, his babies cooing in their cribs reminded him that he still needed to feed them.

Waddling to their cribs, Jackson couldn’t help but moan due to the increasing pressure within his belly. He didn’t understand what was happening, but the more he observed his belly, the more convinced he was that it was swelling right before his eyes.

“Uugghh. I’m so big, so heavy. There’s too much pressure,” Jackson groaned as he approached the crib, feeling ready to burst.

Taking the twins in his arms with his big belly and full pecs on the way was a challenge, but as he managed to get in bed with his boys, Jackson groaned and moaned constantly. As he fed his boys with his overflowing milky pecs, Jackson rubbed his belly, feeling kicks all over the surface, convincing him that there were multiples inside him once again.

Jackson knew he needed some help, and the first name that came to mind was the person responsible for his helpless state. Picking up his phone, Jackson texted Eric with trembling fingers, trying to maintain some composure even though his body was swelling with each passing second.

“Eric. I need your help. Something’s happening. Please, come now!” Jackson sent the message, but Eric didn’t respond right away.

The minutes turned into an hour, and Jackson’s belly continued expanding. His taut skin stretched around his overpacked womb, and the constant kicking made Jackson moan loudly. By 7:00 AM, his belly visibly swelled before his eyes as the babies inside it grew. He felt exhausted even though the day was only starting, and things were worsening by the minute.

When Eric arrived at almost 8:00, Jackson could barely stand up because his belly was big and heavy, and the early signs of labor were evident. Jackson was scared because it had only been 12 hours since his sex encounter with Eric, and it seemed like he was already getting into labor. Not knowing what else to do, Jackson called his doctor while Eric held his hand in support. The pregnancy was advancing so fast that Jackson couldn’t control his body, making him groan and moan constantly.

“You’ve done this before. I’m sure you’ll be fine,” Eric said, trying to calm a terrified Jackson down, also helping with the twins.

“It was a normal pregnancy, not 12 hours long. I have no idea what’s going on, but this is your fault. You and your horse dick did this to me,” Jackson said, rubbing the sides of his belly.

Eric was scared but ignored Jackson’s complaints because he understood the pregnant guy had many things to deal with. Things got even worse when Jackson’s water broke at 8:10. Jackson’s groans and moans grew louder, and the pressure in his belly worsened. He lay in bed dealing with contractions while Eric gave his belly some rubs, but since his womb was pretty full, his labor advanced really fast, forcing Jackson to start pushing at 8:20.

When the doctor arrived a few minutes later, he found the first baby already crowning while Jackson cried in pain. The labor was faster than the first one, but it was obviously more painful because the baby seemed to be bigger than the twins.

With strong pushes, Jackson was making good progress, feeling the baby stretching his hole like never before. He cried and screamed as Eric’s big baby made his way into the world, finally falling onto the doctor’s hands along with a gush of fluids only ten minutes after Jackson started pushing.

“Why is his belly so big?” Eric asked, making Jackson realize that his belly was huge.

“He must be having multiples. There’s at least another baby, but my best guess would be two more,” the doctor explained, making Jackson pale.

While the doctor cleaned the first baby, contractions started again, and Jackson’s second baby started coming out. The process was kind of fast again, but it hurt Jackson as much as the first one. He was surprised the babies were so big, considering Eric was small, but the second baby was just as big as the first one. Jackson’s screams echoed through the entire building, but as the second baby boy slid out of him, a sense of relief washed over him, only to be replaced by fear as more contractions announced the imminent arrival of a third baby.

The third boy was born even faster than the previous ones, but Jackson was barely awake. Pushing three large babies out of his body had been too much, and as the third baby boy fell onto the doctor’s hands, Jackson passed out in exhaustion.

A few hours later, Jackson woke up with Eric by his side and three big babies waiting for their daddy to feed them. The doctor couldn’t explain Jackson’s 12-hour-long pregnancy, but he was glad the babies and the daddy were healthy. The triplets weighed 10 pounds each, explaining why Jackson’s belly was much bigger than when he was pregnant with the twins.

As Jackson held his newly arrived triplets in his arms for the first time, he marveled at how cute they were since they looked like Eric. While he fed the triplets, Eric brought Jackson’s 8-day-old twins and placed them next to their daddy. For Jackson, having his five boys in bed with him was more than he could’ve ever expected, mainly because it had only been eight days between their births. There were many unresponded questions, but he preferred to enjoy the sweet moment with his boys while Eric kindly observed.

As he held his five boys in arms, Jackson was grateful about finding FlirtNest in the first place and even more about the app matching him with Ronan and Eric. And maybe there will be more matches for him in the future.


Thanks to the patron who submitted this cute twink, Eric. I have more submissions with guys to date (and knock-up) Jackson, so if you haven't sent yours, the form is still open.



Also, check the previous parts:

[Intro] [Ronan]


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