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Aiden’s moans grew louder as the growth spurt reached its peak. The constant expansion of his muscles had taken him into a deep, blissful state of pleasure that didn’t allow him to focus on anything but his growth and Liam’s touch.

Liam’s hands massaged Aiden’s pecs with passion, and with each passing second, his hands looked smaller over the expanding surface of the big guy’s chest. Liam could feel Aiden’s pecs pulsating as blood filled them up, making them look overly pumped while the muscle fibers thickened. For Aiden, the sensation was initially similar to an intense tingling, but the growth was too overwhelming to describe.

Every part of Aiden’s body was getting so thick that Liam didn’t know where to focus his attention, and the scene was so hot that he was literally drooling. The muscle growth was captivating, but Aiden’s nipples were also growing and getting thicker, drawing Liam’s eyes toward them. Liam had never paid much attention to that, but bigger and thicker nipples made Aiden’s pecs look even hotter.

They were still on the couch, or what was left after it collapsed under Aiden’s steadily increasing weight. Liam was still sitting on Aiden’s lap, but his surroundings had changed drastically, or more accurately, what was beneath him had changed. Aiden’s shoulders were two and a half times broader than earlier, making him far wider than regular doors and just a few inches from getting as wide as he was tall.

“Uugghh. I’m getting so big. Everything’s so tight, but I feel so strong,” Aiden said between moans as he lifted his arms and flexed his biceps, which had reached beach-ball proportions and had thick veins traveling down to massively thick forearms that put tree trunks to shame. His biceps had reached such massive proportions that he couldn’t bend his arms entirely.

“You’re looking awesome,” Liam said as his arms extended to reach the enormous flexed biceps before him. “Damn! These muscles feel like rocks. I can’t believe those desserts were so potent.”

Liam leaned forward and pressed his regular-sized torso against Aiden’s much thicker one while his hands kept rubbing the most massive arms they had seen. Liam felt Aiden’s body growing against him, forcing him to change his position on the big guy’s lap to give the expanding body more space to grow. Aiden’s mighty presence was intoxicating, hypnotizing Liam and making him act on pure lust instead of rational thoughts. He couldn’t think clearly, so he was only expecting much more.

“I can’t wait to see you get even bigger. I’ll buy the entire bakery shop if that’s what we need to get you even bigger.” Liam smiled and leaned forward to kiss Aiden’s lips.

“Uugghh. We’ll also get some desserts for you,” Aiden said between kisses, taking his arms down and slowly wrapping them around Liam’s torso.

“Careful, you might crush me with those enormous arms of yours,” Liam said as Aiden’s arms got around him, and the massive pecs exploded with size beneath him, making him feel cramped among all those muscles.

They continued making out for a few more seconds until the growth spurt finally stopped. Entranced by their kisses and the tight embrace, they didn’t move for a few minutes. Liam loved to have Aiden’s enormous muscles around his body. Aiden loved how tiny Liam’s body felt on top of him. Liam was still taller than Aiden by two inches, but in any other aspect, Aiden was enormously huge.

“May I confess something now that we’re so close?” Aiden managed to say between kisses and panting due to the intense growth spurt that had just ended.

Liam intensified the making out while rubbing Aiden’s traps. “Sure, what is it?”

“I’ve been thinking about your dick since the day we met,” Aiden whispered, and Liam stopped the kissing.

“You what?” Liam said in shock. “Please, explain.”

“You were hard, and I noticed. You’ve been hard for most of the time we’ve been together these last few days, and you seem to have an above-average dick, so I could clearly make out the outline through your pants,” Aiden said with a grin and released Liam from the hug. “And I was secretly hoping to have the chance to enjoy it; you know where...” he winked, leaving Liam speechless.

“You mean, like... up your ass? You wanted me to fuck you?” Liam asked, shaking in excitement.

“No. I wouldn’t say I wanted you to fuck me; I actually WANT you to fuck me,” Aiden said, lifting his knees and spreading his legs. “I mean, if you want to.”

Liam was almost having a stroke, but he didn’t hesitate to move lower on Aiden’s body to find his hole. However, as Liam did, he finally noticed the extreme changes that Aiden’s lower body had undergone. Aiden’s thighs were twice as thick as Liam’s torso. Even his calves looked closer in size to a world-class bodybuilder’s thighs but thicker, and the definition was insane.

However, Liam fixed his eyes on Aiden’s crotch. Since Liam had been paying more attention to the muscle growth, he hadn’t noticed that Aiden’s dick had grown to what seemed to be 4 feet long and easily 8 inches in diameter. The massive cock had thick veins all over its length, sending large amounts of blood into the fuck tool and making the pink dick head look enormous. Liam’s mouth watered as he looked at Aiden’s massive dick, barely able to resist the urge to suck on it.

Additionally, Aiden’s balls had grown to basketball ball proportions, and the scrotum was so stretched that it shined under the light of Liam’s living room. Aiden’s massive balls hung pretty low, falling between his legs and resting heavily on the mattress, preventing Liam from having access to Aiden’s hole.

“Houston, we have a problem,” Liam said, carefully reaching for Aiden’s balls and massaging them, making the big guy moan and shiver. “Something is blocking your... you know. Maybe if we try in another position?” He added, looking up at Aiden, who immediately got the message.

With a big grin, Aidan started his attempts to turn around and get on all fours. It used to be an easy task, but with much more mass added to his body, his muscles fought for space and prevented him from moving that fast.

“Give me a second... uugghh... Now I get why pro bodybuilders groan and grunt so much,” Aiden said, joking about his struggles and making loud noises that turned Liam on even more.

“I don’t think they have to face these struggles. You’re twice as big as the biggest guys I’ve seen,” Liam said, carefully observing the hypnotizing flexing-and-releasing motion of Aiden’s massive muscles.

However, after many groans and grunts, Aiden managed to get on his knees, taking a few seconds to process how his new weight and width felt. He had always wanted to get massive muscles, and even though he was big to begin with, not even his wildest dreams matched with his new reality. This realization made him smile, and his dick throb violently in arousal.

“Fuck, I’m so big,” Aiden whispered, with a smiley face. “I’m bigger than the man from the bakery shop,” he proudly added.

“You look incredible,” Liam said, getting right behind Aiden and pressing his hard dick against Aiden’s massive ass. “You’re the hottest man I’ve seen, and this big ass of yours... Fuck! They’re like basketballs hidden under your skin,” he added as his hands kneaded Aiden’s asscheeks and hips.

“Oh, please, that feels good,” Aiden said, tilting his head back and letting Liam work on his asscheeks for a while. “Have you been thinking about this? About fucking me?” Aiden asked between soft moans of pleasure due to Liam’s touch.

“Are you serious? You had the best ass ever, and now it’s gotten even better,” Liam said, pushing his dick between Aiden’s massive asscheeks. “I wanted to fuck it so badly, and now nothing’s going to stop me.”

Aiden leaned forward and got his hands on the floor among the debris left by the broken couch. “Go ahead. Show me you’re worth it. Show me you deserve to let you turn me into a freak.” On all fours, Aiden pushed his hips backward, giving Liam a full view of how massive the ass cheeks were, almost making him cum on the spot.

“Buddy, you’re already a freak,” Liam said, marveling at the hottest scene he had seen. Aiden’s body looked enormous in that position.

Aiden’s broad back seemed large enough to land a plane on it, but the bulging muscles all over it would make it very difficult. Aiden’s back was a magnificently chiseled harmony of hills and valleys that showcased his power. Then, his waist had remained narrow compared to the shoulders, so the V-shape was so incredible that Liam could only gasp.

Liam couldn’t see Aiden’s dick in that position, but he was sure the massive monolithic meat pole was rock hard, rubbing against Aiden’s thick pecs. His balls hung freely between the powerful legs like a pair of wrecking balls, ready to destroy walls with their impressive size and weight. In Liam’s mind, he could’ve sworn he could hear Aiden’s cum sloshing inside the massive balls while they produced even more cum.

Then, there was Aiden’s ass right before an excited Liam. Aiden’s hips were wider than Liam’s shoulders, making them look more impressive and inviting. Liam’s hands got on Aiden’s hips and kneaded the hard balls of flesh while he rubbed his 10-inch-long dick against the hole’s entrance.

“Come on. Stop drooling and fuck me hard,” Aiden commanded, pushing his hips backward to feel more of Liam’s dick against his ass. “Don’t get me waiting. I need you now!“

Coming out of his trance, Liam grinned, and without any more hesitation, he pushed his hips forward with full force, pushing his big dick against Aiden’s tight hole. Surprisingly, at least for Liam, Aiden’s hole allowed his dick inside without much trouble, but it was still a tight fit. Loud moans filled the room again as Liam pushed inch after inch of his big dick deep into Aiden’s tight hole. Liam could barely wrap up his mind since the sensation was better than he ever expected, and Aiden’s massive ass cheeks against his body were the perfect bonus.

Knowing that Aiden was loving the sensation, Liam started slowly bucking his hips to slide his dick in and out of the big guy’s hole. Aiden’s moans became even louder, turning Liam even more and making him thrust faster with every passing second. Liam placed his hands on Aiden’s hips to get enough support to thrust even harder, loving the loud smacking sound produced by his body hitting against Aiden’s massive ass.

“Uugghh, yes, yes, harder. It’s so good!” Aiden shouted and moaned. “You feel much better than my dildos,” he added, inflating Liam’s usually tiny ego.

“Oh, dildos? That makes sense,” Liam said, thrusting even faster and making Aiden moan even louder due to Liam’s dick stimulating his prostate. “Is any of your dildos as big as me?” Liam asked while thrusting fast and hard, leaving Aiden gasping for air.

“No. Ahhh... The biggest is 8 inches. Ahh... and I think you’re bigger than that,” Aiden said, barely able to make out any words.

Liam kept going for longer than he ever thought he could last, especially considering his brain was almost collapsing under the weight of his arousal only by having Aiden’s massive body on all fours before him.

Suddenly, Liam felt something wet surrounding his knees and spreading all over the floor. He quickly looked down and saw a growing white pool of thick liquid. “Is that…? Is that your cum?” Liam asked.

“Sorry… uugghh… Your dick feels so good I couldn’t hold back,” Aiden said with loud moans, and Liam lost it at that moment.

Seeing the big guy cumming all over the floor without even touching his dick turned Liam on so much that he couldn’t hold his own load anymore. Liam loudly moaned as he orgasmed more intensely than ever. His cum shots felt massive as they traveled through his dick and into Aiden’s hole. Liam felt as if his balls were about to explode, but there was something in Aiden’s ass that made his orgasm much more intense and his load much bigger.

“Uugghh. Something’s… something’s happening.” Aiden cried out, and Liam felt the pool of cum on the floor growing much faster than before. “My balls… they’re so full... I… Fuck!”

Aiden moaned loudly, and Liam moved backward until only the head of his dick was inside Aiden. Liam’s mouth fell to the ground when he saw Aiden’s balls expanding rapidly before his eyes, quickly reaching the ground and resting heavenly on it. Aiden’s balls continued expanding, forcing him to open his legs even more to give them more space, but soon, there was no more space, and they started growing into Liam’s body.

The sensation of Aiden’s balls growing against his body sent Liam’s body into overdrive due to arousal, making him cum even more into the big guy’s hole. As soon as Liam’s cum entered Aiden’s body again, the already big balls expanded even more, making Liam realize the expansion was caused by his cum, so he tried to pull his dick out of Aiden’s hole, unsuccessfully. Somehow, Aiden’s hole had Liam’s dick locked inside.

Liam was in panic while he tried to pull his dick out of Aiden’s hole, but the big guy was too strong for him. He couldn’t understand what was happening, but it felt as if Aiden’s body didn’t want to let him go to continue the growth cycle. However, once Aiden’s balls almost stopped growing again, Liam pulled out, releasing his dick from its captivity.

Both guys panted heavily while Aiden’s balls stopped expanding at almost beach ball proportions. Liam had no words to describe his excitement about the whole experience, and while he looked at Aiden’s balls and ass, his dick throbbed hard, ready for another fuck. However, he knew they had to stop before things got out of control.


“Are you enjoying this?” Aiden softly said this to a smiling Liam, whose head rested on one of his pecs.

They were still over the ruined couch in the living room but back to their initial position. Aiden was on his back, and Liam was lying on top of him, enjoying the heat emanating from the big guy’s enormous body.

“Isn’t that evident? I’m loving it.” Liam looked up into Aiden’s eyes and then started kissing his pecs. “You’re a dream come true. A kinky and weird dream, but definitely a dream come true.” Liam continued kissing Aiden’s pecs, teasing his thick right nipple and making him shiver violently.

“Don’t get me started, or I’ll flood this place in a few minutes.” Aiden pointed at his crotch with a cocky grin, making Liam chuckle.

Liam looked at Aiden’s massive balls and then at their surroundings, covered in a thick layer of cum that had almost dried. Liam knew it would be hard to clean that mess, but he didn’t care as long as he had Aiden’s body to enjoy. Liam continued teasing Aiden and felt the trainer’s massive body shaking beneath him. Liam’s teasing was slowly making Aiden moan softly, and the more he moaned, the more Liam got lost in his lust for the big guy.

“Hey, hey, stop it. I think you enjoyed my body enough for the night, and I want to make a deal,” Aiden said, making Liam stop. “I want more desserts, but I’m too big to go anywhere for a while. Bring me more desserts, and I’ll let you do whatever you want with me. If you want to grow me, get me gigantic. If you want to fuck me, fuck me as much as you want. If you want to inflate my balls, do it. I only ask for you to keep bringing more desserts for me.”

“You serious? I mean. Look at you. You’re enormous already. If I bring more desserts for you, you won’t be able to leave this place or even move. Is that what you want?” Liam firmly asked, looking into Aiden’s eyes.

“It’s all I ever wanted, but I never told anyone because I’d sound like I lost my mind,” Aiden said, winking at Liam. “But now I know you’re as mad as I am. So, what do you say?”


Chris checked that everything was in the right place to open the bakery shop. Freshly baked desserts filled the counters, which he knew his clients loved. Chris quickly fixed his apron and checked on his watch. He never opened the bakery shop a second early or a second late, always at 6:00 AM. As he waited a minute to pass, he turned on the bright sign at the front. As the “Big Boy’s Bakery” shined bright, Chris saw a person running toward the door in a rush.

Chris approached the door as the young man tried to push against it to open it. Chris stood behind the door for a few seconds while the young man, whom he soon recognized, attempted to open the door.

Then, precisely at 6:00 AM, Chris unlocked the door and allowed the young man in. “Good morning, Liam, right? I remember you coming here two days ago. How is the workout going?” Chris kindly asked as Liam walked in, looking up at him in awe like before.

“Hey. Yeah, things are going great, and you’re looking as huge as ever,” Liam responded, looking at Chris’ pecs. “No, wait. I’m kind of in a rush. Your products are the BEST, and I want as many of your special desserts as possible,” Liam said, walking to the glass counter containing the special collection.

“Oh. Okay. I’m glad you liked our desserts. They’re all freshly baked, so they’re extra delicious right now. Tell me, what are you taking with you today?” Chris said, following Liam and looking for a box to place the desserts.

“I want them all. Like, everything that will make him... I mean, make me grow.” Liam was evidently anxious, and even though he tried to hide it, the outline of his hard dick was clearly visible through his pants.

“Hmm… Well, maybe you should know that these desserts have limits. Well, they don’t, but we established some limits on their effects when we added the potions to them,” Chris said, observing Liam’s strange attitude. “So, it’s not like you’ll grow indefinitely with them. We know some people don’t have boundaries, so we prefer to keep things under control. Our desserts will help you grow a lot, beyond your goals, but not beyond your body’s capacity.”

“What do you mean? So, if I eat this all, won’t I get gigantic?” Liam said in confusion because he had his own giant in his apartment due to the effects of the desserts.

“Not really. You might get as big as me or probably bigger than me, but you won’t grow like The Hulk,” Chris responded and chuckled, looking concerned about Liam’s questions. “Is there anything you need to tell me or ask me about your order? Why are you buying so much?”

“Oh… I-I-I want to take some of these to some friends at the gym. They’re not all for me, no,” Liam said with a shaky voice, evidencing he was lying. “I-I’m sure they’ll love them as much as I do.”

“Hmm, okay. Anyway, you better be careful because the effects are powerful sometimes. But then again, they won’t turn you into a monster.” Chris chuckled and started packing the entire stock of the special collection.

Liam couldn’t stop thinking about Aiden’s size because it didn’t make sense considering what Chris said. Aiden’s body had grown enormously, and his balls had expanded a lot more when they had sex. Liam couldn’t find an explanation for what was happening with Aiden, but as Chris handed him the boxes with all the desserts, his mind could only focus on running to the apartment to feed Aiden full of more desserts.

“Thanks so much; you’re awesome as always,” Liam said, smiling at Chris, who still looked concerned.

“It’s cool. Thanks for preferring us, and maybe... Well, I’m not sure what you’re up to, but I’ll give you my number in case you need a special order or something. Feel free to call if you ever need anything,” Chris said, handing Liam a red card with the bakery shop logo and a phone number.

“Thanks. I really appreciate this.” Liam responded with a smile and quickly left the bakery shop.

However, he couldn’t stop thinking about Chris’ words because it didn’t make sense that Aiden had grown so much, so fast, if the desserts had limits. Even then, as he walked back to the apartment, his dick was rock hard in his pants only by imagining Aiden getting even bigger muscles and filling the entire apartment with his body.



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