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When Gavin went in for he and the quads’ two month checkup (with Marcus in tow, of course,) he requested a pregnancy test to confirm what he and his partner already knew. His bewildered doctor confirmed he was pregnant again, then after performing a sonogram, informed the still relatively new couple that this time, Gavin was pregnant with sextuplets. Massive Marcus’ equally massive load had really done the deed!

When they found out “they” were expecting again, the guys switched one of their previous roles… This time it was Gavin who was immediately happy and excited, whereas Marcus was the one who was shocked and worried. When he agreed to them trying again, once again, so soon, he hadn't anticipated they'd end up doubling the number of children they already had?!

As much as he loved them, and as much as he'd loved seeing (and feeling) Gavin grow and change while he carried them, Marcus had been under the impression that the quads had been a fluke! Obviously, multiples ran on both sides of the families, but quadruplets followed immediately by sextuplets?! Holy shit!


Here's the full Epilogue 




Your work is truly amazing! I am in awe and in love! Can't wait for more projects together!