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Apparently the world isn't done shoving these weird, sad, post e3 video game trailers in my face so i guess im not done lookin at em and having opinions and stuff. This is Limited Run Games, a "cool" and "hip" company that like, totally gets it, man. 

For some reason they decided to put a story in their game trailer event, involving a time travel plot back to the first e3 to... i guess save the event by showing trailers or re-releases of old games that hadn't even all come out back then and also new future games in the style of the old games but also physical releases and soundtrack vinyls and cassette tapes and also new finished versions of unreleased old future games on old hardware that also hadn't come out back then oh whatever none of it makes any sense i refuse to think about it anymore because i do not care.

There are a few neat things here and some big classics they're re-releasing. Although i swear half the trailers are for collections that have already been released which is quite perplexing, but again i dont want to think about it too hard because im a grown up with other things to think about. Like how bad and terrible everything in the world is, and all the different ways in which every other living person on earth has negatively impacted my spiritual journey. 

Whatever man, im like water, going with the flow and whatnot. What else can any of us really do? Just put the stuff in my face and let it flow through me while i make my cool but rude, sarcastic comments because im at a point in my life where sarcastic comments are all i have anymore to combat the evils of the world with. 

I want chicken. I'm gonna go walk to the fried chicken store and get some chicken to shove in my face along with whatever else the television decides to throw in the direction of my couch this evening. I just hope it's not more game trailers. 


Limited Run Showcase


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