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I forget which one of you monsters made me watch this, but it's taken me months to recover. In fact this one may have been the provebial straw that finally fucked my mind and killed me. I'd rather make out with a termite mound than subject myself to this devilish disasterpiece ever again.

I don't know what the hell went wrong to make this the kind of stuff you kids are into nowadays, but in my day our heroes weren't some pretty boys in a club, they were old ugly men in a band, and that band was called Motorhead. Pretty Boy Detective club is literally the opposite of Motorhead, unless Lemmy had a P.I. career on the side i didn't know about, then i guess they'd have one thing in common.

But one thing in common ain't enough. It don't make up for the 1004 hateful things about this evil anime. What's the manga printed on, human flesh? I put this show on one tv, and directly across i had another tv playing the haunted VHS from the ring, and da bitch never came out her well. That's how smelly was the helly smell wafting out of the screen every time that hellish little leg-boy spread his smellish bussy.

There you go, the new best and worst sentence ever written. Now that i've used the word bussy for the first and last time in my life it's time for me to retire by driving my car off a cliff. I'm dead and it's your fault, person who requested this.


Your Japanese Animes: Pretty Boy Detective Club

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I enjoyed reading that