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GOD I'm sick of this game and this series. I'm sick of looking at it and sick of hearing myself talk at it. I get it, me. It's cool or something and i'm hilarious and great. What else is new? Well, the point is this might be the longest running Blue Glow series I've done at this point. I lost count of the episode numbers a long time ago but the damn bastard game is finally nearing it's merciful conclusion. 

Higgs is one of the coolest game antagonists ever, specifically because he's so uncool. He's basically a weird gamer autist with a hard on for extinction because he's awkward around girls. He's the only final boss in a game that i can definitively say definitely has a Drive poster in his room. 

He's a real dork, and the game was wise enough to let me live out the ultimate male fantasy of beating up a nerd on the beach. Glad to see all those hours delivering pizzas actually amounted to something. 

Oh by the way, it's sort of an Easter Egg but you do find out Higgs was the one ordering those pizzas just to fuck with you, so there's actually a payoff to it, and an even better second payoff which is finally getting to knock his fucking block off. 

We've had a lot of deaths and done some serious stranding. Next month, so help me God, i conquer this game once and for all, and make this series extinct.


Death Stranding: Beach Nerd Beatdown


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