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Oh look another fake media even showing off 0 games. This time it's specifically games that don't exist for X-Box. What it does have is more boring people with microphones glitching out of the world in a fucked up youtube matrix malfunction. 

Video games are a lie and a waste of life. The only thing that's real and true is hot women's sexy bodies. But even that has to be corrupted by our modern world, driven by clickbait algorithms and annoying guys screaming about sneakers. Nowadays everything's just trying to trick you. 

You find a pretty lady in a sexy little nighty and then right before your eyes she starts stuffing herself in to more and more clothes, it's like a horror movie. You find another pretty lady and she's only a screen shot at the end of a video that has nothing to do with her. It's all a fucking trick and a scam and a mirage.

My point is that X-Box has no games, games are bad and fake anyway, memes aren't funny, the internet is a machine for lies, youtube is full of fuck and i'm fucked out of luck. I have many points today and every day, and they're all scarily true, because i'm woke to the joke, but i ain't laughin. 


Curse of The XBox Games Showcase



Something you might want to know about Elden Ring is that there are parts of it that will seem bad and repetitive unless you really take the time to observe and immerse yourself in the lore. For example there are a lot of reused bosses and the impression I got playing it the first time is that this trend was an inevitable consequence of trying to make a bigger game. And maybe that is the reason for the repetition, ultimately. But whether the depth of the lore or scope of the game was the priority for FromSoft, the repetition and big-game problems are significantly attenuated and even enjoyable if you approach them in a different way (than would be appropriate in pretty much any other game) and use each repeat encounter to try to find something new. A lot can be learned just from the visuals, though the item descriptions are still important. I would say that Elden Ring is harder to enjoy, in general, without becoming a lore enthusiast. The lore is more essential to the true experience of the game (maybe even in the intended experience) than in previous FromSoft games, in large part because the game is so confusing and dense. Hard to say because I haven't played as many games as I'd like, but I would bet money on this being the most confusing video game ever made. So it's a long, long-term investment, which isn't going to be for everyone. It seems like it's intended to be played over a timespan of years—kind of similar to the Elder Scrolls games, arguably. To clarify though, it's understanding the game that takes so much time, not beating the game itself (though it is a long game regardless). I tend to prefer shorter games myself. Even though I think Elden Ring is an incredible game, and so far my 2nd favorite FromSoft title, what I like about the earlier Souls games is that you can still get a coherent and impactful experience without looking as hard; the most meaningful parts of Dark Souls 1 (from what I can tell, still need to get into DS1's lore) are presented more directly to you.