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E3 is dead and in it's place, here's King Jabroni himself, Jackoff Gayley hosting a barely functional youtube stream with 0 games and a neverending procession of randos talking about games. 

I thought it might be fun to react to some game trailers but i forgot this is 2023 and video games don't get made anymore, so fun is not the word i would use in hindsight. Nightmare would be a better word i think. Hellzone would be another. Toilet-hole, whirlpool of boredom. Glitched out broken ass fucking weird corporate presentation of pointless time-wasting nonsense. Something like that.

Yes you can search trailers individually on youtube but the point of a presentation stream is that you know where to be to see all of them, so you might see some you wouldn't have known about or searched for. It's supposed to be about surprises and drumming up excitement or something. Why the fuck does there need to be a host and a thousand interviews? Literally just show trailers back to back you dummies. 

Oh whatever. It doesn't matter. Nothing matters. I'm complaining about nothing to amuse you because the real problems in life are too big to tell. The world is too helly to dwell and my cell is too smelly to sell. Here i rot at the crab bucket's bottom with the crooked cretins who drag me down to their level every time i dare to climb. I'm living life in the ass lane, circling the pain drain. Sucked down the crap tubes with all the wack rubes. Sink it, stink it, and blow it out your boner. Scarf it up, Barf it down poop it in and piss it around while i kick this misery machine into its own asshole sideways. 

I work hard on this nonsense. One day you'll appreciate that, when the world finally breaks, and the brainwashed minds of the vain, lame and blind along with it. But that's not important right now. Here's another kooky video of me getting flustered.


Curse of The Summer Game Fest


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