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Doom Patrol rules. I must hav said that here before at some point, and it's still true. The old comics - good. The show - good. The NEW comics... Well that's what we're here to find out. (Spoiler: good). 

I'm not here to babble and waste time like usual. This is a quick, aggressive, and lean Panel-Cast, not weighed down by an hour of nonsense like usual. That's my way of saying it ended up being a shorter episode, which could be bad or good depending on how you feel about the Pane-Cast i guess. But i just put a longer one up so it's not like you're starved for it. You can enjoy that one and then later enjoy this one which doesn't take as long and then you can hear it and then you can read it and listen to it i mean im the one who reads your the one who feeds... yourself on my sweet contact like it's nectar and your a little hummingbird. Hummingbirds rule.

The sleeping pills are hitting hard. But still words to type. Still talking to do. Tell you about the comics here. Doom Patrol i already said that. Also funny Thing and Hulk comic very good. Big SUPR MAN. hot new character. 

oh yeah there's also a new Tom Kinfg book in hERe. You know how he do. Sometimes his stuff is a horrible torturous nightmare but other times it good. This guy all over the place, but dont worry. I have the answers. This one is good. aaaarrroooo goaaaa ga ba ba foo, ooh noooo. oh. dying. fallng down. slep. 


panelcast doom patrol love everlasting


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