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I do not lower myself to such base emotions as “gamer rage”, i am above that, but i admit this part tested my patience. It pushed me. You could say it brought me close to the edge. You might even say it pushed me right over the edge to that place where lurks the true evil within. The shadow self, waiting to be confronted, accepted, and incorporated into a more complete spiritual destiny.

In other words this crap made me mad. BIG mad. There’s no controller smashing or yelling, that’s amateur hour. People misunderstand what real anger is. You do some funny yelling in some comedy videos and before you know it you've been branded the angry guy forever. But real, genuine frustration is quiet, brooding, and can be a deadly poison if one isn’t mindful.

Good thing I’m so grown and mature that i can demonstrate mindfulness here and now for you all to see what i’m talking about. This is a lesson in how to gain tranquil mastery over negative feelings and harness inner peace to achieve one’s goals. Wisdom is gained through suffering and no man on Earth has suffered more than I.

This specific part of this crap-ass game was the last straw and may have been the final obstacle standing between me and enlightenment. My consciousness now resides on a plain of pure understanding and oneness beyond what any and all others could possibly conceive, let alone appreciate.

This episode is compactly edited and still a full hour of pain, so you can imagine how many countless eons in total were spent on this horrible level before emerging from it like a cocoon of torture with my 3rd eye all the way open.

Yes, i’ve been this woke all along. It’s not even a recent development. Just something nobody else seems to be perceptive enough to notice. But it’s true, i had my spiritual awakening years ago. You can tell this was recorded in ancient times because i reference Dune as a novel and not as the hip new Batista movie.

Not that there’s anything wrong with Batista movies. He’s a cool guy. I’m enlightened enough to find joy in books and Batista. The only thing i don’t find joy in is this stupid level of this bastard game.


evil within achieving nirvana


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