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Another Forza cause i wanna get this series done. There's two more and then i'll do a different game. Maybe finally finish No More Heroes 3 next. Or throw something iwld and unexpected at you. I don't know yet. Therefore no one does. I'm not in the mood for knowing right now. Knowing brings pain. I am ready to make a beast out of myself. 

Bring out the guillotines. That's what i'm saying. But once again my voice goes unheeded, lost in the cacophony of mankind's constant babbling bullshit. Everyone out here talking shit, running their mealy mouths about everything and nothing. Nobody even hears me dropping cool stuff all the time. Teaching. Imparting. Helping. I'm a helper. It's a curse. I'm a real cool guy, that's even worse. 

It's time for some JEEP THRILLS. No relation to the game JEEP THRILLS. I was just trying to make the same cool pun. I get a jeep in this one and do some off-roading. Don't care? Well, what if i told you it's an ANIME Jeep. Yeah, now i've got your attention. I know what you peeps want.

Off Road? More like Off Toad. Like when you pick up a little toad and it immediately pisses on your hand so you go AH gross and you put it back in the grass. That always "pisses" me off. ha ha. Oh god. Enough. Talking. Gaming. Creating. I've had enough of it. No more. No fucking more i say. I've had it with the sewage and trash and the FoCKIN BullSHIIIIIT. 

I took some sleepy pills i don't really know what i'm writing, i don't really care either. I'm in hell. Just sit there. SIT. and ENJOY. my FUCKING. VIDEOGAME RACING GAME with COMMENTARY. WATCH IT OR DIE. 


forza horizon 5 part 3


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