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Merry Christmas, patron-peeps! I'm.... working! Good thing Santa knows I'm a crazy man because that's exactly what i wished for, something productive to do instead of visiting my family. 

Very soon now I'll be stuffing my face with stuffing until my pants explode, and then I'll spend the rest of the evening merrily kicking my feet around satisfied like a bloated, immobile Rizzo The Rat. But first i have a gift wrapped piece of video content to deliver. 

I'm already bursting out of my festive sweater with all the bulging muscle mass I've packed on from clanging and banging out the first of what I'm sure will be many Buff Movie Buff reviews, as requested by those of you JACKED and STRONG enough to pledge 15 buff bucks or more.

The esteemed honor of being the first buff movie power-patron to pay the protein price and get their ticket ripped at the Interior Crocodile Alligator Chevrolet Movie The-Ater goes to The Vacuuminator who slammed his tribute on the table with a violent demand that i watch the 1993 Japanese Jam, Kamen Rider ZO

Spoiler: It's rad as hell. The only thing in question is who's gonna be next to crash through the wall at the buff movie brawl to fling another feature flick in my fuckin face? Take me to task with my tough new tiers and I'll haul ass down to the workshop to vigilantly assemble your Christmas Content!

As a special added bonus, here's a badass music video tribute i put together for no reason at all but to amuse myself. This is the kind of thing that can happen when you drop a request in my lap, you might just get even more than you bargained for! This dude wants a Kamen Rider video? Fuck it, i made two! 

I premiered this little extra ass-kickery on a Cine-Masochist stream last night, prompting him to light up with childlike wonder and exclaim" He's like Guyver... on a BIKE!" 

He sure is. I proudly present to you, Kamen Rider... Misfits edition. 



Kamen Rider ZO - Buff Movie Review



Holy shit, that Hybrid Moments video tribute was awesome. The music choice is always killer.