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Link because bitchute never embeds right: https://www.bitchute.com/video/MSOvGwI9i6Xu/

The Babadook Boys aka The Fart Brothers aka The Buff Movie Buffs ride again with a haunted Halloween Hayride. Oh it's true! It's Damn True! The Cine-masochist and i have once again stayed up until 6 in the morning screaming and laughing like idiots over cool movies.

We watched Oculus and Babadook, two modern horror classics. Since the 10 year old crapbook laptop i use for these things doesn't know what a microphone is anymore, I knew my audio would come out sounding like shit on the stream, so i had the incredible foresight to record my part separately on the good mic from the other room. 

Then i downloaded the stream and painstakingly went through it splicing CM's audio with my good audio. This had the bonus effect of creating a very funny echo that i selectively left in only at moments of peak intensity, for maximum power, you'll hear what i mean. 

The only downside is that my perfectionist devotion to making things actually listenable led to a lot of hours editing, even more hours rendering, and an entire day trying to upload the resulting massive file onto bitchute, the only hosting platform i know of that won't pound my butt for uploading movie footage. This bastard took 17 hours to upload, but that's my burden alone, you just get to enjoy the results, a funny video of loud, insane men ruining a great movie, or making it better if you are also insane. 

For whatever nonsensical computer reason i can't get the babadook portion to download, or else i'd be editing that as well right now. It's just as well, because as is the case with any 2 movie stream, by the time we get to the second feature all coherent attempts at commentary have ceased. Usually by that point i'm half asleep, having sank into my cups and grown weary of being funny, while Pete gets restless and starts wandering around in an inebriated fugue state, guzzling sodey pops and blasting music. Babadook was no exception. I'm sure anyone who dared sit through the entire 6 hour stream died in their chair like Bill Wilkins, but the Oculus portion of the evening contained more than enough inane babbling lunacy for me to edit down into a decently sized, fucking hilarious, mystery science theater comedy podcast fuccboi party for your listening and viewing enjoyment. 

For those who haven't seen the movie we're riffing on here, i highly recommend that you seek it out and give it a watch before having it all spoiled here. It's an underrated gem for sure, easily one of my favorite spookies of the 2010s, and it merits a genuine watch, without two cool but rude maniacs screaming about Goro, 700 pound Drag Queens, and Owen Hart kicking people's legs out of their legs. Once you've seen it for yourself, then you'll be ready to experience the "enhanced" Buff Movie Buff's version, with all our insightful commentary, thought provoking discussions, loud noises, farting, screaming, and other brazenly retarded shenanigans. 


BMB Oculus

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