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Oh boy! It's finally October 19 days ago! That means it's time for... this fuckin shit! 

Scary movies!

Spooky games!

Bullshit reviews!

Do i even need to explain this any further? This is what i do in October. Because i did it one time, and then i kept doing it, that's how these things become things. 

This year i had to make all of these in advance because i'm currently between chapters in the Stephen King novel called my actual life, living in the woods with my fox family until further notice. So if you have a request it'll have to wait till next year, or whenever i come out of my cave and realize there's no real reason to only do these in October. I could do them all the time or whenever i wanted if i so chose, but that's an idea for the future pile. I can't even think about that right now because my beard's too big and i have river salmon to spear. 

If none of this makes any sense don't worry, it actually does. I can't explain it right now, it's a long story. Point is at least i'm done with the fast food videos. For now. 

Okay well i'm sure you're all sick of hearing about the woods. I swear there's a payoff coming for this bit. It'll all come together and make sense just as soon as my life does, which should be sometime between now and half-past doomsday. Blah Blah Blah, words words words, jokes, stalling, whatever let's get to the spookies. 

Our first selection this year is an elegant oldie for a more civillized era, the 1940 Walt Disney classic, Fantasia. Specifically the spooky part, obviously. This segment is called "Night On Bald Mountain", which is where Vince Mcmahon got the inspiration to grow Hulk Hogan by planting dumbbells and cocaine in the freshly tilled soil. Because you see, Hulk Hogan is big and tall, like a mountain, and is also famously bald. That's my joke for today. That'll be 100 billion dollars, which i will accept in precious rubies from the vault of dragons which i assume exists somewhere around the center of the Earth. 

Here's the video, presented on some other weird video site that i don't understand because youtube hates content and doesn't want any. Their loss. I can't get the embed to fucking work so if it won't play for you either here's the fuckin link. Shit like this is why i live in the fuckin woods. Fuck.



Night On Bald Mountain - SSBS



Nicholas Mata

I like when he’s makin the fire bitches in his hand and the outlines of his darkness hand is red and blue, like how they do the outlines for Venom in the 90s Spider-Man cartoon. Always thought that was kewl.