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Or at least the best games from a selection offered by whatever random 12 year old put this tier list together. If you ask me there are more than a few glaring omissions here, not to mention a concerning amount of undeserving zoomer dog shit. But have no fear, As always my immaculate taste and shining wisdom will light the way out of this murky smattering of basic bitch critical darlings, and crush this list like a hunk of coal in my Herculean fist till it glitters and gleams like a diamond in the buff. 

Gaze upon my opinions, ye mighty and despair. All those with darkness in their hearts will be immolated to a heap of cinders by the scorching wave of my spicy takes, while those with the light of Christ within them will bask in the summer sun of my passion and praise. 

Behold, paying patrons of every title and tier, with a proud tier in your percipient eye as the ultimate display of righteousness and reason takes form before the ever-discerning deification of your penetrating parasocial perceptions and cultivated cultural palette, thoroughly threaded into in a towering tapestry of taste and truth that stands tall as a wondrous work of art in it's own right. 

Welcome to the Endless Enlightenment Expo for Erudite Enabler's Grand Galloping Gallery of Gallantly Great Games for Good Guys and Groovy Gals (and some Shitty ones for Shallow Goddamn Gumps who Should Get Shuffled off to the Grisly Gallows to Fucking Die Gruesomely). Or "EEEEEGGGGGGGGGGSSGGSGSGGFDG" for short. 

Basically what i'm trying to say is i hope you enjoy my 3 hour rambling tier list video. Yes, i know this trend only lasted for like a week and immediately died half a year ago, and everyone is sick of seeing them, but don't worry, i'm funny and cool, so it's okay. 


Best Games Of All Time Tier List!



"C'mon ride the train. Hey ride it." Has a entirely new meaning now.


People kept saying how cool the good Devil May Cry games are and I never played any of them but 5 was looking pretty cool from the trailers. When I finally played it at launch I was kind of liking Nero but it wasn't great and V was insanely boring to play. By the time I got to Dante which is actually fun to play I was just super sick of the game and stopped.