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Tsunade slams back another shot of sake, her fifth one since arriving at the bar after a long day of work. In the short time she's been sitting there, she's already drained a small bottle of the potent rice wine and was just barely beginning to feel the effects of chemical induced euphoria hit her brain. It had been a while since she was able to sit back and drink in such a social setting. A week if she was counting the days, which she hadn't been able to do until just a few minutes ago. 

"Lady Tsunade!" A familiar voice called out to the blond.

"Sakura!" The older woman smiled as one of her favorite Shinobi's took a seat next to her at the bar.

"I haven't seen you in a while. Where have you been?" The young, pink haired woman asked.

"I've literally been buried under a mountain of paperwork." Tsunade sighed.

"I see." Sakura replied, "but at least you have the night to enjoy yourself, right?"

"Yeah, until tomorrow at least." The blond answered as she refilled her shot glass with sake.

"Then let's drink till dawn!" Sakura exclaimed as she raised up her glass, waiting for her Hokage to join her in a toast.

"Now you're talking!" Tsunade clinked her sake glass with Sakura's and slammed back another shot of sake.

Being the Hokage brought with it so much paperwork and bureaucratic bullshit that Tsunade found it difficult to find time to relax, but that was simply a natural byproduct that came with long periods of peace. She had an obligation to her friends and fellow villagers to run the village and such work took a toll on her. Of course, it was still preferable to times of war, which ultimately led to bloodshed and death which were always followed by a seemingly never ending river of paperwork regarding said conflict and the expenses that came with it. Needless to say, Tsunade was dedicated to her job and worked hard to ensure prosperity for all who lived within Konoha. So, when she wasn't working herself to the brink of exhaustion, she drank hard.

"I just…" The blond paused, trying to recall what she was trying to say. "It's been a week since I was able to get out of the office and actually do something other than sleep." Tsunade lamented.

"Sounds like you've been working hard. I bet you miss going out on missions, huh?" Sakura replied before taking a sip from her glass bottle.

"Yeah, those were the days. Just go out on assignment, observe a person of interest or take them out if that was needed to be done. The thing I miss the most about those days was that once I returned home I didn't have to worry about it. The mission was done and so was I." Tsunade explained as she took another shot of sake.

"Now I feel bad." Sakura frowned, thinking out loud. "Everytime I complete a mission, that just creates more paperwork for you to do."

"Don't be silly." The blond admonished her younger friend. "You know that when you aren't assigned a mission that someone else still doing it, right?"

"Yeah, I guess you're right." The pink haired girl blushed, feeling foolish for letting the alcohol do the talking for her.

"Besides, when I assign you on a mission I know it will get done properly." Tsunade stated, sipping from her shot glass. "You give me peace of mind when you're on the job!" 

Sakura smiled a sheepish grin, happy to hear that she made Tsunade's job a little less stressful. 

"Still, you weally need to find time to welax." Sakura lisped around her the nipple of her bottle.

"I know, I know." The older woman nodded. "The job is really getting to me."

"Why yu say dat?" Sakura asked before lifting up her huge bottle and nursing from the large plastic nipple.

"I had teh weirdest dweam last week dat I was in a dwinking contest with some wedheaded woman dat I had neber seen before." 

"Wazt's wird abot dat?" Sakura interrupted, slurring her words as she spoke around the large baby bottle in her mouth. A bit of her drink dripped from the corner of her mouth and ran down her chin. 

"I- we, uhhh," Tsunade didn't exactly want to say it out loud, for some reason it seemed really embarrassing. 

"Comon. Id can't beh dat bad." Sakura kept coaxing the blond. 

"We wer wearin diapurs!" Tsunade blurted out loud before covering her mouth."We dwank until we wer dwinking our sake out of baby bottles and somehow we endid up in diapurs." Tsunade explained in a much quieter voice, closer to a whisper.

Sakura shrugged, "Dat doesn't sund so wird to meh."

"Wat? Weally?" Tsunade cocked an eyebrow as she stared down at her drink. 

Something seemed off about it, but she didn't exactly know what. It was the same large glass baby bottle she always drank from. Shrugging, she brought the half full bottle to her lips and sucked on it until it was almost gone. She wanted to get rid of this odd feeling of embarrassment that was plaguing her thoughts. 

"Yeh, weally. It sounds complatlay normal to meh." Sakura giggled.

The blond looked over at her drinking buddy and rubbed her eyes. A giggling, butt naked Sakura sat next to her in some sort of bizarre contraption. Well, she wasn't exactly butt naked, Tsunade noted as she spotted the cloth bib draped across her chest. The bib didn't exactly hide her breasts, but it was definitely working over time absorbing all the drool coming from the pink haired ninja's mouth. 

"Yeh, yu ish eight. Imma bein weally siwwy." Tsunade giggled. 

"Dat's teh spiwit!" Sakura cheered and held up her bottle towards her friend. 

"Cheers!" Tsunade smiled and clinked her big bottle against Sakura's.

The two adult women finished their baby bottles and were generally happy. Tsunade had managed to shake off that perplexing feeling after finishing her bottle and was ready for a second serving. She placed her giant glass baby bottle on the plastic tray that was seemingly attached to the chair and waved her bare arms in the air like a silly baby. 

"Bar keep!" The blond called out, still waving her arms around like a hyperactive toddler. "Anoder baba of siwwy juice!"

"Mak it too!" Sakura added, holding out her empty bottle in a bod to get a refill. 

Ayame walked over to the two diapered women and smiled. 

"Two fresh baba's coming right up for you two cuties!" Ayame cooed and picked up the large, empty bottles from both Tsunade and Sakura's highchair's trays.

As Ayame walked over to the bar she accidently dropped one of the bottles which caused it to hit the ground and then recoil slightly with an echo. The sturdy plastic didn't even dent, but the sound of the bottle hitting the ground startled the blond baby who felt a funny, yet familiar warmth coat her bottom. Tsunade looked down at her diaper and noticed that it was starting to turn yellow. If one of the nannies noticed, she would have to get a diaper change and not be able to drink another baba!

It took her inebriated mind a few moments to process what she was thinking. 'Why would I not want a diaper change? Wait, why am I in a diaper?' Another hush of urine spraying out of her pussy made her spine tingle as her diaper grew warmer. 

"Here's your new baba, Tsu!" Ayame smiled and handed the diapered Hokage a fresh bottle of booze. 

All inquiries about why her pussy was covered on piss or why any reasonable adult would be wearing a diaper instantly vanished as her mind focused on her new bottle. Her eyes were fixated on the golden juice that was trapped within the plastic container. It was trapped for only so long until her mouth met the bottle's nipple and she started liberating her infantile libation. 

"So yummy!" Sakura shouted. 

"It weakly is. Tank you Ayame!"

The two adult babies continued to drink and chat amongst each other for the rest of the night as their surroundings became more and more chaotic as the night went on.

Everything had seemed normal until Tsunade finished her second bottle of alcohol infused juice; the bar was still made out of wood and rows of cheap domestic alcohol still lined the shelves beyond the countertop. However, what was once a normal establishment filled with your average ninjas drinking while the two baby women indulged had descended into pure childish chaos. All around Tsunade and Sakura were women dressed in various infantile outfits. Girls like Tenten wore a onesie and sat with a similarly dressed Hinata. The two girls, and roughly a dozen others, sat playing together with blocks in a communal playpen while Suzume kept a watchful eye over the diapered women. 

Tsunade found herself staring at Ino who was wearing only a thick disposable diaper and sat in a highchair on the other side of the bar facing her. Out of the corner of her eye, Tsunade noticed that the elder, Koharu Utatane, was bottle feeding a rather docile Karin while Samui was dealing with a fiery Temari who was running around, her spiky blond hair done up in four large pigtails that bounced with every step she took. The rambunctious adult baby clad in only a pair of Jean overalls to cover her diaper seemed far too fussy for the mature blond to deal with. 

"So, yu weally don't think yah ned a diaper chage?" Sakura asked her thoroughly inebriated friend. 

"Nope, nod mee." The blond replied as she struggled to hold her head up with her two hands. 

A foul odor emanating from around the blond made the pink haired ninja giggle. Tsunade was going to ask Sakura what was so funny when she smelt the stench coming from her lower half. The high chair had done a decent job of making the scent, but there was no doubt in her mind that she had shit herself. 

"Tsu Tsu poopy! Tsu Tsu Poopy!" Sakura chanted as Tsunade frowned.

"Am not!" The blond lied, trying not to get a diaper change. 

For some reason, her subconscious mind really didn't want her diaper to be changed. There was a reason for it, a reason that eluded the blond, but for the life of her she couldn't think of what it was. 

"Smells like a certain little lady needs her diapee changed." The voice of Suzume cooed.

Tsunade jumped slightly in her highchair which only caused the mush inside her diaper to spread out, making the woman whine and pout. 

"No wanna be changed!" Tsunade shouted. 

The girls in the playpen looked up from their various toys, dolls and puppets to see that Tsunade was having another temper tantrum again. It was fairly common and the girls would've dismissed it if not for how big of a scene the woman was making. Even Karin, who was almost passed out in Koharu's arms, opened her eyes and stared at the spectacle that was taking place.

"I wanna nother baba!" Tsunade screeched, kicking her legs and flailing her arms. 

"I know, sweetie, I know, but first we have to get you all cleaned up and then you can get another baba." The curly haired woman tried to explain.

"Suzume, just let the brat get what she wants. You know she won't listen when she starts acting like this." Ayame explained, handing the big blond brat a baby bottle filled with juice which Tsunade instantly stuck into her mouth.

"I hate spoiling a fussy baby, but I can't argue with results." The curly haired woman laughed as she scooped up Tsunade from her high chair. 

Navigating through a sea of adult toddlers and babies, Suzume finally found a vacant table and laid Tsunade down on her back. The blond winced as her mess was forced to spread even more than before. Still, she didn't mind too much thanks to the bottle of alcohol stuck firmly between her lips. 

A loud ripping of the tapes caught Tsunade slightly off guard as the noise drew her attention away from the nipple in her mouth.

"Such a big poo poo you made." Suzume cooed.

Tsunade didn't even react, she simply went back to drinking her baba while Suzume wiped her cleaned. With a rapid motion, the curly haired caretaker spread cream all over Tsunade's bottom and pussy. She took extra care to not arouse the blond as she gently massaged the diaper cream into her privates. She quickly powered the blond bottle sucker and had all the prep work finished, Suzume lowered Tsunade's bottom back onto a clean disposable diaper and, without a second thought, she started blowing kisses on her toned tummy.

Tsunade couldn't help but react with a fit of laughter which she then desperately tried to cease. That odd part of mind told her to be terrified that the other ninjas would see her giggling like a baby girl and that such a sight was shameful. So, she decided to look away from the bar and turn her head towards the street and, as Suzume taped her into the thick diaper, she spotted a familiar face being pushed down the street in a stroller; the strange redhead from her dream!

In a moment of clarity, Tsunade tried to get up. She had to get up! However, Suzume was just too strong and kept the wriggling woman pinned down on the impromptu changing table. With a huff, Tsunade laid on her back and wondered just who that woman was until Suzume stuck her big baba back into her mouth. 

"Fussy babies need their babas!" The curly haired woman cooed. 

As she suckled on her bottle of alcohol, Tsunade's mind grew calm once more and all thoughts about the strange redhead faded away as her eyes grew heavy. With her belly, now full of booze, and her mind content. It didn't take long for the diapered blond to pass out in Suzume's arms.

To Be Continued...



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