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(Sorry for the delay. This story really is a challenge to write.)

Olivia sulked in the corner, staring at her pastel pink colored booties, not wanting to be seen dressed this way. 'How did I go from having the upper hand over mom to being stuck in this damn playpen dressed like an overgrown baby?'

While the blond wondered where her blackmail plan had gone astray, her mother sat not too far away trying to figure out what she was going to do with her life now that her daughter knew her secret. Normally, she would be playing with blocks or some random noise maker, having a blast, but not today; this wasn't a normal day for the middle aged mother. The afterglow of a loving diaper change had faded into the harsh reality she found herself in. The pit of her stomach felt endless, her head was just barely starting to get over the painful ache that had been pervasively plaguing her thoughts. Speaking of her thoughts, they were starting to focus on the here and now. 

She started to analyze her situation; She was diapered and so was her daughter. It was almost like she was living something out of a bad diaper story, which she herself was guilty of reading every now and then, but unlike the stories on Weeklywaddlers, neither mother or daughter were enjoying themselves. Her daughter knew everything about her hidden fantasy life and had tried to blackmail her "mommy"... it was beyond words. It was like she was living out a nightmare in real time.

The older blond found herself trying to ignore her stressful thoughts by staring at the two redheads who were busy happily playing with one another. Mackenzie's voice could be heard making funny voices for the dolls while her mother giggled and played along. The two made their dolls "walk" around and act out various scenes. 
 Pamela would never admit it, but she was consumed by jealousy. Jealous of the bond that those two women shared. Unlike her daughter, that Mackenzie girl was more than happy to be around her mother even though the older woman wore a diaper no less! It just showed how strong their bond was. 

Now, Pamela didn't exactly want Olivia to be involved in her fetish, but seeing the two women, who were related by blood, interact so sweetly and wholesomely made her heartache. It was almost like she was watching an episode of the Twilight Zone. Everything she had ever wanted was playing out before her very eyes; replace the diaper for a dress and turn back the clock on both Allison and Mackenzie by roughly a decade and a half and this would be exactly how Pamela and Olivia used to spend their afternoons together. They had trust, they cared for one another and Pamela could see that Mackenzie was doing her best to keep her mother comfortable in such an awkward situation. 

With a sigh, Pamela shifted her gaze back over to where her daughter was sulking in the corner. The sight of her daughter dressed like a toddler, made the middle aged mom feel a weird mixture of righteousness and sadness. She felt sad that her daughter didn't love her or care about her. The righteousness came from how the girl had been behaving; she had acted like a spoiled brat and "Mommy" had put her in her place. After all, Pamela didn't ask for her daughter to come barging into her secret life. The blond told herself that only Olivia was to blame for putting herself into this position. It wasn't her business and she had made it her business by coming over here. Pamela had done everything in her power to hide her secret over the years from her husband, but who would've ever imagined that her own daughter would find out her shameful secret?

The fact that the older blond had put herself in such a precarious situation during the course of this turbulent day never seemed to come to her thoughts. Nor did it register to her that her daughter had more in common with her than just the diapers they now wore. She failed to acknowledge that her daughter was only doing what she herself would do in any situation; try to get the upper hand. Maybe she could have done things differently in raising Olivia, but the truth of the matter was plain for anyone with eyes to see; She had raised such a strong young woman who didn't back down. It was only obvious that a household couldn't have two strong women under one roof. Which was why their relationship suffered. 

Why couldn't Pamela see the parallels in her relationship with her mother when compared to her relationship between herself and her daughter? Her overly demanding career had definitely given her less time to contemplate things, possibly blinding her to the truth, but sometimes people just didn't want to see the facts that existed in plain sight. She hated her own mother so much that she couldn't even imagine that she had become the very thing she despised; she had become Eleanor Vickers.

Only hours earlier she was behaving just as poorly as any tantrum throwing toddler when she had struck Ally. Now, she was simply a diapered adult whose thoughts focused on her daughter and how she could come out on top in this bizarre situation while putting her daughter in her place. 

'It would be nice if she would at least apologize to me for sticking her nose where it didn't belong.' Pamela thought to herself. 

"And then Mrs. Moppet goes-"

The sound of Mackenzie's cheery voice came to a sudden stop as Ally dropped the doll she was holding. 

"Uggh" Ally groaned, her hands instantly went for her stomach.

"Mom, what's wrong?" Mackenzie asked, her voice deadly serious. 

"Stomach hurts." Ally grimaced, her hands wrapped around her petite tummy. 

"Are you sick?" Mackenzie thought aloud.

"No, I'm not- sick." Ally struggled to reply.

"Are you sure? Maybe you had something that didn't agree with you?" Mackenzie replied, thinking aloud.

"I need to get to a toilet." Ally answered in a labored voice. 

"Umm, Mommy?" Mackenzie inwardly cursed herself for not getting the woman's real name as she called out to the dominatrix. "Can you tell me where the bathroom is?"

The woman simply known as Mommy looked up from her phone, surprised to hear anyone ask her for the bathroom. It took her a few seconds, but it suddenly dawned on her that Allison's daughter wasn't diapered. 

"It's down the hall and to the right, but I'll have to unlock it for you."

"Thank you, but it's my mom who needs to go."

Mommy stood up from her cushioned chair and walked over to the edge of the playpen and gave Allison cursory glance. Part of her wanted to further punish Ally by refusing to allow her the privilege to use the bathroom. She wanted to tell the young woman that her petulant,  middle aged mother of a toddler was wearing her bathroom, but she ultimately gave in since Mackenzie was literally standing right in front of her. That, and Allison had behaved like a perfect angel since her daughter showed up. So, she would allow the woman to preserve her dignity. Would she offer Olivia or Pamela the same courtesy? Probably not. 

"My baby is growing up." Mommy cooed as she opened the baby gate and waited for Ally to start walking over.

However, when Ally tried to get up and couldn't even get to her feet, Mommy knew that things were going to get messy. The redhead had stopped midway when her midsection was rocked by a severe cramp. Her right hand was currently pressed firmly into the soft floor of the playpen, holding her upright, while her left hand clenched her gut. Mommy had seen this before, the forty two year old was trying not to shit herself and she was utterly failing. 

"Mom, you can do it." Mackenzie cheered in a gentle voice as she offered her hand to her mother.

"I- I don't think I can make it!" Allison cried out as tears started trickling down her face.

A rapid series of short farts escaped from the forty two year old's clenched bottom. Her diaper did a poor job of muffling her flatulence and she instantly found herself staring at a bewildered Olivia and a rather smug Pamela. Averting her gaze, the redhead found herself staring at the floor as the inner lining of her diaper grew warm from her bladder releasing itself. Allison couldn't stop herself from sighing as the wet torrent was absorbed by her diaper. The pressure in her gut subsided only slightly and her mometary respite was short lived as her bottom quivered. 

Mackenzie wasn't purposely staring at her Mother's diaper, she was looking at her face and waiting for her to stand, but she did happen to see the exact moment the disposable garment started drooping down, turning a slightly discolored shade. The only thing that surprised her more than the fact that her mother was pissing herself was the realism of the diaper itself. The damn diaper's designs on the front were actually fading away! 

'Mom peed herself, but why was she still straining unless-' the eighteen year old had an unwanted epiphany, but knew what she had to do.

"Mom, if you can't get to the toilet I don't care. I'll still love you! I hate to see you in pain because of me. I know you're embarrassed, but I'm not going to leave if you have an accident in your diaper." The younger Mcdougall explained in a calm voice.

Hearing those words lifted a huge weight off of Allison's chest. She still had to mess herself, in a room filled with grown women no less, but the fear of her mess causing her daughter to freak out and run away was gone. The reassuring words that Mackenzie had spoken to her were enough to help her finish what her body had started. With a sigh, the forty two year old mother scrunched up her face as she bit down on the digit in her mouth and pushed with everything she had.

An eruption of unladylike sounds echoed from her diapered bottom and pierced the silence of the living room. All eyes were staring at her in disbelief: Olivia couldn't even comprehend that she had just watched a grown woman willingly shit herself while her mother struggled to believe that Mackenzie had not only stuck around but encouraged Allison to mess herself. Even Mommy was stunned by Mackenzie's calm and cool demeanor. 

With a lumpy mess sagging from her backside, Allison popped her glistening and wet thumb from her mouth and tried to ask for help when the gravity of the situation finally became apparent to her; she had just pooped herself in front of two strangers and her daughter! She wanted to cry. She needed to be changed and consoled, but the diapered mother couldn't think of what to say. 'Will Mommy take me to the Nursery and change me or would she be mean and change me out here in front of everyone?!'

"I'm going to need some wipes and a new diaper."

Once more Mackenzie stunned everyone when she opened her mouth. Was she really going to change her mother?!

To Be Continued...




wow talking about a bad situation. Hopefully mommy takes care of it all. Great chapter