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"Malene?!" The unmistakable sound of the CEO's voice practically shook the walls of her secretary's working space. 

"Yes, Madam President?" The heavily endowed woman answered as she stood up from her desk. 

"Follow me into my office!" The Madam of Misery ordered as she walked past the secretary, pushing the large carriage containing her living props for her game of public propaganda into her office.

"Yes, Madam President." Malene replied and followed the older woman obediently. 

"I'll be gone for an hour or so at the meeting." The Auburn haired giantess explained before listing out the tasks she expected her secretary to carry out in her absence, "I need you to feed them, and change them if necessary, and I expect them to be sleeping upon my return. I don't want to deal with them after I speak with the Government officials at the meeting. Understood?"

"Yes, Madam President. Of course!"

"Good." The older woman replied as she walked out of her office slamming the door behind her.

"She is such a bitch and I doubt these two little brats will stop the tabloids from writing about her. They're not even that cute looking!" Malene said to herself before realizing that she had two pairs of ears that had overheard her badmouthing the CEO. She quickly walked over to the carriage and pulled down the pram's hood. 

Jack found himself staring up at the largest set of tits he had ever laid his eyes upon. Yes, the woman was another giantess, but her breasts weren't even proportioned properly with the rest of her body like the other giants he had seen so far. Unlike his new mommy, who seemed a bit flat despite being over twelve feet tall, this woman looked like she had gotten work done in the past, but if she did get a boob job it must've been recently done since she seemed to be having trouble lugging her twin melons around. 

"Can you two brats understand me?" The giantess questioned.

Jack nodded his head just as Kimi did.

"I see." The big breasted giantess stood there for a moment, seemingly deep in thought. "Can you speak?"

Jack and Kimi didn't even know what to say. They were both nursing oversized pacifiers that were practically stretching their jaws out of their sockets. Even if they weren't effectively gagged, they had no clue if they could still talk. 

'Kimi might be able to', Jack thought, but he knew from his earlier experience that he definitely wasn't able to anymore. 

"Hmm, let's try this." The secretary reached down and pulled out Kimi's pacifier before pulling out Jack's soother.

"Ahhh." Kimi sighed as she licked her lips and stretched her mouth into a large O shape.

"So, can you talk, little girl?" The giantess stated in a neutral tone, slightly worried that the little bitch would be able to tattle on her.

"Yean tac."

Kimi tried to speak and failed to produce anything that remotely resembles a language. She simply laid there, struggling to make any sounds from her vocal cords which could be put into anything vaguely coherent. Even if she still had her teeth, she doubted that she could say anything intelligent at all. 

'What the fuck happened to my voice?!'

Malene seemed satisfied with the little baby's babble and knew that she couldn't talk. The fact that the girl's face had gone ghost white after she failed to even utter a single word confirmed to the secretary that her boss had probably removed the young girl's vocal cords. "Well, good. That's one less thing I have to worry about."

"Yu ahh." Jack sighed and didn't even bother trying to continue. He knew better than to keep gibbering since it only further humiliated himself. Not only was it a hit to his pride, but it served as a rude reminder of his new status in life. That and now he couldn't even communicate with anyone. His new "mommy" couldn't be reasoned with, he knew that much from the short time he had been in her presence, but he had held out hope that others could have been persuaded to help himself and his wife until he heard the gibberish which escaped his mouth.

"Since you won't go blathering to your new mommy, I'll let you two little diaper fillers in on a secret; I fucking that woman!"

Jack and Kimi both stared up at their new babysitter as the woman started ranting.

"That damned woman being infertile has not only destroyed my life, but has ruined this country! So, I get to look like a cow and we'll probably be invading yet another country by the end of the month if that bitch and our Leader can come to an agreement." 

The secretary sighed as she hoisted Kimi and Jack out of their carriage and carried them over to a nearby sofa. She sat down and kept the two twins in her arms, cradling their heads against her bosoms.

"So, let me make one thing clear; I don't care if you are her children. You'll listen to me and not give me any shit or I'll punish you both worse than anything she could ever do to you. Got it?"

Jack and Kimi both nodded their heads with wide eyes. There was fear present in their eyes, but the giant woman noticed something else lingering there. She knew that the married couple turned twin siblings were captivated by her enormous tits. Who wouldn't be? Everyone stared at them when she was out in public thanks to that damn Devil in lavender. She had forced her to take lactation supplements to ensure she had milk. Refusal to take the pills meant that she would be fired. Not that it mattered now. She doubted that her breasts would ever return to normal since her milk production was a near constant facet of her life now. Every four hours she had to pump to alleviate the pain.

Unlike any normal person, her boss seemed to forget that an Amazon has no trouble producing milk on their own when in the presence of a Little. Except for her, but that was probably a side effect of her being infertile or proof of her being a demon. Honestly, the secretary wasn't sure of which it was proof of, maybe it was proof of both but she was fairly certain of one thing; her big brown nipples had become fully erect due to the feeling of them brushing up against her maternity bra. It seemed that it didn't take much to bring her nipples to attention these days: seeing a little in a stroller or on their mom's hip? Hard as rocks and leaking. Dry them off after a shower with a towel? She could cut glass with them. They hardened at even the slightest provocation!

"I'm lactating again," Malene frowned as she felt the maternity bra grow wetter as the seconds passed. She had ran out of pads and hoped that she could get through the day without ruining her top, but that was now no longer possible thanks to the sight of the two littles in her arms. "She forces me to take pills in the morning when I arrive and at night before I leave work. Thanks to her, I feel like a cow! I have to use a breast pump five times a day or sometimes six and my lower back is always in pain!"

Kimi actually felt bad for the woman. She was just as much of a possession to that crazy woman as she currently was. If only she could help her out with her problem, maybe it would be a sign of goodwill and get the woman to help them in the future, but that would mean she would have to suck on her giant tits! Even though she was an adult baby, she still was a heterosexual woman and the idea if sucking on another woman's tits seemed incredibly difficult. So, while she felt pity for this woman, she wanted nothing to do with her boobs. 

"And she expects me to feed you two brats at least three times a day! Can you believe that?" Malene sighed, and brought her hands past the heads of the two twins so she could start rubbing the undersides of her swollen breasts.

Jack was mesmerized by the sight. Even though the thought of drinking milk from the giant's tits was gross and downright disgusting, her bountiful bosom was trembling right in front of his face. Try as he might, few men could say no to such a sight! As he stared at the woman massaging her breasts, he noticed that the tips of her nipples were beading up with fresh milk and It looked like her aching tits were ready to burst!

"Don't just stare at me, you little brats. Start sucking!" Malene ordered as small streams of milk started to trickle down her engorged breasts.

Jack and Kimi didn't know how to process the order they had just been given. The former man would've pawed happily at the breast if they belonged to Kimi, but sucking on them was a rather tall order. While her husband looked conflicted about the order they were given, the diminutive face of Kimi looked positively shocked. She wasn't even sure she had heard the giantess correctly. Yes, she had been expecting her to say it, but hearing it and thinking about it are two different things entirely. 

"I'm going to give you two one last chance to obey or I'll spank you until your mother returns!"

Kimi closed her eyes and prayed that the milk at least tasted good. The last thing she wanted was to drink something that tasted like warm yogurt that had been left out of the fridge overnight. If it tasted like warm cheese curds, she knew she would puke all over the giant. 

'Here goes nothing.'

However, when she took her first tentative suck, neither of things crossed her mind. She didn't throw up in disgust or taste anything fermented ir vile. In fact, it was the most rich and creamy beverage she had ever tasted in all of her life! Not only was it delicious, but she craved more! The more she sucked, the better it tasted and the more babyish she felt.

When Jack saw that his wife had latched onto the woman's right nipple, he decided that he should join in since it wouldn't benefit either of them if he tried to take a stand against the woman. So, with a slight hesitation, he wrapped his lips around the large nipple and worked it between his gums, forcing it to spray random spurts of milk into his mouth. 

Unlike his wife, Jack hadn't given very much thought to what the milk might taste like. He was sure it was going to be warm and, other than that, he hadn't given it very much thought. However, the taste of the milk was absolutely divine! It cascaded across his toothless gums like a velvet liqueur. The more he drank, the better it tasted and the more his greed overwhelmed him. He started to use the muscles in the back of his throat to produce a powerful vacuum in his mouth that seemed to be drawing an incredible amount of milk per suckle. 

Malene couldn't help but notice the intensity that the once reluctant twin suckled on her breast. It was so forceful, but felt so good to feel her once engorged breast start to shrink slightly. 'If only the other girl knew how to-'


Kimi might've noticed the giantess' startled response to her increased suckling if she wasn't so fixated on draining the breast in front of her face. With every suckle her tongue danced in a sea of sinfully smooth ambrosia that threatened to overwhelm her mind. She was like an addict seeking her fix and she would work that nipple in between her lips until she drained the very last drop of milk from the giant's tit.

Malene laid her head back against the top of the couch and closed her eyes as the sensations of warm and wet mouths devoid of teeth rocked her chest as the two Littles attacked her niples. She tried not to moan when both siblings started nursing even harder on her tits, side by side, gorging themselves on her milk like they were starving and it might've been possible that they were. Malene found herself wondering if her cold hearted bitch of a boss would even remember to feed them regularly. That’s when she realized with a grimace that that was supposed to be her job from now on. Answer phones, schedule appointments, meetings and, on top of all of her other secretarial duties, she was now supposed to be a nursemaid to these little shits? 

Over the years, she had put in a lot of work and was rewarded for her diligence with a position working under one of the most feared and powerful women in all the nation. Her boss ran the company like one cohesive unit and let nothing get in her way. Unlike other women who wanted a baby, the woman she had known for close to a decade wanted nothing to do with them and now that she had a pair of twins, Malene knew that she was going to be forced to add "nanny" to her resume when she inevitably got sick of dealing with Ms. Swartz. 

Out of all the cunning and diabolical schemes her boss worked up, this had to be the most basic and unimaginative. Malene could only hope that the plan backfired so these two brats could be shipped off to an orphanage to be brainwashed and given to whoever wanted them. Then she could find a surgeon to fix her boobs. 

While the secretary laid back against the couch, Kimi and Jack were nursing like their lives depended on it. They were so preoccupied with drinking as much milk as they possibly could that they failed to notice a churning in their stomachs. Their bloated guts were beginning to ache and were building up to produce an imminent explosion in their diapers. Subconsciously, they had already pissed, the padding between their legs was pressing against their latex sleep sacks, soaked to the brim with their urine since their bladders were the first thing to give out. However, unlike urinary continence, adult fecal continence was one of the hardest parts of the body to overwhelm, but thanks to the lactation supplements an already potent supply of Amazonian milk had been amplified. 

Unbeknownst to Malene, she was actually  testing a new drug for the research and development department, not an already verified supplement like she thought it was. This new drug not only increased her milk supply, like any other lactation supplement, but it made the little who drank the milk form a physiological bond with whomever produced the milk. On top of its psychoactive properties, the drug had a profound effect on the physical health of the recipient. The little who drank the milk would gain more weight thus ensuring that they didn't need to be fed as much since the mother could only produce so much milk a day with the help of the supplements. 

However, these pills were only supposed to be used by women who couldn't produce milk, not by women like Malene who had an abundant supply of milk. Her swollen breasts and female hormones would force her to breastfed multiple times a day once she had startrd which would ultimately mean that the baby drinking her milk would rapidly become obese. 

Her boss had no clue about these side effects and ultimately ignored the warnings given to her by her head of RnD when she had forced Malene to start taking them. She simply told her best and brightest scientist that it would save money on volunteers. 

For roughly ten minutes, Malene laid there peacefully as the two twins fed from her breast milk. By her estimate and experience with the breastpump, she had lost at least a dozen ounces or so from each tit. If things kept up like this, she might be able to walk around without any back pain! However, her luck wasn’t going to last that long...

A loud, violent fart pierced the relative silence of the office as Jack continued to nurse. Absentmindedly, he started to push out his first of many milk based messes. It slowly filled out the bottom of his diaper, much like a water balloon before growing thicker as the sludge built up and coated his new mound and bottom. The diaper rapidly began bulging outwards, creating a huge ball shape against his sleep sack.  

Kimi too was pooping her pampers, but she was far too focused on the nipple in her mouth to take notice of the warm and viscous material gathering against her skin in her diaper. Just like her husband's pampers, hers was expanding outwards at a tremendous pace while growing in both weight and size. She didn't even notice when the bulky, overfilled diaper started to leak.

A foul putrid stench caused Malene to open her eyes and take a long unpleasant wiff. There was no denying it, the foul odor was wafting up to her face from the two twin hell spawns that were vigorously slurping on her chest.

"Which one of you little bastards fudged your huggies?" 

When she received no answer, the irate secretary yanked the two greedy little babies from her teats, shocking them out of their trance.

"Eww! You both shit your pants!"

This declaration caused both Jack and Kimi to crane their heads downwards and see that their diapers were not only overly inflated by feces, but that they were also leaking as evident by the bottom of their sleeper sacks dripping tiny drops of discolored fluid. 

"Oh, you two are in for it now!"

To Be Continued...



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