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A bulbous figure descended from the sky slowly, feet first, as if riding an elevator down to the ground. It's body cloaked in what could only be described as a pink colored onesie. As it neared closer to the group of women on the ground, they could make out an odd flap of skin atop it's head, much like a bonnet. Not only did that catch their attention, but they also saw the little booties adorning the feet of the creature, all in the same matching hue of pink.

Finally, the alien landed on the ground, both of it's bootie clad feet standing on firm soil. It's smooth, blue skin glimmered in the sunlight, not quite baby blue, but definitely a pastel shade of cerulean. A tail whirled around behind the odd figure complete with an absurd pink bow tied firmly around the tip of the tail. Although an infantile looking entity, it certainly towered over them all, it may have even been close to seven feet tall!

The women were definitely caught off guard by this creation and it's sudden interruption of their babies' playdate. Each one noticed something different. Videl saw that the unexpected visitor had on a big white bib and, she noted an unmistakable bulge beneath it's odd clothing. Chi Chi and Bulma both came to the same conclusion mentally that the creature was obviously wearing a diaper. 18 couldn't shake the notion that the creature looked like an odd cross between Buu and Frieza.

Breaking the awkward silence, the alien spoke in a high pitched voice.

“My name is Babu, and I wanna fight Goku”

"That's hilarious! A giant baby wants to fight my husband!"

Chi Chi declared, trying not to chuckle.

Meanwhile, Videl and Burma both looked confused by the proclamation this ridiculous looking alien made while 18 stood quietly by her friends. She was studying this being, trying to figure out if it was a threat or some kind of joke sent by Lord Beerus.

“HEY, lady with the black ball on her head!

"I am NOT Baby! My name is Babu!"

The alien paused before continuing to shout.


"And I wanna fight Goku!" The creature looked around. "Where is he?"

Chi Chi stepped forward, stifling her laughter.

"He's not here right now."

"Yeah, he's on another planet, training with my husband."

Bulma added.

"You must be hiding him!" Babu accused.

"No, he went to go train with Lord Beerus."

Chi Chi replied, getting a little annoyed with the infantile party crasher.

"But I wanna fight him!"

"Sorry, he's not here and he won't be back for a month." Chi Chi replied in an annoyed tone.

"He is playing hide and seek on another planet, but I want someone to fight who is really strong!"

Babu reasoned with a pout. Still, she demanded a new challenger be brought to her.

"There's no one here who will fight you."

Videl spoke up, stepping out from behind the others.

"No fair!"

Babu wailed like an overgrown brat, her frills around her neck and limbs flared out as she powered up. Sparks of highly concentrated Kai power started flying off of Babu, bolting away from Babu and missing the mountain home, blowing things up in the forest.

"You must be very thirsty and hungry after such a long trip through space. How about you come inside for some tea and snacks?"

Bulma offered, trying to defuse the tense situation.

"Yes, you're our guest and I insist you come inside and join us!"

Videl followed Bulma's example.

"Tea parties are fun! Babu will join you!"

The babyish giant smiled and walked towards the women.

"I don't want that thing in my-" Chi Chi's nagging was cut short by Bulma nudging her in the ribs.

"This thing is powerful, we got to keep it happy until it decides to leave, understand?" Bulma whispered into Chi Chi's ear.

"Fine, but I'm against it!"

"Duly noted." Bulma muttered as she walked back into the raven haired woman's house.

She was followed by 18, Chi Chi and Videl, the latter held the door open for Babu who had to duck when entering through the doorframe due her large stature. Once inside, the alien spotted the babies inside their paypen, rolling around on the ground while they played with their toys.

"That looks fun!" Babu exclaimed in childish excitement. "Me wanna join them in there!"

Suddenly, 18 and Chi Chi had to grab Babu by the back of her onesie, holding her in place, least she actually jumped into the playpen. The last thing either of the mothers and grandmother wanted was an oversized alien baby, who had a temper problem, playing with their kids.

Trunks, Goten and Marron looked on from the other side of the room in wonder and astonishment. Marron and Goten had never seen such a bizarrely dressed alien before. Meanwhile,Trunks tried not to laugh at the bizarrely dressed alien. Much like his father, the boy's ego was stronger than any childlike curiosity. The lavender haired boy instantly thought be could beat up Babu, if it was necessary.

"Don't you want to join us for Tea?" Videl asked, trying to remind Babu why she had accepted their invitation to join them.

"That's right! I love playing tea parties!"

Babu bellowed and instantaneously stopped struggling with 18 and Chi Chi, causing both women to fall back on to the floor.

Of course, Babu was too preoccupied by the notion of a tea party to notice that the blond haired woman and the "ball haired lady", as the alien had named Chi Chi, were laying on the floor, twitching.

Bulma quickly helped both of the fallen mothers get up onto their feet.

"What are we going to do with this thing!?"

Chi Chi bitched at her blue haired friend.

"We're going to distract it until it gets bored and leaves." The scientist explained in a no nonsense tone.

"Easier said then done. This alien is strong." 18 chimed in.

"Hey, you guys going to join us for some tea!?" The youngest mother called from her spot next to Babu at the table.

Bulma led the way, flanked by a slightly annoyed Chi Chi and a stoic Android 18. All the mothers knew that they had to entertain this overgrown infant as best as they could. They wasted no time taking their seats around the table. Hopefully, some nice chocolates and tea could placate the creature.

"What is this?!"

Babu asked, her innocent naivety on display as she marveled over the simple tea cup. She had played tea party before, but never with real tea in the cups.

"Why does it not have a lid? Won't it spill?"

Videl did her best to field the seemingly random question the alien threw at her.

"Well, you just hold it between your three fingers and sip it slow. But be careful! It's hot!"

"Why not just use a sippy cup?"

"Because we're adults." Chi Chi retorted in a flat tone.

Babu ignored the raven haired housewives' rudeness and grabbed a handful of chocolates.

"These look yummy!"

She popped a few into the air and let them land onto her outstretched tongue, pulling the confectioneries into her mouth and gobbling them up in one swift swallow. The women watched the infantile alien's face grow an odd shade of green which foreshadowed Babu's next move.

"Yucky! Peew!"

Babu spat the disgustingly bitter chocolates onto Chi Chi's rug.

Upon seeing this, the grandmother felt a vein protruding on her forehead.

To Be Continued...



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