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Raven floated about, awash in the cosmic darkness of a timeless void, with nothing but her thoughts to keep her aware of her existence. 'What the hell is happening?' The teen kept wondering. 'Am I dead and is this something akin to purgatory?'  She struggled with the last thing she had done before everything faded to black: Wetting her diaper as she sat on a toddler's training toilet. 'Why was I in such a situation? Why could I not communicate to Starfire in a coherent and proper manner?' A twinkling light pierced the confines of the never ending blackness, catching her attention, spreading tremendously fast, approaching her being until everything around her was blanketed in white. It was technically no different than the darkness which surrounded her moments ago, but it had to mean something. It had to be significant in some way. Her monochromatic purgatory didn't last long as scents assaulted her nose, awakening the teen's sense of smell. Then came the sound of Starfire's voice, coming at her from so far away, it may as well have been an echo from another time. "My little bumgorf is hungry isn't she?" As if someone flicked on a light switch, Raven suddenly found herself sat on a soft, cushy surface, in what looked like a cartoonishly cliché kitchen straight out of the fifties. She could see her friend, Starfire, stirring a pot of some sort of stew. An apron tied around her back which protected her long, lavender dress was punctuated with a big, white bow. The Tamaranean hummed a tune while she tended to her cooking. Needless to say, the stench of the cooking was what caught her attention the most. It smelt as if a sushi restaurant had mated with a bathroom. However, the putrid smell of a public lavatory was overwhelming her nose far more than the week old sushi scent. She peered down at herself, instant taking in her state of dress, or lack thereof: a simple, pink bib bedecked with a certain cartoon pony, from a popular girl's cartoon, stared back at her while doing a lousy job of covering her budding breasts. Beyond the plastic white tray was what she should've seen coming, but it still surprised her: a huge, pink disposable diaper wrapped tightly around her petite waist, it rode high since the Gothic girl could barely see her belly button. Raven wriggled in her infantile chair, hoping against everything her mind was screaming, that the horrid smell was NOT coming from her diaper. Sadly, her cheeks slid easily about in her plastic prison, simply spreading the cooling mess all over her tight buns, confirming her fears about where the stench was eliminating from. She could only lament, frustrated when her squirming caused the stink to increase tenfold, pelting her nose once more.'Ugh, it's definitely coming from my diaper.' "Having fun over there, my little bumgorf?" The pale teen could only look up, sheepishly, caught in the act of wiggling her butt against the seat of her high chair while trapped in a very packed pamper. Raven stared at her friend and tried to speak to her. "Id nud wut it wook wike!" "Aww, it appears to me that you're hungry for some of mama Starfire's cooking." The orange teen smiled a warm, motherly smile. 'Great, more of this baby talk crap.' Raven slumped down in her seat, defeated for the time being and squishing the muck once more. 'Ewww, I gotta get a change, at least. This is so bad, compared to a wet diaper!' "Staw, I ned chainjing!" Raven sighed after her babyish declaration.'God, my tongue is useless.' "Right this second, mama is cooking, sweetness." Starfire stated, bending down to pull a pie from the oven. " however, after we fill that tum tums with some num nums, I'll preform the changing of the diaper." 'Seriously? She knows that I'm sitting in my own shit and she's going to make me wait?!' The orange skinned, caricature of a fifties house wife, floated across the checked floor, black and white tiles alternated throughout the kitchen, towards the oversized teenaged infant.  The diaper clad teen could careless about how her friend was dressed. What mattered most to the Gothic girl was the culinary abomination which she knew her friend was holding in her hand. There were many instances, in the past, where Starfire had offered her some "good ole fashion Tamaranean home cooking", but she never could bring herself to try any of it due to how disgusting the food always looked. Now would be no different, she was certain of that. "The dinner is served!" The bubbly alien announced to her high chair blunder teammate. it was a pie with a purple filling that had green worms/bugs inside of it.  Raven could only stare in disbelief at what was placed on the tray in front of her. She reached out her finger, slowly, and poked the pie, hoping that it was something edible, something hallway normal. The pie responded in a most unusual manner: a glowing, neon green worm popped up from within the depths of the pie, dripping in the purple juice that filled the pie, wriggling about. Raven pulled back her hand, recoiling in disgust, wanting to get as far away from that damned bug filled pie as humanly possible. "What's the matter? Don't you like your din dins?" Starfire cooed. Raven crossed her arms over her bib covered breasts, shaking her head disdainfully. She would never eat this green worm inhabited, purple mush oozing pie! It may have been what a Tammerian considered edible, but not to Raven. Why couldn't she be served pizza or something like that? Hell, even if it was in blended up and served to her in a cup, she'd happily eat it if she was given the opportunity.  However, she didn't have much of a choice since Starfire had already scooped up a huge serving of the purple mush and held it before the pale diaper girl. "Please open up for mama." Starfire asked nicely. Raven snuck a peek and instantly regretted it: staring right back at her was a big glob of purple goop, bland and unapp etizing in its appearance. She almost gave in and opened her mouth, but right before she, a big Green worm floundered about, flopping in the goop. "Noooo!" -- there was no way she was going to eat any of that worm infested slo p... "Please, baby Rae Rae. Can you do it for mama?" The orange Titan forced the spoon towards her pale counterpart, trying to push it past the petulant teen's lips. A bit of the juice breached her tight, pouty lips and almost caused her to gag once she realized that it was on her tongue. Her taste buds recoiled and she physically felt ill. 'How could Star just ignore the fact that I don't want to eat this, crap!' Her body tensed up as she felt her queasiness morph into something that she could not describe: a deep sorrow. An ocean of despair at the very idea that she'd be forced to eat another bite of this without any regard for how it made her feel. That feeling, coupled with the very real load in her huggies, made her do something she rarely ever did: cry. The poor teen let loose a pitiful and infantile cry, one that would've been enough to put any two year old's best outburst to shame. Her cries sounding more akin to a spoiled infant than a grown woman. She could feel the tears streaming down her face as the long, plaintive cries turned to sobs. As if on autopilot, her legs started kicking out in anger. "It's okay, please silence your cries. Mama cooked you up some Glorg!" Starfire sauntered back over to the stove, taking the vile pile with her, while Raven's babyish outburst was winding down.  Raven hiccuped, causing her to open her tear stained eyes, and, much to her relief, the pie was gone. The Gothic girl was definitely grateful for this slight victory, but she certainly wasn't proud of how she achieved it. In fact, she had acted just like a spoiled brat who didn't get a cookie. What bothered her more than the way she had behaved was the fact that it came out of nowhere. One moment, she was grossed out, but okay. Then the next moment, crying like a teething toddler! Starfire didn't give her newly adopted daughter much time to ponder her bipolar baby emotions. Standing in front of Raven's high chair, she sat a nice hearty bowl of Glorg onto the plastic tray, knowing that this rarely served treat should cheer up her baby. She used a new, rubber spoon to scoop up a large portion of the fishy scented, warm mush and brought it towards Raven's mouth. 'Not again!' She clamped her lips tight, sealing them while turning her head away from Starfire. The Glorg was smeared across her lips and down her chin, but Raven wouldn't give in, not wanting to have to taste test another culinary concoction. “Come on, Raven,” Starefire pleaded, "it's your favorite!"  "Nod gonna eats id!" Raven declared in her toddler's lisp, but it gave Starfire the literal opening she was looking for. She instantly shoved in the spoonful of Glorg, taking advantage of the situation, pushing the tasteless mush into the Gothic girl's wide open mouth.  Raven winced, waiting for her senses to scream out in disgust, but that never happened. No, the warm, orange pulp filling her mouth was a very vivid and flavorful experience: a hybrid unlike any other she'd ever tasted on Earth! Competiting flavors fought for her taste buds favor. It tasted like Sushi at first and then, a hint of citrus, overwhelmed her tongue. It was like a orange flavored sherbert! The aftertaste of ice creamy goodness left her in awe after she swallowed. "Mor pwease!" The Goth begged with puppy dog eyes. “Here comes the Tamaranean intergalactic cruiser!" Starfire held out another glop of Glorg. A very eager Raven leaned forward, smooshing the contents of her diaper again, just to get another serving of the glorious Glorg. She cared not that she had the purple pie and orange food smeared across her lips and chin or that her face was gettin g more messy by the second. Each spoonful brought her such joy, such happiness, such arousal?  She involuntarily let out an unexpected, euphoric moan. The girl blushed, she could feel her body growing warm and her diaper had become such a sopping mess so quickly. Still, she couldn't do much more than squirm and wriggle in her seat, trying to edge herself to orgasm as she was spoon fed the entire bowl.  "Wud?" she’d emptied the bowl, coming out of her lust filled stupor. 'No more Glorg and no orgasm either!' All she could do was sit back, burping softly, while scanning the kitchen. 'Oh, good. She said going to get me another serving!' Raven closed her eyes, relaxing for the moment, ready to eat another bowl and happy for another chance to try to orgasm. "Here we are, my precious little Bumgorf!" Starfire placed a new bowl in front of Raven. “Wha da ell?”  Just by the smell alone, Raven knew it wasn't Glorg. Not even close! She lifted up off her seat, bloated diaper and all, to inspect the contents of this new meal. Inside the bowl was a sickening concoction, a paste made from what appeared to be mashed up baby food! The once happy and horny Goth felt her stomach lurch. Vegetables would have been fine, but pureed baby food wasn't exactly her go to food. She couldn't even recall a time when she actually ate the stuff.  “Open the hatch for the imperial Tamaranean battle cruiser!” Starfire ordered, in a tone reserved for infants, as she brought the pirple, rubber spoon of goop up to her mout h. Raven didn't know if she should try it or not, hesitating while her lips and chin became increasingly smeared with every ounce of the baby slop. It dripped down onto her bib and the front of her diaper.The Goth could feel the warm gruel like substance leak onto her breasts. Reluctantly, she opened her mouth since she did not want any more muck to get on her body. As she took a bite, her cute face scrunched up in disgust. Raven thrashed in her high chair, shaking her head, pounding her fists against the tray while her eyes watered. It was one of the worst things that she had ever forced herself to swallow! The putrid mush went down slowly, a chunky constancy that's flavor was beyond description. The pampered teen could only choke it down painfully. Once it was all gone, she stuck out her tongue and used her hands to cleanse her palate. Her black fingernails scrapping the dispised taste from the surface of her tongue. Starfire merely laughed, already scooped up another spoonful of the nasty Tamaranean baby food. "This will help make mama a wonderous present." Raven looked up, "Wud?" Before she could close her lips, Starfire had shoved the spoon past her lips. With a groan, she began the horrible process of eating the chunky goop all over again. She somehow forced it down, letting out a fresh whimper when she saw that Starfire had already loaded up another spoonful. All the teenaged baby could do was squeeze her eyes shut, trying to block out the taste while opening her mouth for the next bite. She focused on swallowing, not even trying to chew because if she did, it would just get stuck in between her teeth and that was the last thing she wanted. However, she had more pressing issues: she was starting to feel full, her stomach was almost as bloated as her diaper. Raven knew that, for some reason, Starfire wanted her to poop her diaper again. Finally, at long last, she was finished. She sat in her all white high chair, watching her fellow Titan take away the bowl, with a sense of accomplishment. Even though all of this alien food was starting to reek havoc on her digestive tract, Raven was too full to care. 'If Starfire wanted a diaper to change, she was going to get a very messy diaper to change!' Raven lifted her bottom off of the seat, leaning over the tray of her chair and started pushing with all her might, straining to empty her tummy of the volatile mixture of Glorg and Tamerrian baby food. A few farts signified that things were in motion, but once the warm log landed on top of the pile that already lined her diaper, the Gothic girl started to feel a little bit better. Still, there was so much more in there, she knew it. Another fart sounded off and a hot, slick torrent erupted from her bottom. She sighed in relief as her diaper sagged lower and lower.  "Raven!" Starfire shrieked. "What's gotten into you?!" Before Raven could even blink, the alien flew up to the high chair and planted her hands firmly on Raven's shoulders, pushing her back down into her seat. The Gothic diaper girl squealed in shock, feeling her bottom submerge into the poopy pamper as she was forced to sit. It was a very weird sensation, warm and lumpy, gooey in areas.  "I hadta go poopeh!" "I do not care, you could've gotten hurt!" Starfire scolded the overgrown brat. "Pleawse chang meh!" Raven didn't know what caused her to cringe the most: her lisp, the state of her disposable underwear or Starfire's answer. "No! You are not the boss. I will let you stew in that diaper. Maybe then, a lesson will be learned."  "Com on, Stawfiyar!" Raven pouted. "No, we cannot be late!" Starfire's voice started to sound distant to the teen in the poop packed pink pampers. "Lat fur wad?!" Raven denanded, but her question was ignored as Starfire scooped her from underneath her armpits and flew her over to an average looking baby stroller. A stroller just big enough to fit Raven, but small enough to be pushed by Starfire. Raven tried to rebel, kicking and flailing her arms, but it was no use, she was quickly strapped and buckled into place, her pink pamper ballooning out in the front.'Don't take me out in public like this!' "Nooo, don tak meh out wike dis!" Raven sounded so pitiful, even to herself, but she noticed that her voice had a warbled quality to it, as if time and space were becoming disjointed.  Starefire simply ignored Raven and opened the front door, revealing a vast chasm of darkness. Raven was powerless to stopped Starfire from pushing her through the door, a portal into her monochromatic void. Even before she fully entered the abyss, she could feel everything turn into nothingness. 'What fresh hell is next?!' To Be Continued...



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