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Through her crib bars, Kallen watched with a morbid curiosity as the last person in the world, she expected to enter this damned nursery, strolled right in. "Does my little baby Kōzuki need her diaper changed?" Mrs. Stadtfeld cooed. The noble woman looked no different than the young rebel could recall. However, everything was magnified by her new found stature. She stood at least twenty feet tall compared to Kallen's mere five feet and seven inches of height. Her blond hair was done up in the same old ridiculous bun as always, bound by the red band, a generous strand of the hair dangled in front of her face, ending in a slight twist. Even while tending to her "babies", she wore her regal purple dress which ended just below her bountiful breasts. Kallen had to double take as her step mother made her way over to the bassinet.'Wait a minute. Mrs. Stadtfeld was never this well endowed. What the fuck is going on? Those things look like Double her normal size!' While the young woman struggled to comprehend why she was now a tiny, adult sized baby, her step mother bent down and took a whiff of the air just above the bassinet which was inhabited by the crying adult. "Whew!" Mrs. Stadtfeld exclaimed and comically fanned away the stink from in front of her nose. "Someone made mommy a present. Yes, she did!" The giant noble woman cooed. Kallen grew disgusted by this infantile drive,l that her step mother was spewing, and voiced her anger."Hey!" Kallen shouted. "I have no idea how you got so tall, but you better let me out of this disgusting diaper and get me out of here!" Mrs. Stadtfeld suddenly shot the trapped young woman a dirty look, one of annoyance and contempt. It was as if Kallen had interrupted some perverse game and shattered the illusion. Kallen quickly backed up against the railing behind her. 'Shit, she's pissed and I'm cornered!'. In a matter of seconds the giantess was standing on the other side of the crib's bars. The Captain of Zero squad stared up, past the ridiculously large pair of breasts that sat on the railing, at her giant of a step mother. An overwhelming sense of fear washed over the pampered pilot. Mrs. Stadtfeld towered above the crib, gazing down, her eyes meeting her step daughter's eyes. The two women shared this stare until the huge woman's scowl turned into a wicked grin. "Looks like the black sheep is finally awake." "What's that supposed to mean?" Kallen couldn't help but ask. The giant noble woman paid her step daughter no mind, instead opting to bend over the crib's railing and stick a finger into the leg guard of Kallen's oversized pamper. "Seems you're dry. Well, not for long. Baby Kōzuki needs a new diaper." Mrs. Stadtfeld explained in a tone filled with malice as she ripped off the offending garment from Kallen's petite body. Quickly, the young woman brought her hands down to shield her crotch, which was now as bald as the day she was first born. 'Obviously, she waxed me when I was asleep. Still, at least she removed that damn diaper like I asked.' "Here sweetie, mommy got you a fresh new diaper to wear." Once more, Mrs. Stadtfeld cooed down at the sobbing captive in the oversized bassinet. She tried to sooth the unseen adult within by cooing at them and playing "peek a boo" while holding the disposable that came from the magenta haired teen in front of her face, randomly popping at the poor soul trapped within the bassinet. Growing tiredly of the baby games, the tall woman sighed. "Let's get you changed." Compelled to watch this bizarre spectacle, Kallen couldn't look away. In fact, she practically had a front row seat as her step mother lifted the womanly legs of the baby who laid inside the baby basket. A few wipes and coos later had the unknown baby woman clean and taped into Kallen's old disposable. Meanwhile, Mrs. Stadtfeld admired the putrid pamper, full of poop, with a sinister smile. Before Kallen could put two and two together, the statuesque noble woman marched over to her crib, holding the destroyed disposable. "Look at what we have here. A naughty little baby is nakkie. I better put you into a diaper before you ruin your crib mattress." The blond giantess proclaimed, grabbing her step daughters by the ankles with her left hand while her right hand held the "new" diaper. "Nooo!" The young soldier screamed at the top of her lungs. "I won't wear that! You can't make me!" "Tsk, tsk. Such a fussy baby." Mrs. Stadtfeld started in mock surprise, lifting her step daughter's shapely ass off of the bed. "I think I'll have to have the doctor take a look at those pesky vocal cords one day soon." Kallen shut her mouth in abject horror, she couldn't believe what she just heard. On top of that she felt the warm muck slowly caress her butt as the dirty disposable was brought between legs, taped up agonising slow. "Yes, then you'll be a good girl like your mommy is. She knows only to cry when she needs something, just like a good little girl should." The stunned Captain of Zero Squad was hit by the insane revelation that the other baby woman was none other than her very own, biological mother! 'How could this be happening?! How could this be real?!' Kallen struggled to comprehend this strange reality that she had awakened to. Here she sat, in a humongous crib, sitting in her mother's very warm, very used soiled diaper while her step mother pranced around this obscene nursery. Something nagged at the young woman, besides the muck filled pamper, and that was the fear that this was only the beginning of her torment. To Be Continued....



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