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It was just another day at the Smith Household as Stan was gathering a shit load of weapons: gatling-guns, machine-guns, pistols and all sorts of crazy stuff strapped to him like a battle-ready warrior from Hell. "Francine, where is my power staff?" Stan asked, standing by the front door. "It should be right by the door where I left it." "I must have put it away. You know I've been doing my yearly Spring Cleaning." Francine explained as she made her way from the kitchen to the broom closet where Stan was currently standing. "Do you really have to go on this mission?" Francine questioned, worried, as she handed her husband the power staff from inside the closet. "Francine, this new terrorist group could be the next al-Qaeda!" Stan explained, placing his power staff away in a duffle bag. "Then we'd get another 9/11 and we all know that sequels are never as good as the original." *HONK HONK* "Come on, Stan!" Dick yelled out from the massive CIA truck with the other agents. "Last one there's gonna have to clean the blood-splatter from our armor!" "You guys be careful out there and kick some ass!" Francine cheered from the open door. Stan kissed her passionately before grabbing all of his gear and running to the truck. He hopped in and the crew drove off leaving Francine to get back to her cleaning. Francine returned to her spring cleaning, going throughout the house and eventually making her way into the basement where Stan's workshop was located. In a nearby corner, some of Roger's old space junk was piled up, some of it had been boxed away, but most of it laid out in the open, covered by a layer of dust.   "Look at all this junk. Why does Roger even need....whatever this thing is?" Francine wondered aloud as she examined a bizarre cylindrical object she found in a pile of other random things. The housewife started to clean it, but it slipped from her hands and fell to the floor with a crash. Smoke poured out of the broken object as Francine started to panic. "What the hell?!" The somewhat purple colored smoke flowed from the shattered object, Francine unwillingly inhaled the fumes. For the most part, nothing seemed to happen. No horrifying mutations or anything weird. In fact, if anything, Francine felt extremely thirsty. She was craving milk. In fact, craving was an understatement. She felt compelled to drink as much milk as she could. The blond quickly dashed up the stairs from the basement and into to the living room. Klaus barely even saw her as she made her way into the kitchen. Francine couldn't figure out where this craving came from, but she opened the refrigerator door and grabbed the carton of milk. She started chugging the milk vigorously, pounding it like she hadn't had anything to drink in years. The milk, while icy cold, satisfied her hunger just as her daughter Haley strolled into the kitchen. "Hey Mom, do you--" Haley began before pausing to see her mother chugging on the carton of milk. "Uhhh.....trying to satisfy your daily calcium intake this morning?" Francine put the carton down and looked over at Haley. "I don't know what came over me, Haley. I just really wanted milk for some strange reason." The blond started feeling slightly dizzy so she sat down at the kitchen table. Haley noticed her mother looking at little out of it. "Do you need something, mom?" Haley asked curiously, tossing the milk carton away. "I... ummm... bin...key" Francine struggled to speak. It was as if all of her intelligence was being drained from her being. Her tongue felt inflated as she explored her loose teeth. Haley's eyebrow raised. The young woman took Francine by the hand and led her to the living room. "Okay, maybe you've done too much cleaning for today." Haley reasoned to her dazed and confused mom. Francine's certain that her daughter had just said something to her, but she was unable to comprehend it. The stupefied mom toddled along next to Haley as the teen held her hand and ultimately helped Francine sit down on the couch. "Just watch some TV and relax for now, alright?" The blond housewife ignored the television because she was enthralled by her sore, loose gums and tried to move her teeth around with her swollen tongue. She succeeded in pushing a few teeth out of her mouth. Haley noticed this and was shocked while her mother smiled a gapped tooth grin. "OH MY GOD!!!" Haley screamed in horror, jumping back from Francine's gapping, drooling maw. She couldn't comprehend why her mother was so weirdly content with losing a tooth. "M-Mom?! What's wrong?!" Francine didn't seem to realize anything was wrong as she kept drooling and using her hand to suck on her thumb. "I's Bay Be..." She lisped around her thumb. "I'm gonna call Dad! This is so messed up!" Haley said, feeling freaked out. She ran into the kitchen, to the landline, and called her father, leaving mom alone on the couch. Francine's body changed gradually, the ligaments in her limbs loosened up enough to make her more limber and flexible, like an infant. This could allow her to playfully bend her legs by her head and suckle on her own toes. Unfortunately, her toes were all covered up by her really uncomfortable shoes. Not only that, but her pink dress was in the way. Something had to be done, Francine thought with her newfound mindset. So, she started pulling at her pink dress. It was a lot more trickier for her to get undressed today, for some reason, but she finally managed to get it off of her body. Next came those annoyingly hard things on her feet which trapped her toes. The blond tugged on the shoes and managed to get one of them off from her foot. Francine stared longingly at her toes before bending her leg towards her head and bringing her foot to her mouth. By now, almost all her teeth had fallen out and she could finally stick her toes into her mouth without any obstruction. She suckled on her toes greedily as spittle began to cover her feet. "I see someone's enjoying themselves." A motherly voice cooed from above Francine's head. The currently toe-munching mother looked up to see a pair of emerald green eyes which stared down at her. Once the babified woman stopped gazing into the stranger's eyes, she noted that this woman with pink swirly hair was wearing a bright sea foam green house dress, from the fifties, and had red colored skin. Whoever this woman was, it didn't matter much to Francine.The blond was utterly convinced that she was a baby and the only thing that mattered to her was that her toes weren't finished being suckled on. Meanwhile, Haley was in the middle of a conversation with Stan, getting no where. "Dad, you don't understand. Mom's teeth just started falling out!" "Haley, I have to get on the transport plane to Turkey and I don't have time for a dental emergency." Stan explained, feeling a little annoyed with his daughter for calling him about this kind of thing. "It's not just her teeth, dad. She's like really out of it and babbling like an idiot." "Haley, it sounds like your mother got into Jeff's pot brownies again. I told you kids not to leave your hippie deserts in the fridge." Stan stated before hanging up his cell phone. Haley was upset with her dad, but knew that she had to do something to help her mother. She was positive that this was far more serious than a dental problem so she went back out to the living room to check on her mother. Upon entering the room she couldn't believe her eyes. "What the--! Who are you?!" Haley snarled at the red skinned woman who currently held Francine in her arms, holding her mom's head over her shoulder like a little baby. "Why I'm just taking care of this little baby girl here." The stranger cooed, gently kissing Francine on the cheek, furthering her regression. "That doesn't answer my question. Now put my mother down and get the hell out our house!" Haley barked at the young woman who held her mom. The woman chuckled at the teenaged girl. "Mother?" The woman tilted her head, briefly looking Francine over, curiously. "She seems a bit too young for it, my dear. So, how about you relax while I put this little one's diapie on, okay?" The woman magically summons a large baby bouncer that Haley finds herself trapped in. It doesn't regress her or anything like that, but it does restrain her and force her to bounce. Haley was forced to watch the strange woman wipe her mother while she was trapped in the adult sized baby bouncer. The angry teen hurled obscenities at the woman who was currently powdering Francine and taping her into the largest disposable, baby diaper Haley had ever seen in her life. Francine cooed and babbled gently, sticking her fingers into her mouth and suckling on them with her gums, her legs were spread by the thick, crinkly diaper around her waist. "Someone over there is being quite a rude croon." The woman said like a disappointed mother, summoning a pacifier into Haley's mouth. It magically madd the young woman want to suckle. The teen tried to pull the binky out, but found herself unable to remove the pacifier. "Mmhhff" Haley yelled from behind the rubber teat, doing everything she could to dislodge the massive soother from her mouth. When all her efforts failed, she began to get nervous. She realized that this woman meant business and possessed powers beyond her imagination. The teen looked at her mom who was cooing and drooling onto herself. Would that be her fate? Mother Maiden grinned at Haley's struggles as she picked up Francine again and sat in a nearby armchair which morphed into a rocking chair. "Let's get that tum-tum all full and then it's naptime." The magical woman undid her shirt and then her bra, exposing her D-cup breasts that dripped a little milk from the engorged nipples. Francine was cradled in Mother Maiden's arms, staring up at the large breasts, she was offered a nipple and the blond mom happily latched onto it. Haley was forced to watch her mother suckle from the large breasts of this strange intruder. Francine seemed to be enjoying the breastfeeding and squealed happily around the nipple as the milk occasionally escaped her mouth and fell onto her own breasts. Mother Maiden chuckled as she allowed Francine to drink her fill, the milk slowly exacerbated the regression within the blond's mind. "Listen, Haley-Pants..." She began. "Don't kal meh dat!" Haley mumbled inbetween her suckling of the pacifier, blushing slightly. "I'll cut you a deal." Mother Maiden paused. "If you're able to convince Baby Franny how to be a grown-up again, I'll leave you be. I won't even use magic to interfere. Of course, she might be too content with what she has become." "Dehl!" Haley called out from behind the adult sized soother which allowed a little trickle of drool escape from her mouth. The teen knew this was probably the only chance she had to save herself and her mother from whatever infantile fate this entity had in store for them. "It is done." Mother Maiden smirked, poofing away the bouncer and pacifier from Haley. The pink-haired creature looked down at Francine. "That's enough, little one." She gently slipped the nipple out from Francine's mouth, much to her dismay. Francine started bawling as Mother Maiden sat the adult baby on the carpet with a crinkle. Haley rushed over to her infantilized mother. "It's okay, mom. Don't cry." The teen rubbed her topless mother's back in an attempt to calm her cries, but it wasn't working. Haley quickly grabbed the saliva coated pacifier and stuffed it into Francine's mouth which silenced the crying. It was a small victory, but it didn't solve the overall problem of how to get her mom back to normal. Francine sniffled a bit, the pacifier slowly calming her down for. The rubber nipple was gently nibbled by her gummy mouth while she pumped the plastic guard of the binky, moving it back and forth in-between her lips. The very moment, despite herself, was almost hypnotic to Haley for some reason. The teen looked on at the rhythmic suckling of the pacifier before shaking her head in an effort to snap herself out of the trance like hold of the binky. "Damn it, I wish Roger wasn't in China right now." - Meanwhile in Macau- "That's right, you crazy sons of bitches. Aaron 'Beef Ryder' Longfellow is the king of this Craps table!" Roger yelled as he jumped onto the table. He had just won his fifth straight game of Craps. His jovial, cocky display of dancing on the table was cut short by two large, Chinese bouncers, who grabbed him by his suit and carried him out to the back of the Casino. "Nooo! I'm too sexy to die!" The disguised alien screamed as he was thrown down the garbage chute which fed into a literal pile of crap and old, leftover seafood. -Back in Langley Falls- Haley decided to do something basic like dressing Francine into her favorite dress, in an effort to help her feel more mature. However, she had to get her babylike mother to respond to vocal commands. After spending a few minutes trying to pick up her mom, she settled on draging her mother over to where she had taken off her dress and underwear. This only served to annoy the mentally reduced woman. Haley finally stopped pulling her mother once she reached the couch and picked up the standard pink dress. "Alright, Mom pay attention." Haley stated firmly as she held up a dress in front of her mom. "These are called clothes. Can you say cloootthhees?" Haley said, sounding out the last word for her. "Remember these? You wear the same dress like every single day?" Francine giggled from behind her pacifier as she slapped the front of her plastic, disposable diaper. "Ish a baba gago?" The blond adult baby muttered. Haley sighed as she began to undo the tapes of the diaper, trying not to focus too much on her mother's privates. However, the blond being totally naked in front of her did not help things. She slipped the adult panties onto a squirming Francine, then she fixed the bra back onto her mother's chest before she put the woman into the pink dress. Other than the pacifier, Francine looked normal. "Alright Mom, you're Francine Smith, a mother. Remember? you have two kids? Steve and me?" Haley said, popping the pacifier out of her mouth. Francine responded by tearing up and flailing her arms. She felt immense sorrow because she had no idea what was being said to her and, on top of that, she just lost her pacifier. As Haley tried to calm her mother's tantrum, she noticed a large wet stain form on the front of Francine's trademark, pink dress. "Ugh!" Haley moaned, slipping the pacifier back into Francine's mouth. "Alright, you know what?" The dark haired teen rhetorically asked her babified mom. "I'm rushing you. We just need to start slow." The Raven haired teen quickly pulled her mom's dress off and taped the diaper back onto the blond. "Alright, let's try speaking." Haley explained, lifting her mother up to a sitting position. "Say 'Francine' for me, please." The infantilized woman recognized that last word and tried to parrot it to the teenager in front of her. "Fwan... See" The blond lisped from behind the pacifier, allowing a little drool to leave her toothless mouth. "That's alright." Haley encouraged, but internally she felt quite dismayed by how far gone her mom was mentally. "How about a focus test?" Haley said, turning on the television to some dull history show. "It's boring but if you could focus on the television for a solid minute, you might have hope." As Haley explained, Francine felt more babyish as a few plushy chew-blocks and a rattle appeared on the floor next to her. The diapered blond was immediately distracted by the rattle and baby blocks. "Waahtel!" Francine happily squealed as she picked up the pink rattle and shook it in front of her face. "Mom, stop playing with that thing!" Haley commanded. Francine continued to happily shake her rattle, ignoring her daughter, while sucking on her pacifier; the combination between these two actions felt even more bizarrely hypnotic to Haley, which made it even harder to turn away. It was like the girl was spellbound by the infantile toys. The longer she watched, the infantile display in front of her, the more mesmerized she became. Unbeknownst to the teen, her mind was becoming simpler and her gums ached due to the teeth which started falling out. "How's it going, my little ones?" Mother Maiden cooed by the staircase, looking over Francine acting like a baby while Haley tried to hang on to her adult mentality. The magical entity spotted the teeth on the floor and knew that the teen didn't have much further to go before she was the same as the blond baby girl. "What?" Haley said out of confusion as she looked over at Mother Maiden. "If I didn't know any better, I would swear that you weren't doing much of a good job, Haley-Pants." Mother Maiden said as she strolled over to Francine, sitting next to her, cuddling her close. "She seems no more grown up then before." "It's not my fault. You did this to her with your magic. You have an unfair hold on her mind!" Haley reasoned with the remaining portion of her adult intellect. "Oh no, sweetheart." The Maiden stated as she stood up, lifting Francine into her arms and cuddling her closely. "Francine could easily be convinced to be a grown-up, but I guess she doesn't want to be a grown-up anymore. Do you, baby girl?" The entity held Francine up to her face and baby-talked and cooed like a mother would with a real baby. "Ahahaha!" The blond adult baby giggled at Mother Maiden and smiled. "Dis ish all wong!" Haley yelled, but instantly blush as she heard her voice. Did she just lisp? Her tongue felt strange to her, almost foreign,  as it explored her remaining loose teeth and puffy gums. "Does someone need a bit of mommy love too, Haley-Pants?" Mother Maiden cooed, placing Francine down on the floor to play with her toys. The raven haired teen heard the magical woman say something towards her, but she couldn't understand it as she struggled to retain her focus. Her head felt fuzzy and she felt a wetness emvelop her crotch. Haley's hand travel to the crotch of her jeans where she found a large wet spot. "Noooo!" The teen wailed. Mother Maiden hummed casually, pulling Haley's piss soaked pants and panties down. "Someone did pee-pee in their pants. Yes, you did!" The entity cooed at the teen. "I guess you need your Pampers." "I amma biwg gurl!" Haley pouted, as Mother Maiden held up an adult sized pamper. "Waaaaahhhhh!" The woman was quick to push Haley towards the couch, taking off her shirt in one fliud motion. Next she pulled her bandana from her head, letting her black hair flow freely as she looked at the completely nude young woman. It was almost like Mother Maiden were keeping her somewhat aware of her infantile changes while she laid her down and wiped up her crotch. With a poof, a nice thick diaper appeared between her legs. "Pwease! Leh us gow!" Haley pleaded as the entity powdered her butt and taped her into the monstrously thick diaper. Mother Maiden looked down at her and laughed. "You'll be able to go anytime you like, sweetie, in your diaper that is." Mother Maiden gently began to slip a sea foam green onesie over Haley and buttoned it down the crotch. "I think I know what you need, little Haley-kins." The woman cooed, pulling out a pink baby bottle with pony designs all over it. Haley frowned. "Noooooo!" The teenaged baby started throwing a tantrum as Mother Maiden held her. "Such a cranky baby." Mother Maiden cooed as she climbed onto the couch and pulled Haley against her chest, slipping the bottle's nipple between Haley's lips. "Drink up, baby girl." Haley found herself being forced fed a bottle by the stranger who had already regressed her mom. She tried to turn away from the baby bottle, but Mother Maiden was just too strong for the teen baby. She resigned herself to finish the formula within and then she would rebel. Mother Maiden chuckled, shifting Haley until her baby's head was on her shoulder before gently trying to burp her. "Burp for mommy!" The mysterious mother encouraged her newest baby. Haley did her best not to burp, but her body betrayed her with a massive belch. Milk colored spittle hung from the raven haired baby's chin. "Tsk tsk, such a messy baby." Mother Maiden cooed, summoning a spit cloth that she used to wipe away Haley's spit up from her shoulder and the teen baby's face. "See? You are a baby. My baby." "No! Mai mind Ish stiw dere, bub I tawk funneh." Haley tried to explain as she was held by Mother Maiden. "Shhh, maybe you should stop talking for awhile, baby girl?" Mother Maiden said, summoning a pink pacifier between Haley's lips, the soft rubber nipple feeling nice and smooth against her soft gums. Haley felt compelled to suckle on the pacifier once it entered her mouth. It gently massaged her gums and made them feel great. She grinned a toothless smile behind the large soother. Mother Maiden giggled lightly, kissing Haley all over happily. "My little Haley-Kins, you're just a big baby now, just like your mother." The entity said to the teen baby as she cradled her. After a moment of silence, interrupted only by the constant suckling of a pacifier, the entity peeked over to see what her other baby was doing. She noticed that Francine was busy suckling her toes as she rocked on her diapered bottom, drooling onto her foot. Mother Maiden called out to her, "You want some cuddle time, Franny-Butt?" Francine grinned and crawled over to Mother Maiden who held her diapered daughter. The magical woman picked her up and held her close. Mother Maiden chuckled as she cuddled Francine and Haley in her arms, resting each adult on her hips, gently. "See Haley? This is what you and Franny needed. You are both my new little babies. Now, and forever and ever!" She said, as she kissed them both.



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