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Koenma sat at his desk, stamping away at the numerous documents which he pulled from the stack beside him. Another long morning had turned to an afternoon as the Prince of Spirit Realm was hard at work until he was pulled away from his work by the ringing of a phone perched by the edge of his desk. He sighed while reaching out to pick up the receiver. "What now?" The pint sized bureaucrat answered. "Lord Koenma, we have an urgent mission which requires your attention immediately." "Really?" Koenma perked up slightly. "Yes, my Lord. You'll have the pertinent details delivered to you momentarily, I believe I sent the briefing with George." "Alright then, I'll-" "Lord Koenma, the Council sent me here with these papers. Something about an urgent matter that needs your attention." The blue oni announced, as he entered the room, but instantly regretted interrupting his boss' conversation. "Yeah, he's here. I'll get right on it." Koenma hung up the receiver and looked at George. "Well, let's see those papers." "Yes, my Lord. Of course." The blue Oni walked over to Koenma and handed the toddler sized Prince the papers. Koenma looked through them at a brisk pace. Everything seemed fairly routine, save for the fact that he was to go to the location solo, with no backup or assistance. It almost seemed like an assignment better suited for someone who had experience with espionage. Another thing that struck him as being odd was the coordinates he was given, they seemed familiar, but he ignored this nagging inclination and stood up from his chair, leaving his workspace and George behind. The tiny overseer had briskly walked down the corridor until he came to a door, he pulled out a key from his pocket and unlocked it. With a flick of his finger, a light above illuminated all the gear and objects which the supply closet housed. Unlike the typical supplies one might find, this room had disguises for any occasion, various spirit items and lockers to house personal effects and clothing. Koenma quickly changed out of his Royal garb and into an all black outfit which was standard issue for this type of mission. 'Let's hope everything goes smoothly. I've never actually infiltrated anything before.' -Outside the Winter House- Koenma gazed up at the magnificent house and felt a strange sense of Deja Vu. It was as though he had visited it long ago. The white manor stood two stories tall and, from his vantage point, it was difficult to estimate how many rooms such a dwelling contained, but the Prince assumed that it had to hold at least twenty rooms. With the sun setting in the distance, it made it even harder to estimate the vast size of the property. Since the property was so large and he didn't exactly know the layout very well, the Intel was limited in that regard, Koenma decided to walk along the side of the propeety, through fifty yards of tended lawn. He found himself admiring the hedge sculptures while he made his way towards the estate. Some were in the shape of animals, a Swan, Bull or Lion. While the other shrubbery was manicured into more intricate and abstract geometric designs. It wasn't until he reached the rear entrance that it dawned on the Prince just how massive this property truly was. Luckily for Koenma, he found a side door that was unlocked, and was able to gain entry to the beautiful house. He quickly closed the door, as quietly as he could, and then looked over his surroundings. The tiny Prince was standing in the kitchen of the estate. Pristine white tiles lined the floor which was broken up by an island that separated the culinary side from the, highchair? Koenma shook off his surprise. It may have been a rouse, furniture planted there to create an air of innocence and conceal any nefarious intent which may be occurring on the property. He tiptoed past the tall, wooden high chair and into a hallway which led towards the other end of the house and away from the kitchen. The deeper the pint sized guardian of the Spirit Realm went into the manor, the greater the feeling that he was in the wrong location became. For instance, littered throughout the living room were baby toys and a playpen. It appeared to him that a single mother was spoiling and babying her child here. Still, maybe that is what the inhabitants of this grand estate wanted him to believe. An eerie laugh pierced the silence of the house, catching Koenma off guard. He stood at the base of a set of stairs looking up. 'That must've come from the second floor.' As Koenma made the ascent up the staircase, he noticed that everything was quiet again. It was oddly unnerving since he had no idea what he was up against. After all, the mission was rather vague and only specified that a clan of demons was hiding valuable items within this residence. His objective was basically to infiltrate the house and retrieve the items. There was no other information besides that. No dossiers about potential enemies or even a picture of who might oppose him. Once atop the set of stairs, a random noise, much like something being dropped, drew Koenma's attention to the nearest closed door. He walked quickly down the hall to the door and, as stealthily as he could, opened it up. The interior of the room revealed a sight he was almost expecting due to the other items he found on his trek through the house: A fully stocked nursery. His face was suddenly covered in an ear to ear blush that would make a fire engine jealous. He surveyed every intricate detail, that surrounded him. To his immediate left stood a baby blue bassinet, covered in frills. By the wall was a changing table which housed thick, white disposable diapers, along with all the changing supplies needed for any baby. On the right side of the room was a large toybox which was practically over flowing with baby toys, but that was nothing compared to the open closet. It was a modern, walk in closet that was filled with very embarrassing outfits such as footed sleepers, onesies, rompers and even animal themed jammies. All of it cultivated a very babyish atmosphere and made the boy very uncomfortable. He was about to leave the infantile room when another noise caught his attention. He crept slowly to the center of the nursery, to the exact spot where he could have sworn he heard the noise emanate from. After a few silent moments passed, he let out a long, deep sigh and looked around the nursery. Just being in this place made his entire body blush and he shuddered as a strange thought invaded his mind: The possibility of him being it's charge. All of a sudden, a bright, unexplained aura caught his eye, coming from a stuffed toy Lion. He observed the phenomenon from a far before he edged his way closer and closer to the toy until he was an inch away from it's nose. Koenma reached out to touch the toy, only to be startled by a spark of energy that emanated from the stuffed animal's body and went from his finger all the way up his arm until it enveloped his entire body. Slowly, the tiny boy felt like he was elevated off the ground. Then, as quickly as it started, it stopped, leaving Koenma standing on the floor. The poor boy realized immediately that something felt wrong. When he tried to take a step forward, he wobbled as if he was unsure of his footing. That toy Lion did something to him that was affecting his coordination! Koenma tried again to walk as he took more then one step and fell on his bottom. He yelled in shock, but all the filled the room was a baby's cry. 'Was that me?!' He tried to voice his concerns, all that came out was adorable baby babble. This was serious!. Unable to sit up, due to whatever was afflicting him, he laid on his back and found that his limbs were moving on there own like a six month old infant. The only thing untouched by this bizarre affliction was his cognitive ability. Koenma tried to regain control of his limbs, but he failed. They continued to move of their own accord. Another bout of feminine giggling broke his concentration and he looked around for the source of the laughter, but his body betrayed him. The giggling grew louder and seemed like it was coming from all around him as he felt his uncoordinated body being picked up from the soft carpet. More baby babble filled the room as he was carried through the air by an unseen force towards a baby blanket that was opening itself up, as if by magic. He soon found himself being deposited into the cute, baby blanket, all while wondering what was going on. 'Who's there?!' The Prince of Spirit Realm stated in his mind, perfectly clear, but once more that infantile nonsense flowed from his mouth as the laughter and giggling grew louder. Suddenly, the cold kiss of the air greeted his rosy skin while he looked on in shock. 'All my clothes are gone!' Realizing that his black stealth suit had been stripped from his body, in the blink of an eye, caused the tiny ruler to fuss loudly. The boy cried out angrily, kicked his legs, and wiggled his arms. The ghostly laughter faded into feminine voices cooing down at the disturbed Prince. They all started baby talking to make him feel calm, telling him everything will be alright. "Hush, little baby." "You'll be just fine." "We're just going to give you a bathy waffy." Instantly, Koenma felt an odd calm wash over him. Was it irrational to be calmed down by the unseen entities who had stripped him? Absolutely. Was the baby sized boy grateful for the momentary peace? Of course. Once again, he felt his body being lifted up, but this time he noticed that he was floating away from the nursery and into the bathroom. A voice spoke to him, explaining what was going to take place in the restroom. "Time to clean the baby and make him look and smell sweet for his mommy!" "Oh yes, yes hims will, yes hims will!" Another voice cooed from the abyss. On top of the counters, near the sink, was everything needed to clean a baby. Various baby safe soaps and lathering agents, shampoos and toys lined the vanity with an air of organized chaos. Koenma continued to babble, failing to voice his objections to this type of treatment as the bathroom door shut behind him. A whirlwind of voices started talking to each other before more laughter and cooing echoed off the tiled walls. Koenma's pleas for help were practically ignored, since he couldn't even utter words. "In the baby goes for his tubby wubby." Koenma was suddenly up to his neck in suds as he was placed into the porcelain bath tub. He tried to shield his face from the invisible foes, but that didn't stop them scrubbing and washing his tiny toddler body. Soaps and wash cloths continued to lather up his arms and legs. Every inch was gone over and made clean. His only recourse was to flail his arms, splashing water everywhere, this only served to make his captors giggle again. A pair of scissors floated in front of the boy's field of vision and he renewed his protests with great vigor. 'No, no, no! Not my hair!' The snips and clips caused some of his hair to fall infront of his face and land a top the bubbly water. His cries matter to no one. His hair cutting was soon finished and a quick dunk of water freed his scalp of loose strands of hair. The spirits plucked the fussy baby from the bath and observed the fruits of their labor. His hair, once a more traditional cut, had been trimmed to give him a more babyish look. The top of his head now was home to many curls. "Aww, that's so much better." "Very cute!" "His mommy is going to love it!" The ghosts all cooed in agreement and proceeded to rub baby oil all over Koenma until he was smelling like a typical infant. They then bundled him up in a towel and the babbling baby boy was was levitated out of the now opened bathroom door. As soon as he entered the nursery, he noticed that a makeshift photo booth had appeared by the chest of toys. There was an adorable back drop and he realized that the only thing missing was a baby. "Mommy is going to want some cute pictures for her baby book." "Oh yes she does." "And such a pretty baby will make the best pictures ever!" "Oh yes he will!" The voices all cooed at Koenma while the blanket was unfurled and he was laid softly on his stomach. He looked up with a slightly confused, but mostly embarrassed expression as a floating powder puff went over his head and towards his bottom. Koenma instantly felt a tickling sensation coming from his bottom. *POOF* *POOF* *PUFF* *PUFF* The toddler sized guardian of the Spirit Realm was getting his butt powdered! Koenma tried to roll away, but he lacked the strength or coordination to do so. Once the powdering was completed, he felt his hand forced to grab hold of a toy rattle while the voices resumed their cooing. "Smile for the camera, baby boy!" A gentle command was given in a tone reserved for infants. Koenma had no intention of obeying the order and refused to smile, but the cameras still took his photograph. The gravity of what just occurred, hit the boy like a ton of bricks, he just had his picture taken, laying naked on a bear skin rug, holding a rattle like a mere baby. "Now mommy has some great photos for her baby book!" Koenma looked up, blushing from his pose on the rug, laying buck naked with a freshly powdered bum. The spirits could only laugh and coo their approval upon him as any nanny would to her charge. This didn't last long, he was back in the air, taken over to the changing table. He knew that this was ultimately going to happen, but it didn't lessen his embarrassment. If he was to be treated in this manner, like a baby. Then obviously, he would be dressed like one too and diapers were par for the course. However, everything up to this point, while very degrading and humiliating paled in comparison to being placed and taped into a diaper. He knew that once he was put into pampers, his transformation from Regal Ruler of the Spirit Realm to helpless infant would be complete. As he was laid out onto the changing table, the voices revealed themselves. The spirit on the right of the changing table, wore her hair violet hair in a traditional style, shiny bangs lined her lilith face and complimented her features nicely as she smiled and bowed. Opposite the purple haired beauty was the ghostly nanny in the center with bright pink hair, her smile and bright neon green eyes warmed his little heart. To her left was a cerulean haired lady who's hair fell past her waist, she too bowed before her royal highness. Besides their stunning good looks and hair, the pint sized bureaucrat noticed that each woman was well endowed, their Victorian nanny uniforms failed to hide their ample breasts. "Hi, cutie pie. My name is Mizu." The nanny with deep blue locks introduced herself after finishing her bow. "I'm Rika!" The nanny with the stunning purple hair added. "And I'm head nanny, Yuuki. At your service!" Yuuki winked and did a slight curtsy. Koenma tried to ask them anytime, but his voice once more failed him as his words were twisted into nonsensical baby babble. "It's okay, sweetie. All will be revealed soon enough." Rika stated. "Yeah, and our widdle man isn't even ready to be revealed yet." Mizu added. "Unless he wants to meet his new mommy in his birthday suit." Yuuki grinned and started laughing along with her ghostly sisters. "Don't worry, Baby Koenma. We got just what you need." Rika pulled out a thick diaper and dangled it close to the Prince of Spirit World. "But hims can't just wear a diaper, what about this adorable bonnet and onesie?" Mizu questioned, holding up the outfit with girly glee. "Don't worry, he'll be dressed properly for his mommy. We never fail to please." Yuuki announced. Koenma blinked a few times and did his best to say that he didn't want this. That they would be punished for doing this to him. He tried to even just say a simple 'no' and he even failed at doing that. His baby talk was silenced by a big pacifier, which magically appeared, Yuuki gently shoved it in his mouth and the the tiny Prince felt the rubbery bulb fill his mother completely. An urge to suck compelled him to do just that as he instantly started to suckle. Still, part of him rebelled ans tried to spit it out but yet again, his body once again betrayed him. Reduced to suckling on a pacifier, naked on a changing table, Koenma was forced to endure a deliberately slow diapering procedure. His ghostly captors cooed as they took turns powdering him and wiping his crotch and bottom. He felt his legs lifted up by Rika and then it happened, the baby sized guardian was lowered onto a thick diaper. It felt like a pillow, but crinkled like plastic wrap. He didn't have long to contemplate the sounds the disposable produced since he was quickly taped into the infantile item. "Baby Koenma is all secure in his diapy wipey." Yuuki cooed. "Yes he is!" The other two sang along with their leader. After the girly gigglimg subsided, Koenma felt his feet being put into what could be only described as warm little socks, but thicker. His hands soon joined his feet as his fists were balled up and encased in baby blue mittens. A t-shirt covered his bare belly, but his diaper was still prominently displaced to the women. Yuuki stepped forward and placed a frilly bonnet onto the boy's head, she tied the bow under his chin, securing it in place. The three nannies token a step back and admired their handy work. "Isn't he just the cutest little Prince there ever was?" Rika asked. "Oh yes, he is just darling, but why isn't he in a nice and warm onesie?" Mizu looked towards her compatriots. "His mommy wants to see him in his diaper." Yuuki stated before adding. "I'm sure Baby Koenma wants to see how cute he is, don't you?" Finally, after what seemed liked an eternity he was levitated from the table, but he quickly found himself in front of a mirror where he got a big surprise. He could only blush and suckle the pacifier more as he studied the outfit he wore. The thick disposable pushed his thighs apart and the frilly mittens and booties covered his appendages from sight. He noticed that a few babyish curls escaped from beneath his baby blue bonnet From the mirror, he was taken by the spirits to the frilly baby bed. He felt the soft material caress his legs as he was gently laid into his bassinet. Yuuki and her helpers continued to baby talk at him. "Oh how adorable this baby is!" Rika cooed, leaning forward and patted his diapered bulge which gave the little Prince a view of her ample cleavage. Meanwhile, Mizu played with his feet. "Okay, that's enough, girls. Baby Koenma needs his nappy wappy so he can be ready to meet his mommy." Yuuki declared. Rika and Mizu looked a bit disappointed, but knew that their leader was right. So, they started to sing a lullaby to help their ruler fall asleep. Koenma was enraptured by their beautiful singing, their voices were so angelic and pure. The tone was quite sublime and the boy felt his eyes grow heavy. After a few moments he was out like a light and the nannies could hear his soft snores once they stopped singing. "Good work, girls." Yuuki praised. "I'm going to call this littered guy's mommy and let her know that everything is ready." Mizu and Rika nodded and watched their leader leave the nursery. -At the Palace- Botan was growing impatient, waiting for the one phone call from her cohorts was starting to take it's toll. 'How long does it take to diaper a baby?' *RING* *RING* *RING* The ferry woman almost jumped when she heard her phone ring. Quickly, she answered it with a smile. "How did everything go?" "Oh just splendidly. He was fussy, but otherwise he'll be a perfect baby for you." Yuuki replied. "Great, I can't wait to see him!" Botan almost yelled into the phone. "Better hurry up and claim him before we do." Yuuki teased. "I think King Enma would have some objections with that." Botan stated. "I was just teasing, but hurry up and get here. You want to be the first one to change your little man, don't you?" "Absolutely! Be there soon!" Botan hung up the phone and summoned her trusty oar. She was going to fly as fast as her oar would go. "New mothers are always so funny." Yuuki muttered to herself after Botan had gotten off the phone. -Back in the Nursery- Koenma slowly awoke from his slumber, lying there in his bassinet. The boy had hoped that the earlier events were merely a strange dream, but alas, the tale tale crinkle of his diaper told him otherwise. However, he did notice that the Ghosts were gone, but his limbs were still affected by whatever curse they put on him. Since he had nothing better to do, he tried to pass the time by testing what his body was capable of. His movements were still clumsy and lacked coordination. Bored with trying to control his body, he decided to look around his large baby bed. The bassinet contained a Teddy Bear, a rattle and a mobile which hung above him. Even though he knew it was foolish, he grabbed the rattle and shook it. Once that got old, he started to play with the Teddy Bear, but he could only hug it or move it slightly. Finally, after trying those toys, he tried reaching for the mobile with his little arms. It dangled high above him and he gave up. Sighing, he then looked down at his diaper. 'How could something so comfort be so humiliating and embarrassing?' Koenma then decided to feel the material by squeezing his thighs together and bouncing around the mattress on his padded bottom. He had to admit that he liked the sensation of the bulk between his bottom and the baby bed. He then laid back and wiggled his legs, kicking outwards which caused the plastic vacked disposable to crinkle like crazy, making him blush at how babyish the whole situation is. Botan suddenly appeared before him, smiling. "Whose this little cutie patootie?" Koenma did not think he could blush anymore then he did at that precise moment. He felt her wrap her arms around his body and lift him out of his bassinet. The pint sized guarding tried to talk as he was taken out of the nursery and carried to the front room. "I know, I know." Botan cooed. She temporarily undid the spell as she sat with Koenma cradled in her arms. "You know, I would've been more open to this kind of thing if you merely asked me." Koenma stated from behind his pacifier. "I know you too well, sir. You would have never gone along with this." The two had a long discussion while Botan would occasionally rock the chair back and forth. Koenma noticed how feminine Botan looked, especially her outfit and how she appeared to have a maternal glow about her. "I knew you were into girly things, but where did you find that outfit?" Botan laughed and smiled down at him. "I had it custom made. You know, it never hurts to try new things." "It looks good on you." He grinned from behind his binky.. "Thanks." "So, how did you possibly organize all of this?" "I may have planned this all out, but it would've never been possible if not for your father. He basically gave me access to his house and permission for this vacation." "I thought this place looked fam-" Koenma felt a large sweatdrop appear on his forehead. "My father knows about this!?" "I wasn't the only one worried about you. King Enma was worried that you were overworking yourself lately too and he so not only approved every aspect of my plan but I am to contact him personally if you get out of line." Botan winked. Shocked, Koenma looked up at her and was about to say something when Botan reactivated the spell, instantly returning his speech to that of a baby's. He blushed, angry with the sudden demotion back to babyhood. His arms and legs wriggled about. She laid her fussy baby on his back and leaned down until she was face to face with him. "My widdle baby Koenma is gonna be wike this for his whole vacation. Yes he is!" Botan baby talked to her boss. "And I can't wait to dress you in all your cute little outfits too! Just think about how adorable you'll look in the bunny suit while I push you around in your baby carriage. I can't wait to show you off to everyone!" Koenma couldn't help but blush and didn't even realize that he had started to pee in his diaper. Botan stopped cooing at her new bundle of joy when she heard the hissing coming from his diaper. She pressed her fingers into the leghole of the pamper, feeling his wet crotch. "Looks like it's time for baby waby's first diapee change! Koenma could only lay in his soaked diaper, suckling on his pacifier at a faster pace while he blushed at his servant. 'This is going to be a very long vacation.'




Fabulous story ! So emotional and cute to see koema like this and I hope that you continue ! I really like this and would be so funny to see koema in this form with his father or yusuke hehehe


Pierry, I am probably going to have more posted in the next few weeks along with new art for each new part. Right now I'm working on some other projects that I hope everyone will enjoy.


Cool , so it’s gonna have a new parts of this story!! Because i really want to see baby koema in his bunny outfit making a big poopy for his mommy !!! Congratulations for the wonderful works !