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Botan remembered all to well, that faithful day when the meeting occurred. It was one of those days that she would never forget even if she lived to be two thousand years old. It was a fairly cloudy day as she made her way to the Palace. Her nerves were working overtime due to the meeting ever since she submitted the appropriate documents that requested a formal hearing with King Enma. She was currently second guessing her choices as she rode her oar towards the King's Palace. Botan tried to calm herself down by remembering that her previous experiences with King Enma were all fairly positive ones. Rarely was she held accountable for anything that went wrong, Koenma's rear was always on the line, both figuratively and literally. However, things would be different this time around. She would be held accountable for the Ruler of Spirit World's only son of she was granted her wish to allow Koenma an extended leave of absence in the form of a vacation. As Botan neared the grand palace, she thought over the gravity of her request. It was one thing to be summoned by the Monarch of the Spirit realm, but to request an audience with the Supreme Ruler of the Heavens was an entirely different affair. Her position was an important one, but was the matter of her request serious enough to call King Enma away from his duties? Botan resolved herself that it was. After all, Koenma had been working nonstop and was near the brink of exhaustion. Surely, his father would be open to allowing his son a vacation. Once she set foot onto the palatial grounds, she knew that this was really happening. The Dispatcher of the Departed went over a mental check list to build up her confidence. She had chosen her best looking outfit to wear, the silken robe she reserved for only the most important, regal occations. She was positive that she'd probably only wore it twice before this say. Her make up was impeccable and not overstated as was her hair. She knew that she had to present her best face to the top officials and, of course, King Enma. Her wooden sandals clacked on the stone tiles which the vast palace was built atop. That was one thing she knew not to change. Wearing heels would be a severe miscalculation and send the wrong message. Some things were meant to be the way they were and, while her robes were rather extravagant, her wooden sandles spoke volumes about her humble nature. High heels would have denoted excess or baseless vanity. Botan knew that these most important people,Gods in the Spirit realm, looked down on such things with great distain. Botan entered the lobby where all who had business with King Emma had to wait. She talked to the receptionist and took a seat in a red chair which had a gold trim, wooden frame. The entire waiting room was the picture of nobility, marble columns dominated the corners and receptionist area. Botan studied the royal lobby while a few others sat nearby, waiting for their appointments. These people had similar jobs to hers and whenever they glanced in her direction, she responded politely as did they in return. Finally, after what felt like an eternity to the poor girl, Botan's name was called, she was being summoned! She noticed that the others all looked at her with knowing eyes, one person even wished her good luck, but she knew that she didn't exactly need it. Her plan was a righteous one and the more she thought about it, she was doing this more for Koenma than for herself. Still, she paused before she opened the massive door to the King's Chamber, the blue haired Reaper took a deep breath and readied herself for the meeting. Botan started the opening ritual, as was custom before anyone else moved a muscle. She made sure that she timed everything right down to tee as the Officials present watched her. Sweeping gestures and low bows gave way to his royal highness, King Enma entering into his throne room and taking his rightful seat upon his throne. This mountain of a God towered over all in the room, not just spiritually, but physically as well. Botan continued to go through the welcoming greetings and insured that her adherence to the customs was flawless in it's execution. She knew from personal experience that the people here weren't pompous or self-entitled, just the opposite. The entities before her were the most elite of the elite and their strict following of tradition wasn't done out of some mindless pagentry. These rituals and customs were done to show that the individual meeting with the council had the proper respect. After all, if the person who expected a meeting with God, lacked the respect to master the greetings, which were meant to show the proper respect for the Heavenly Order, then how could anyone believe that individual even had respect for themselves? Order was key in keeping the Spirit and Earth realms safe from the forces of darkness. Without this respect for order, chaos would envelope all of the realms untouched by evil. So, of course anyone with enough common sense knew that they had to pay the Gods the utmost respect and honor. With the proper respect paid, by both Botan and the other Officials, King Enma motioned for the meeting to commence. Since Botan was present, he knew that this meeting had to do with his son, Lord Koenma. Botan looked at King Enma with silent concern, hoping that when he reviewed the request his advisors we're about to give him, she would be given permission to do what she longingly wanted to do to her Koenma. The large, regal chamber bathed in light blue paint, stood still, silent save for the rustling of papers as King Enma looked through her proposal. A few moments passed by as the large, bearded God thoroughly reviewed the paperwork. Seemingly satisfied with what he read, King Enma sat the papers on top of his table, and looked at Botan. The Supreme Ruler of the Spirit Realm cleared his throat and started a conversation. "So, how is everything going?" Botan answered truthfully enough. "Aside from the increase in souls, due to a viral pandemic on Earth, things are going well." "I've heard that it's been very demanding of all who work under my employ. I must commend you, and all my servents, for your dedication to handling such situations dutifully." King Enma praised her. Botan bowed, thanking her king and the conversation continued with a back and forth mentality. As always, the blue haired girl was formal and replied back with the answers that she felt were expected in a polite manner. Once, that portion of the discussion was finished, King Enma cut straight to the point. "I understand what you want-" King Enma paused."However, I'm fully aware of your intentions and they go beyond what is stated here in your proposal." Botan was shocked, caught off guard like a child reaching in the cookie jar. "But, how?" Botan barely managed to utter. "I was informed by one of the caretakers of the Winter House, which you intended to use for this little plan of yours. I will not say who told me, but they did say that they were sworn to utmost secrecy by you." Botan tried to say something, but was cut off by the King. "Furthermore, they told me the nature of what was to happen on the estate and about the special furniture you had sent to the house in question. Finally, they said that they, or anyone else who had questions, were to direct them to you, Botan." Frozen with concern, she could only look at King Enma with pity. In her eyes. King Enma cleared his throat. "Everyone please exit the chamber, I want to have a private conversation with Botan." All the Officials walked past the blue haired ferry woman, eyeing her with awkward or sympathetic looks. They knew that she had done something to upset their ruler for him to dismiss the council like this. Once everyone had left the room, King Enma's attention went solely to Botan. She felt like his gaze was almost piercing her very soul. "I have a question for you, Botan: Why should I entrust you with my son, my CHILD, in this manner?!" King Enma did his best to tone down his anger, but he didn't stop at that question. He continued to pepper the Grim Reaper with a volley of inquiries. Finally, he made his final statement. "Just because I don't see him often, because of my royal duties mind you, that doesn't mean that I don't have a hawk eye's view on him. I do believe that I would know whether or not my own son is doing fine." The Supreme Ruler ran out of steam and went silent, waiting for an answer from Botan. Botan could no longer hold back her flurry of emotions. She felt the tears streaming down her face as she almost fell forward while bowing deeply, as low as she could. "I'm very sorry for the manner in which I went about setting things up. I should have sought out your approval and support first before I did anything. We both care for Lord Koenma deeply and this latest catastrophe on Earth has overworked him. He cares so much about what you think and never wants to let you down. He would rather go with out sleep and food before he would disappoint you." King Enma sat there, absorbing all of this in. Some of it he knew, but his duties over Spirit World hasn't given him much time to truly appreciate how hard his son works and how much his boy had sacrificed for the Kingdom. "I know it seems entirely unorthodox, but I believe this is exactly what Lord Koenma needs: A vacation, but not just any vacation. He needs a true break, where he doesn't do a thing. A vacation where I literally serve his every need. He has stated before that he wouldn't mind trying such a thing..." King Enma raised an eyebrow at the last thing Botan said.'Hmm, maybe that's why he inhabits that toddler form of his?' He sat there scratching his manicured black beard as Botan continued her heartfelt explanation. Once she fell to her knees, he spoke up. "Botan, I can fell it in my heart that you only want to do the right thing here. Come, let's go for a walk around the Palace's garden." It was then that King Enma and Botan exited the Royal Chamber and walked around the lavish grounds of the celestial compound. She was able to have a long talk with him, going into further details about Koenma and why he needed this treatment. About ten minutes into the walk, she was no longer scared and Botan brought up the more intricate parts of her plan to King Enma with a much more relaxed tone. King Enma showered praise onto his son and went on to say that Koenma was handling things in a highly professional manner despite earlier setbacks with Yusuke. Aside from those slight hiccups, the King was happy with the way Spirit Realm, and the Earth, was being managed. He attributed this harmony of the realms to Koenma for the most part. By the end of theur discussion, after everything has been said, King Enma hands Botan a card. "Not only do I approve of your plan, but you will be in charge of him until the vacation comes to an end, contact me if there is anything else you need." Botan bowed and thanked his majesty most humbly. That memory was still fresh in her mind as she stood before the elegant Winter House. Even though she was granted the King's blessings, she still had doubts. However, the more she looked at the property, the very home where her plan would finally come to fruition, she felt her heart swell with excitement. The Winter House appeared as more of a mansion than a mere house. The structure was two stories tall and had a Southern Plantation feel to it due to the wide layout. She took her time wandering about the grounds, stopping in the garden to appreciate the various flowers and roses. It felt so exquisite to enjoy the scenery and, Botan had to admit, the pictures she had viewed when picking this property, failed to do this place justice. She soon found herself in the house, systematically checking where some of Koenma's baby things would be put out. The Kitchen already housed a tall, white high chair a long with a baby swing so Koenma could bounce around while she cooked for the two of them. She couldn't believe this was happening. Finally, she came to the creme of the crop, which was the nursery. When she entered the large room, she smiled, seeing the luxurious baby room in it's true glory. This was where her little Baby Koenma would be spending his vacation for quite a while. A series of giggles pierced the tranquility of the nursery as she knew what was ahead. She just wished that she'd be able to witness the look on his face once he was ready for her. Everything was ready at the Manor, Botan realized and the last step in her plan was to get Koenma informed about his new "mission". She contacted a few of King Enma's associates to tell them that Koenma had a new assignment. 'He'll be in for such a big surprise.'



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