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Botan returned to work the next day, head filled with a determination to see her boss in pampers and cared for unconditionally. She spent the whole day, hard at work, ferrying the souls of the departed from Earth into the heavenly realm. After all her spirits were delivered, she checked in with Koenma and was dismissed for the day. The blue haired woman eagerly raced home to summon the sewing spirit. An elderly spirit, drapped in silken navy blue robes appeared. Botan discussed, in great detail, the wardrobe she wanted for herself and Koenma. Throughout the decades working with the Prince of the afterlife, she had gained an almost intimate knowledge of his measurements. The elderly seamstress smiled and chuckled when Botan pointed out that the infantile outfits, like the onesies, would need more room in certain spots. A few slight adjustments would be needed in the waist and legs to conceal or fit the diaper she wanted Koenma to wear which the ferry woman continually pointed out during the meeting. Botan also put in an order for cloth diapers with special material on the outside and inside to enhance the feel and provide comfort for her boss. Once she had gone over everything in regards to Koenma, she shifted the conversation to herself. Of course, the old woman had to take the blue haired woman's measurements. A length of the measuring tape wrapped around Bolan's midsection as she explained that she wanted various dresses, skirts and other maternal wares. The seamstress nodded, taking down the numbers on a notepad, and adding in small notes, before she stopped, looking at Botan's breasts. "I know that this is an odd question, but would you desire a maternity bra?" Botan blushed and looked away. "I'm not certain yet, but I'll call you if I need one." "Fair enough. I just know that the greatest firm of bonding between a baby and his mother is through breastfeeding." This statement certainly gave Botan something to ponder over as she tried on several different dresses, that the spirit had made during the course of the afternoon. One had a long flowing apron over a pink dress that had puffy white shoulders. It screamed cute and motherly. Not overly maternal, after all, she was a very fashionable woman, but it looked like something a young housewife would wear while cooking her man a meal. "Oh, this is just perfect!" Botan smiled as she twisted before a mirror, looking at her curves. "Very good. I'll get the rest of my girls on this order and we'll have the rest of the clothing and baby clothes ready for you by the end of the week." "Well, I won't be able to use them that soon." The young woman looked like the wind was taken out of her sails. "Still, I'll let you know when and where they will need to be delivered to." "Okay, that'll be just fine." With all the particular information gathered and everything ironed out, Botan changed back into her trademark robe and bid the old spirit a good day. With the spirit departed back to wherever she came, Botan picked up the phone and relaxed on her couch. Several phone calls later and conversations hashed out, yielded her many grins and giggles. She talked at length with her friends, professionals in childcare, about techniques, toys and the latest fashions. Of course, they provided sage like advice and information. Some even promised to make some cute baby toys for Koenma and other items that a baby like him would need. The last call was placed to a trio of ghostly nannies who were very maternal and beautiful women. She spent the most time talking with them about her plan. Botan knew that it was vital that they remembered and did exactly as she fantasized. Botan hung up the phone in a jovial mood. However, the rest of the young woman's week proved to be quite difficult as she had an uptick in departures to the spirit realm. On top of the increased workload, she somehow had to find a suitable craftsman for her plan and balance the demands of her job. Luckily for her, she realized that the royal carpenter would be the best worker for the task. She waited until after the last soul had been dropped off for the day and, with no other spirits to tend to, she hurried over to the royal workshop. Botan couldn't wait much longer to go over the baby furniture's specifications as she landed at the door of the craftmen's shop. A knock brought forth an open door and the large, green Ogre appeared. The Ogre questioned Botan about but the purpose of her visit, but she would only tell him if he would not utter a word of it to anyone. He was stubborn at first, but the ferry woman explained that this would all be for the Prince and it wasn't anything nefarious. He looked unsure for a moment until she said it was an order for his new furniture. Finally, the Ogre agreed and was sworn, by his word, to secrecy. Botan smiled and felt more at ease as she went into the specific details of the furniture she needed. The bassinet would be just big enough to hold Koenma, the blue haired girl stated, but big enough to make him feel babyish. There would be other items necessary for the new nursery, such as a changing table, high chair and rocking horse. It was hard for the Ogre not to smirk, but he knew better than to laugh since this was a special order for his ruler and boss. However, it all seemed to click into place for the green Ogre about why the Prince of the Afterlife would need this stuff, he was a literal toddler. Still, it struck him a bit odd since he never had to make baby furniture's for his boss before. Could this be a new punishment from King Enma? The Ogre once made a paddle for the Overlord of Heaven. "Did you get all that?" Botan broke the Ogre a way from his thoughts. "So, all the furniture should be made from the finest wood and painted a fine shade of white?" The Ogre went over the basic premise for the order. "Yes, exactly." "How about I draw up each item you need constructed fir the Prince and you can go over them, one at a time?" Botan nodded and the two set out to work on the plans. About an hour later, the ferry woman felt confident about each piece of furniture that was commissioned. She smiled and looked over each drawing that laid on the workbench. "We've gone over each and every piece of furniture and I trust, by your drawings, that they'll match what you've shown me on the blueprints." "Absolutely, madam Botan. You can count on me!" Botan smiled and bowed politely. She had to admit that the royal carpenter was a little slow in the beginning, she had to get his attention quite a few times as his mind wandered elsewhere. Always, he smirked or looked like he might laugh. Nonetheless, she knew he was the best craftsman in the Spirit Realm, his quality was unrivaled. So, she dealt with his quirky behavior and, by the end of the meeting, the blue haired woman felt jubilant that a key part of her plan would be fulfilled. As she was riding away from the workshop, on her oar, she went over the remaining puzzle pieces of her plan. The location, would be the only remaining obstacle which stood in her way. Botan knew that she needed a perfect location for all this to take place; somewhere very spacious and intimate, where she could spend long afternoons watching her bundle of joy toddle about amongst the grassy areas. She also desired immaculate graden she could take her baby for walks in while he rode in his pram. She continued to think about this marvelous mystery location. It would require an interior as intricate and amazing as the outdoors which surrounded the manor. She wanted to personally decorate it herself, put everything in it's place before her little man came home. Thinking about Koenma triggered something within besides that maternal glow, she realized that she had access to Koenma's files and within said files would surely be the ideal spot to make her dreams come to fruition. A Cheshire smile spread across her face, much like a cat, as she headed to Reikei, the heavenly palace of King Enma. Her patience had paid off and things were coming together perfectly. A short ride later she hopped off her oar and walked along the corridors of Reikai towards Koenma's office. It was already getting dark out as night had fallen and, to be honest, she was quite tired due to all the work she was doing on and off the clock. Still, her plan compelled her to continue. Sure, she could've simply gone home, but she was so close to achieving her fantasy. Absorbed with her thoughts, she didn't notice the blue form of an oni heading straight at her. "George!" Botan exclaimed, catching her breath as she locked eyes with him. "Botan! I'm sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going," The blue oni, one of Koenma's most loyal assistants, apologized for the near collision. "It's alright. I was just as much at fault." Botan blushed. George rubbed his head, "It's actually a good thing I ran into you like this. I was trying to find you," "Why were you looking for me?" Botan asked, feeling a bit nervous. She knew that she was running late and that Koenma most likely was waiting to goover her work day with her. "Uh, as you know… It has been three days of hard work for all of us, especially for Koenma-sama…" The Oni's voice trailed off. "Don't tell me. Koenma is over doing it again?" "Well, he hasn't slept in two days and he has skipped his meals. He's also in a really bad mood." George paused. "I've been trying to convince him to take a break for a while, to calm his nerves a little, but he won't listen to me." "I suppose you think he'll listen to me?" Botan raised an eyebrow. To that, George Saotome responded with a hesitant nod. "Okay. I'll try to work my magic on him." Relief flooded George's face. "Thank you. He's just too hard on himself sometimes." "Don't worry," Botan smiled at the blue Oni, "I'll make sure he gets some rest." Botan walked ahead of the blue Oni and approached Koenma's office.The door to his office parted slightly and she peeked in. Even from the door, Botan noted that her boss wore a frown on his face as he stamped the documents on his desk one by one. The usual single stack on his desk had multiplied to three stacks side by side. 'As if his usual workload wasn't enough.' Botan thought. "Koenma, your favorite assistant is here!" The pink robed girl greeted her master enthusiastically while George flanked her. A grunt was uttered from behind the wall of paperwork. Botan's face fell at the pathetic response she got. Sighing, Botan plopped down in a chair that sat in front of Koenma's desk, waiting for him to give her some attention. "Look, I know you're busy, but we have to talk." This time she didn't even get a grunt. The stamping of documents was the only sound that pierced the stillness of the office as Botan sat before her boss. She experimentally waved a hand in front of Koenma's face and snapped her fingers a bit. Not once did he look up from what he was doing. Botan sighed in exasperation as she tried to ward off her annoyance, but she was tired of her little man working himself like this. That, on top of being ignored, wasn't helping her attitude after a long day of work. "That's it!" She slammed a hand on a stack of papers. Koenma went to grab another document to sign, but when he tried to pull one away from the pile, it wouldn't budge. He failed to notice Botan holding her hand firmly atop the stack. The Prince tried the next stack, but still Botan had moved her hand to that one too, ensuring that it wouldn't budge. Finally, he looked up to see what was hindering him from getting a new document to stamp. "Botan, what do you think you're doing?" George shuddered in anxiety, he knew that Koenma was in a very foul mood and was unsure if Botan's tactics were wise. "I am here to check in with you, as I do every single day, after my tasks have been fulfilled." "Oh, it's that late already?" Koenma said aloud, to everyone and no one at the same time. "According to Goerge, you've been up for two days and haven't eaten a bite." Botan was almost entering mommy mode with the tone of voice she invoked. "Botan, look at all these papers I have to finish." Koenma gestured to his multiple stacks. "I see them, but you can't punish yourself like this. Besides, they're not going anywhere." Botan explained. "Yeah, but-" Koenma tried to stifle a deep yawn. The blue haired girl felt like her heart was about to melt from the adorable display in front of her. It took all of her will power to not pick him up and cradle him to sleep in her arms like an infant. Koenma failed to notice that maternal gaze that Botan was Givin him. "How about you get some rest and I'll figure out what Botan's assignments will be tomorrow?" "I suppose. Other than that, do you have anything to report, Botan?" Koenma asked from behind his pacifier. "Botan?" George questioned. "Ohh, sorry. Just thinking about all the poor souls who we have received this week." Botan explained. "Yes, it is rather sad." Koenma added before jumping down from his armchair. "Dismissed!" Botan and the blue Oni both bowed and exited from Koenma's office. The Oni went to the left and the ferry woman went right, headed towards the section of the palace which housed the file room. She knew that at this time of night that nobody would disturb her reseach. Botan silently opened the door and went to computer located by walls of bookshelves which contained all the records ever recorded. The computer merely made things easier to locate and document in a digital fashion. Every digital document had a physical counterpart which was kept in the organization selves. A few hours of going through the files had yielded her the perfect residence. It fit all the criteria that needed to be met to fully achieve her fantasy. According to the photographs displayed on the screen, it was a castle like house with a flowing front lawn and spacious garden in the back. She went over all the specs carefully, then printed it out with eager excitement. As she held the documents in her hand, a dreadful thought nearly shattered her fantasy into pieces; She had to consult King Enma! If she didn't, how would Koenma ever get more than an afternoon off from his celestial duties? Still, the deathwave on Earth was waning and she knew that King Enma saw how hard his poor son had been working during the last week. She knew that he probably would give his son a vacation if she could only convince him to do so. After all, he was a wise and intelligent God who could be persuaded if spoken to correctly. She then took a deep breath and knew what she needed to do.



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