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A lone woman pushed an old fashioned, light purple baby carriage through a secluded portion of the woods. Her long flowing, light blue her contrasted with the vibrant, pink dress she wore. A large white bow above her rear end completed the ensemble. "This is really quite unbecoming of my status." A voice whined from the pram. "Lord Koenma, this wasn't my idea. King Enma specifically called upon us to flush out these demons by going undercover." The toddler laying in the carriage knew that Botan was right. This was all his father's fault to a certain extent. As far as the Prince of the Afterlife knew, baby clothes weren't expressly declared as necessary by his father, but that didn't make Koenma any happier with his current wardrobe. With a sigh, Koenma spoke up. "I know. At least Yusuke was too busy to help us with this assignment. I'd never hear the end of it if he saw me dressed like this." Koenma flourished his little hands, gesturing at his current ensemble: A frilly blue baby bonnet with white fringes framed his cute face, which was currently scowling behind his trademark pacifier. He wore a matching baby blue onesie, frilly booties and mittens. Botan did her best not to grin as her boss lay before her in such infantile garb, in the stroller. She knew that Koenma took his job very seriously just like she did. Still, times like this were fun for the assistant to the Prince of the Afterlife. Typically, she'd be risking her very existence with Yusuke and jobs like this, while just as dangerous, were a welcome reprieve from those trying times where the forces of the Demon World were hunting them down. "If it makes a difference, I think you look rather cute, sir." Botan smiled, pushing the carriage forward. "Convincing." Koenma corrected. "That is the only thing that matters. You and I both know that this very tract of land is where the demon, Rayanoko lives and he'll be easy to lure out if all goes according to plan." The infant was all business as usual. He had tirelessly studied all of the reports and locations of the disappearances, tracing them back to this exact stretch of wilderness. According to variety eyewitness testimony, from the parents of a few of the missing children, Rayanoko was a short, green reptilian looking demon. Spirit World didn't exactly have a file on him, but Koenma felt confident that his father wouldn't put him, or Botan, in harm's way. Unbeknownst to the two operatives from the Spirit World, a figure stalked them in the trees above. His power level was so miniscule, neither of our heros felt his presence as he hopped from tree to tree, causing only a handful of dying leaves to fall from the branches with each silent landing. Botan and Koenma didn't think much of the falling leaves as it was autumn. "Ahhh!" Suddenly, a sharp pain struck the blue haired vixen from behind, causing Botan to let go of the pram and grab her back. The demon took advantage of this momentary distraction and grabbed the toddler from the pram, grinning all the while. However, he had no idea who he was holding under his arm as he tried to run off. Botan immediately regained her composure once she realized that her boss had been snatched from the carriage and proceeded to chase down the scaly tailed bastard before he could vanish. She quickly closed the gap and summoned her oar. "That's my baby!" Botan yelled the first thing that came to her mind as she swung the long wooden object. It connected with the lizard demon's face right as he was turning around to see who was yelling at him, knocking him out cold. Koenma hopped out of his arms and landed on the ground in his little, bootie clad feet. "Nicely done. This will be the end of this lowly child thief." The toddler sized ruler of heaven praised his compatriot. "Thank you, Lord Koenma. Couldn't have done it without you." "True. Now let's retire to my Summer House. I can't wait to get out of these clothes and something a little more mature and regal looking." ---Later That Evening At Koenma's Summerhouse--- Botan stretched out on the soft, luxurious couch while Koenma busied himself with making supper for the two of them. He floated off the tiled kitchen floor, just high enough to work the skillet, and occasionally stir the contents of a large wok. All the vegetables and meat had been sliced and diced by his trained eye and equally precise hands. Even in his toddler form, he was quite an accomplished chef. "Dinner's ready!" Koenma called from a modest sized table with two chairs. Botan walked over to the dining area and marveled at the feast which her boss had prepared for the two of them: A large tuna sat perched a top a small mountain of fried rice. At the base of the rice hill was various vegetables and wontons filled with cream cheese. The ferrywoman had to admit that Koenma went all out on the meal as she took her seat. "So, Koenma, have you ever thought about being babied?" She couldn't help thinking about their mission earlier. One image dominated her thoughts ever since Koenma had stepped out from his office decked out in his baby attire: The vision of herself dressed in the most maternal of dresses as she held her bubbly, baby boss. Botan knew that these feelings towards Koenma had been building throughout the multiple decades she has served him, but today was causing them to break through. Koenma found himself caught off guard by the question asked by his assistant, and nearly gagged on a piece of tuna. Sure, in the past, there had been people who've asked him such questions and even a few who attempted to treat him in such a manner. However, he always put a stop to it. Just because he looked like a toddler didn't mean he wanted others to treat him as one. He had an image to maintain after all. "I have actually tried it, but never went the whole way with it" Koenma paused. "Why do you ask?" "Well, you just looked very cute is all " "I recall you saying that earlier. However, you asked if I ever thought about being babied. Why did you ask about that in particular?" "Umm, it'd be a great way to relax. That's all I meant by it." Botan explained before she sipped on her beverage. "I relax just fine without a diaper or baby clothes, thank you very much." Botan didn't want to insult her boss and she could tell by his initial response that he had tried something along the lines of what she had envisioned for the two of them. She didn't want to push the issue, but at the same time thought that it was already out in the open. Why not pursue it? "It's more than that. You'd have someone literally tending to your every want or need, all while being comforted." "Yes, I understand the implications." Koenma said in between bites of the tuna. Botan knew that tone. He'd definitely try it, but his pride was getting in the way. She knew that Yusuke's earlier ridiculing probably still weighed on Koenma, but she also had a feeling that Koenma stayed in his toddler form for a reason. For years, she had assumed that he merely was stuck in his current body, but the Demon Tournament revealed to her that he could become his adults self at will. Obviously, he proffered his baby body. "Well, just thought I'd ask. You really are the hardest working man in Spirit World." "Don't let my father hear you say that." Koenma cracked a smile. The conversation drifted towards work and other issues which had been resolved recently. Aside from Rayanoko, things were rather peaceful after weeks of turbulence. Botan and Koenma had solved every problem that confronted Spirit World. "You did a great job today. Couldn't have stopped that kidnapping Lizard without you." Koenma offered as the meal was winding down. "No problem, sir. All in a days work." "I think I'm done for the night. I'm going to go get some sleep." Koenma's replied as he clears his side of the table, taking the dishes over to the kitchen. "Good night, Lord Koenma." Botan calls out to her baby sized boss as he leaves. The blue haired woman sat there, at the table, for quite some time, deep in thought. The Heavenly assistant knew Koenma was overworked. She walked into his office numerous times only to see stacks of papers, taller than herself, awaiting a Lord Koenma's stamp. Plenty of times she just stood there and watched her little man work. He'd work for hours, sometimes days and it was so unfair that he never got a legitimate vacation despite all of his properties, given to him by King Enma, specifically for that purpose. She couldn't help picturing herself in the most beautiful of dresses, and skirts with petticoats and frills galour, holding her bundle of joy. For once, Koenma would be truly happy. She envisioned him wearing the most adorable outfits while his brilliant brown hair curled out from beneath his frilly bonnet. A thick diaper would be prominently displayed or concealed, depending on the outfits that she would have him wear for her. 'Yes, this is exactly what he needs!' Botan knew that she had a lot of calls to make and that more than a few of her contacts would be needed to get her plan ready. Luckily for her, she had plenty of time and knew exactly who to summon to make her fantasy a reality.



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