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Emily sat on the couch, lamenting the fact that she couldn't find a job after graduating from college. If she had found a job, she wouldn't currently browsing through the web, while sitting on her mother's couch, in her mother's house, on a Monday afternoon. She'd most likely be in her own apartment or at the gym. Her current sedimentary lifestyle could be blamed on a multitude of factors, her mom's rich cooking, the convenience of digital resumes and the fact that most of her friends had moved away. Without cash, there was nothing for the young woman to do but lounge around the house and wait for a response to her employment queries. Still, her body was quite attractive. "Oh, Emily!" The college graduate heard her mother call out to her. "Yeah, mom?!" "Look what I found while I was at the yard sale down the street." Her mother held out an old, dusty looking book. "What is it?" "It's your old baby book!" The older woman smiled. Let's take a look at how cute you used to be." Emily felt slightly insulted by the comment. Yeah, she wasn't a cute bundle of joy anymore, but she knew that she was still cute in a more mature way. She wore the trendy tops and designer jeans that she bought with her financial aid. Maybe that wasn't the best use of her money, but at least she didn't have to dress in her high school clothes.'Wait, what was my old baby book doing at a yard sale?!' "Ohh! Look at this one!" Her mother's excited tone broke her away from her thoughts as she noticed the older woman's finger pointing at a picture of her adult self, suckling on a rattle and drooling. One thing that bugged the young woman was how anyone could get some worked up about babies. One of her closest friends, from high school, had a kid about a year ago and it was all she ever talked about on Facebook. Every new day was greeted by a picture of her friend's new baby: Baby's first bath, baby's first feeding in a high chair, baby's first birthday. It just annoyed the young woman how someone could document every insignificant event like it was front page news. At least she didn't show a video of her baby's first fart. 'Wait. Why did that picture show me in a diaper? It looks like it was taken last week!' "When are you going to bring me home a little baby?" Emily was caught off guard by that question, but replied in an annoyed tone. "How am I supposed to have a kid if I can't find a job? Every job I've applied for doesn't get back to me, obviously because I'm too overqualified for them." "Honey, you do need a job to find a nice boy and settle down." "Pfft." Emily scoffed at the notion. "I don't want to just be a house wife for the rest of my life. Why do you think I went to college?" "I don't know why you have to be so difficult. I got a job once you went to high school, remember? So I could help pay for your tuition? You live here for free and I cook and clean after you. Sometimes I think that you're no different than this little baby in this book." Mooom!" "No, I take that back, you used to be grateful and smiled whenever I entered the room." Emily sighed. "Sorry, mom. I guess I can never live up to the standards of a drooling infant..." "That's not what I meant and you know it. My point is a simple one: When you were a baby, you may not of ever said thank you, but I knew that you appreciated all I did for you. I just wish you'd be more like that baby and appreciate all I do for you now." Emily was going to debate that statement, but suddenly, she felt a cool breeze brush across her upper thighs. 'That's strange, I'm not wearing short shorts.' The college graduate looked down and was shocked by the sight of a tight lavender one Sierra which covered a massive disposable diaper strapped to her waist. "Moooommm!" The black haired woman cried out, pointing at the offensive incontinence garment. "Where's my normal clothes and why am I in a diaper?!" "Because you're not potty trained yet, silly girl." "Is this some kind of sick joke?!" Emily yelled. "Uh-huh, sounds like someone is a fussy baby." Emily's mom either didn't understand her daughter's protests or didn't care. One moment, she had seen her adult daughter in jeans and a top, black, shoulder length hair perfectly styled. Then, a second later, the young woman had instantly became an oversized infant complete with a cute onesie and diaper. She cried out as her mother suddenly grew younger, white hair turned black and then a dyed, trendy shade of red. The older woman's skin tightened and regained it's fullness as the babyfied college graduate started looking around, trying her best to find an answer to this insanity. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted the baby pictures which seemingly were different. Emily focused on the photos and realized that they were all her, but as an adult! Diaper changes, stroller rides, trapped in baby bouncers and walkers. Every single picture showed her sucking on something: pacifies, fingers, toes, rattles or babas. Then she saw one that startled her: Her being breastfed! As if her fixation on the picture was a self fulfilling prophecy, her mother said that her bra was growing wet. "I think it's time to feed the baby!" Quickly, her mother unbuttoned her shirt and whipped out her breasts, the nipples were completely engorged, swollen and puffy, ripe with milk. The bullet shaped flesh dripped with milk. "Noooo, I dun wanna!" Emily screamed, but she was forced to latch on. Her toothless maw instantly took to the teat and sucked slowly, drawing out the warm, rich creamy liquid. Slowly, but surely, Emily felt her mind grow cloudy and distorted. Her college education evaporated into nothingness, then her high school knowledge went the way of the Dodo, leaving her with the most basic of information. Emily found herself driven by her basic compulsions. Emily gazed up at her mother with a gummy smile, her eyes said it all: Thank you, mommy. "That's better, sweetie. Drink it all up."



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