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Natalie sighed as she closed the door of her dorm room after a long day of final exams. She plopped onto the couch as her roommate, Ashlynn, strolled into the small living room. The slender college student stretched her arms above her head; brown locks flowed behind her, contrasting her roommate's chestnut black hair. Ashlynn looked down at Natalie while suppressing a slight yawn. "You look exhausted." "Yeah." Natalie laid out on the couch before continuing. "Today was tough and those exams kicked my ass." "I'm glad I didn't have to deal with that today." The blond waltzed over to the fridge and popped open a can of cola. "I slept all day." "Lucky bitch." Natalie replied in a huff. "Hey, don't be that way." Ashlynn sat on the arm rest of the couch and took a sip of her beverage. "You need to unwind." "Yeah, but weed shows up on a drug test and I'm not trying to get busted during a random at work" The Asian girl sulked. "Don't worry, there's this new pill that is so chill." Ashlynn grinned as she recalled her last trip. "Yeah, I know that look." Natalie grinned. "What's it do besides get you laid?" "What doesn't it do?" Her roomate said thoughtfully. "That good, huh?" Natalie knew it had been a few weeks since she last did E. "It's like, flying, but so smooth and mellow. You constantly feel warm and fuzzy. The only downside is that Niagara Falls is constantly occurring in your panties the entire time." The blond blushed. "I'll just wear a maxi then." Natalie chuckled. "So, you got any of those little pills?" "Nah, I got to re-up on Maiden." Ashlynn said while pulling out her cell. "Maiden?" The couch bound girl asked. "I didn't name it." Ashlynn said as she typed away on her phone. "Fair enough." "Hey, Snowbird." Ashlynn greeted her dealer as she started pacing the room. "Yeah." She paused to listen while Natalie sat up, trying to hear the conversation. "That's cool. Was just wondering if you got any of the Maiden on deck?" The Asian girl watched Ashlynn walk from the couch to the kitchen and then back as the details of the deal were worked out. "Cool. Naty, you want one or two?" The blond asked while approaching her roommate. "I got twenty on it." "Alright, ten little pinkies then, Snow." Ashlynn grabbed her car keys. "Yeah, I'll be there in ten." Natalie yawned and stretched out, once more laying about on the sofa. She stared up at the ceiling and felt the anticipation take hold. 'Tonight will be so awesome!' About thirty minutes later, Natalie was awakened by her roommate calling her name. "Natalie, wake up. I got the stuff!" "Huh, oh...." She looked up at her friend as the young woman wiped the sleep out of her eyes. This caused Ashlynn to smile. "You sure need this. Good thing you took a nap. This stuff can make you pass out." The brown haired bombshell dropped four pink circular pills into Natalie's open hand which prompted the worn out woman to just pop one of them into her mouth. "Thanks." The short haired girl replied after swallowing the pill. "You're supposed to cut that little bad boy into quarters." "What?" Natalie looked up. "Why?" "Stuff is strong. Better get your Maxi ready. You're going to need it." Ashlynn laughed as she popped a small chunk of Maiden into her mouth. Natalie was only joking about that, but if what her friend had said earlier was true then she'd better grab it. The short girl quickly hopped off of the couch and made her way to her room while Ashlynn muttered something. Anxiety pierced her thoughts as she hoped that triple the dose would be just a little more chill instead of not being too much to handle. She rummaged through her dirty room for around ten minutes until Ashlynn knocked at her bedroom door. "What's taking so long?" "I can't find anything in here." Natalie pouted. 'Wait, why did I do that? It's not that big of a deal.' She thought. Ashlynn opened the door and noticed a pile of dirty clothes and an unmade bed; sheets on the floor and pillows askew. Natalie crouched on the ground by her nightstand. "Here." Ashlynn called out to her roommate while pulling a Maxi pad from her trendy bag. The crouching college student slowly stood up, on slightly shaky legs, but she didn't notice anything off. However, once Natalie was upright, Ashlynn noticed something, a huge wet patch could be seen on Natalie's blue jeans. The blond couldn't believe her eyes. "Looks like you could use more than a maxi pad." Ashlynn smirked "Wah?" Natalie looked confused until she took a wobbly step forward and felt her sopping wet panties cling to her tight midsection. "Dammit!" "I guess you can't handle the trip." "Can too!" Natalie pouted. "I just couldn't find that stupid pad in time." "Yeah, I guess my pants would be that bad too if I forgot to pad up." "Lemme change and I'll be out there soon." The Asian girl stated as she started stripping her body of the offending wet pants. Ashlynn sat the lone maxi pad onto the bare mattress and giggled softly as she left her friend alone. "She totally can't handle her trip." Natalie heard her roommate's remark and felt hurt. 'How could she be so mean?' The girl thought as she pulled off her pants and threw them at the door in a huff. 'I bet she couldn't handle a whole pill.' This thought. This line of reasoning struck a chord with the college freshman. She grinned as she started walking towards the door in just her sodden panties before she stopped. "Oh shit! Almost forgot about this." Natalie grabbed the maxi pad and slid it into place inside her damp underwater and smiled. Protected from future soakings, the girl renewed her unsteady walk to the living room as she opened her door. The first thing she noticed was Ashlynn, sitting in front of the television, playing with her phone, mostly oblivious. In front of the texting woman was her can of cola. Natalie put two and two together. 'This will be too easy.' She just had to drop one of her pink pills into the can of soda. Once that pill was ingested by Ashlynn, Natalie felt confident that everything would at least be even. If she was going to trip she wasn't going to do it alone after all. Speaking of triping, the little devil must have kicked in. The carpet felt incredibly soft to her bare feet. 'Bare feet? When did that happen?' She racked her brain until she realized that she must've took them off to get her skinny jeans off. 'Makes sense.' Each step was increasingly unsteady, but she blamed that on her maxi pad. 'Stupid thing always feeling like a damn diaper or something.' "Finally found your way to the living room?" Ashlynn asked with a smirk while staring at her screen. "Yeah, I told you I fine." Natalie didn't exactly plan for her mouth to say it like that, but it was good enough. Besides, Ashlynn didn't look up and this would give her an opportunity to drop the pill into her drink which she did before she fell onto the floor. "Damn!" Ashlynn looked over to Natalie on the ground in her wet panties."You okay down there?" "I told you I is fine." Natalie felt fine, whatever was in this drug must reduce pain too. It didn't even bother her that she fell on her butt. In fact, her butt felt like it was getting softer. Maybe the urine had made her underwear swell up? Either that or her maxi pad cushioned her fall. "Whatever you say, Space Queen." Ashlynn reached for her fizzy drink and took a long sip off of the can. While Natalie watched her friend drink the cola, she noticed that she was still in her panties. 'Like, where the hell are my pants?' "Hey, where my pants?" The bewildered girl, sitting in an expanding diaper, asked. "I don't know, but nice diaper!" Ashlynn couldn't stop laughing.'Where did Natalie even get that ridiculous thing?' Floating around in her mind, she couldn't quite understand what was so funny. "I always wear diapees." "Whatever, I dunno how you could hide this kink of yours from me." "Kink?" Natalie felt like she was pulled out of a hole. She focused herself and stared down at her waist where a thick, plastic coated disposable diaper greeted her eyes. "The fuck?!" The garment featured a landing strip filled with colorful little cartoon designs. On each wing was a single large tape and leg guards that blocked any leaks from happening. Natalie poked it, hoping it wasn't really there or some bad hallucination, but to her astonishment, it was real. *Crinkle* "Yeah, that's definitely not my grandma's diaper." "Whatever." Natalie pouted, trying to think of a good response. "You probably seeing things." "I see a big fat diaper, that looks like something my niece wears, strapped around your ass." "You gave me this damn maxi pad. It's all your fault!" "Sure. It's my fault." Ashlynn scoffed. "Natalie, you're so high that you think a maxi pad could just magically transform into a diaper." "What else would explain it?" Natalie said, riding a sudden wave of clarity. "Look, you have a diaper fetish, which you felt compelled to share with me because your so fucked up on pills. Plus, on top of that, I literally have to babysit your ass because you're so high." "You gonna be high too!" "Not as high as you." Ashlynn retorted as she took another sip "We'll see." Natalie splayed her limp legs out. They felt heavy, as if they were asleep, but without the tingling sensation. Speaking of tingling, her wet diaper was really making her feel hot. The material tickled the contours of her pussy lips. The college freshman slowly started rubbing the carpet with her diapered ass. Ashlynn looked up from her phone and sighed. "Seriously?" "Take that into your room and use your toy if you want to play with yourself. Just don't do that in front of me!" Natalie ceased her humping of the floor and looked towards the open door of her room with a far away gaze. The diapered adult nodded and got onto all fours, crawling away from her rude roommate and towards her private sanctuary. "Fucking diapers and an exhibitionist. I certainly never expected that."




I don't use drugs, but gimmie some of that!


I'm glad you like it. I have a sequel of sorts that will be posted within the hour.