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The crawling college freshman thought she heard something, but it sounded far away as she reached her nightstand. Crawling took a lot of effort and energy, but her quivering slit was moist and begging for her vibrator. Natalie knelt by her nightstand, diaper touching her calves, while searching each drawer for the tool of stimulation. "Eureka!" She lisped and held up her mighty magical wand. Clicking it on surprised her and caused her hand to drop the violently shaking adult toy. "Dammit!" Natalie watched it roll under her bed and swore she saw a flash of light escape the dark under belly of the mattress frame. 'Just twipping weally gud.' Reaching out, towards under the bed, made the girl feel like she was fighting with gravity or jelly. Yes, she was that high now or was there something more to her severe discordination? Either way, after minutes of wiping her useless hands across the surface of what laid under her bed, she found a lone item. Her fingers explored it and felt a ring with a huge rubber bulb. 'Don't feew wike a wibwator.' Natalie pulled it out and realized that it was a freaking pacifier. Like, an actual giant, pink version of a baby's binky. She was going to throw it away, but for some reason she wanted to suck on it. Honestly, in what remained of her rational mind, it made sense. Whenever she did Esctasy she sucked a binky. Maybe this was one of her raver pacis that she forgot to toss? "Whatever." The Asian teen said aloud before plunging the massive rubber nipple into her mouth. Her tongue explored the slick surface of the infantile intruder. It was big and felt great when her lips finally wrapped around it and sulked it. Soon drool began to leak from her mouth and only quickened her suckling. Each bob of the binky made her gums tingle and pulsate. 'Something not wight!' Her mind screamed at her to pull it out. Quickly she used her heavy hand to pry at the shield of the pacifier, but accidently hit a button which activated the massage feature of the binky. The annoyed young woman whined behind the paci until she felt the tingling increase and the painful aching go away. Once her teeth had fully receded into her gums, the suckling impulse stopped, but she still took a random drag off of it while crawling back to the living room. 'I wunder how Ashlynn ish doin.' Natalie entered a completely different room then she remembered. The walls were painted Seafoam Green and her treasured posters, which once adorned the walls, were no where to be found. Instead, a series of black and white "baby pictures" took their places. Normally, the young woman would have study the images, but there were stranger things demanding her attention, such as the kitchen. Black and white tiles spread out from the edge of the formerly crampt kitchen. Natalie didn't have time to question where the wooden floor had gone. She stared, slack jawed, at two old fashioned high chairs which towered above her. The two infantile chairs occupied a space which was formerly used for the ladies' modern barstools. Just then the diapered student realized an important fact: Everything in the kitchen looked like it was straight out of the fifties. There was an old stove and massive pink fridge. An ancient blender filled with purple muck found her searching eyes. The mechanical pacifier fell from her lips. "Eww, no way!" A long string of spittle stretched down and poured onto the young woman's forearm. She snapped herself out of a dazed, prolonged gaze and wiped her arm with her cute bib. "Much betta!" "Hey Nat!" A distant voice called out. The voice echoed slightly while Natalie turned her head slowly. "Wat ta hell happen to you?!" "What are you talking about?" Ashlynn asked. The brown hair girl cocked her head to the side as she sat slumped in a large baby bouncer clad only in a diaper. From the stoned adult infant's point of view, everything was normal. She felt fine, after all her diaper absorbed all of the juices flowing from her pussy. Both of a sexual result of the drug and the random discharges of urine. So, what was Natalie's issue? "Dun gib me tat look. Sumthin ish nod wight!" The short Asian girl flailed her arms in a mild tantrum style manner while tryingto get through to her roommate. "Yeah, I'm super horny and I can't get my hands into my Pamper cause of the straps on this damned baby bouncer." Ashylnn's hands thumped off of the slick plastic cover, accentuating her point. "That's the problem." Ashlynn whined. "No!" Natalie wailed while Ashlynn bucked her hips and rocked up and down in the bouncy. This once capable art student noticed that each bounce sent a sexual shiver up her spine. Once this sensation was felt, the young woman discovered that she could manipulate the diaper while the oversized baby's chair helped bring her to the brink of ejaculation. Natalie could only stare, completely dumbfounded, as her friend drooled and howled for more. It seemed that her tongue must have swelled due to her rapidly deteriorating enunciation of basic words. "Yes, oh God yes!" "Gib me everythin you got!" Her roommate demanded of her infantile seat. "Wanna squirt in mai pampaws!" A piercing scream of ecstasy overpowered the squeaking notices which followed the bouncing of the baby chair. All other sounds bowed before the five seconds of the declaration of a blissfully orgasmic climax. Natalie watched as her friend fell silent, eyes rolling back into her head before she passed out. Her exhausted body slumped down once more into the chair with a sickening "squelch" noise from the swamped Pamper. "Ashwynn!" Natalie cried out and crawled over to her restrained friend who has started blowing spit bubbles in her sleep. Said bubbles fluctuated with her breathing. *Crinkle* *Crinkle* *Crinkle* Her diapers various crumpling didn't even register to the college kid, but the various sounds of laughter, cracking free from the walls sure did. She stopped her crawl and plunked down on her padded tush, frantically searching for the source of this ghostly cackling. Dizziness fell upon her senses as her mind was spinning. "You have no choice!" The walls called out. An entranced Natalie stared at the door. Somehow she got turned around, not that she took any notice of this development. No. The front door was all that mattered as the laughter died down and a series of footsteps clacked about outside of the former student's dorm. She followed the sounds to the best of her abilities until she felt compelled to stop. *Click* A bright orange glow almost blinded Natalie as the door swung inwards. Using what was left of her mind, she hoped that this was all an illusion brought before her eyes by the pharmaceutical potion she eagerly swallowed minutes earlier. Or was that hours ago? Nonetheless,  the shadowy figure closed the door behind her and looked down at her newest charge. "You weren't ready to be a big girl. Lesson one, you never take candy from strangers." The red skinned, Seafoam green clad woman hefted Natalie onto her hip. "Now, this is an institution of higher learning, or was. I think it's more suited to a daycare capacity. Don't you?"



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