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The dyperdrive glided through the depths of space, piloted by it's Captain, Jamie Jammer. The boy sat at the helm of the starship, joined only by his metallic guardian named PJP2. The droid maintained the ship and did it's best to keep our hero out of trouble, but as of the moment PJP2 had nothing to worry about because Jamie sat quietly, deep in thought. Jamie couldn't help, but keep thinking about his goal of ultimately tracking down his parents. He knew it wasn't going to be easy,  but it meant far more to the young lad then merely traveling across the far reaching darkness of space and cataloging whatever colorful spheres populated it. The boy's train of thought was interrupted by a beeping signal which caused PJP2 to spring to life, plotting the coordinates of the source of the disturbance. The blond looked over to his hoovering companion. "What's the problem?" Jamie wondered. "There is an emergency beacon being sent from a nearby satellite approximately six minutes from our current location. Condition of the satellite is unknown." PJP2 relied to the Captain. "We better check it out!" The boy said excitedly. "I advise against that. We have no info about the situation." PJP2 stated. "It's just a satellite. We'll be fine." Jamie replied. "It could be dangerous. We should scan the craft first." "That'll take forever. Besides what's the worst thing that could happen?" Jamie questioned. "It's best to be safe. I don't want anything to happen to you." PJP2 cautioned. "I'm not baby!" The boy asserted before adding. "As Captain I say we go!" The droid turned around and finished rerouting the DyperDrive to proceed to the distress call. Jamie stood up to his full height of four foot ten, which was a little shorter than your average twelve year old, but afforded him the ability to get into small entrances and other small spaces. The boy inspected his spacesuit, making sure it was ready and noticed his diaper was a bit soggy. His parents had never had the opportunity to potty train him before they were separated from him, but this never bothered Jamie because all he ever knew was using his diapers. Jamie didn't want to waste time by changing the moist garment so he ignored it as the Dyperdrive slowed to a stop. The stop caused our hero to glance out the main window and take notice of the large abandoned satellite in the distance. The lights randomly blinked on the exterior of the steel spinning wheel as it spun around the center complex. It didn't appear like anything was wrong except that it may have been evacuated long ago by it's inhabitants. He had no information about what purpose the space station served or if it even had oxygen to breath."PJP2, give me a read out on the current status of the space station." "Preliminary scan shows oxygen levels are low and power output is  below optimal levels." The robot reported. "Okay so you're coming with me to repair the power core while I  scout the craft." Captain Jamie stated. "Roger that." Jamie walked over to the molecular teleportation pad, where his metallic guardian waited. The galactic explorer typed into his wrist computer the longitude and latitude which would transfer himself and PJP2 onto the satellite. One final sequence of data initiated the relay to the space station. The blinding flash of energy dissipates, and it's revealed to both travelers that the satellite is currently operating off of back up generators which is evident by the flickering lights. PJP2 scans the walls of the reception area and finds a series of utility cables leading down a secondary corridor. "I'll reinstate the power supply. Please return here once the lights are at full illumination." Jamie sighed. "Fine." The droid left the main room leaving our pampered protagonist to explore the rest of the space station. He proceeded down the poorly lit primary hallway until he noticed a malfunctioning sign above a series of panels. The sign was in some alien dialect he wasn't familiar with, but the interior of the windowed area interested himself much more than the sign. It held clear bins that appeared large enough to hold himself. He wasn't really sure what purpose they had, but he couldn't help, but wonder if this was a medical bay of some kind. Perhaps this was a viewing area potentially for injured or recovering patients the boy thought. He resumed his investigation of the corridor and came across a mechanical door which was stuck ajar due to an insufficient power supply. Jamie quickly entered the dark room. He could only make out a few shadows and shapes which looked like cages or plastic pens, a few tall chairs and a row of tables where he spotted a figure slumped over the table. Jamie cautiously approached the humanoid and right as he was about to tap the shoulder of the Android it spasms causing Jamie to jump. The young astronaut landed on his padded posterior as he wet himself thoroughly from being startled by the malfunctioning robot. The blond cursed to himself as he felt his diaper swell to capacity. "I'll have to get a change once PJP2 finishes with the power plant." He regained his composure and stood up once more. He decided to try to scan the Humanoid robot. The data retrieved from the scan was limited and all that could be ascertained was that the robot was a female domestic bot and it was in a power saving mode of some kind. This puzzled the boy because he expected the Android to be a medical bot since he assumed that this was the medical area of the satellite.More data was needed and he decided to do things the old fashioned way. The boy knew that some Androids had to be accessed via wires to preform routine diagnostic checks and repairs. He reached behind it's neck to access the data port, which was covered by a panel. He opened the panel and found a set of input jacks. Jamie plugged his wrist computer's diagnostic wires into the jacks and began doing a full scan on the machine. Unbeknownst to our hero the Android was downloading all of his information such as weight, height and age. The databanks of the cybernetic Humanoid were merging his information with her programming. The only thing preventing the robot from preforming it's duties was the master computer activating her. Meanwhile PJP2 was working feverishly with his long arms to restore the power to the grid. He had already replaced the burnt out relays and was currently working with the terminal in the power plant. A few rapid keystrokes and the generators all came to life with a jolt. Power courses throughout the satellite and soon every light, door and computer is back online, including the master computer. PJP2 was quite pleased with himself and decided to make sure that the oxygen production center down the hall was working as well before he rejoined Jamie in the main reception area. Jamie had just finished the scan when the room was fully illuminated. "Oh cool, PJ got the power back on!" The slamming of the main metallic door causes our hero to look about the room and he realized that it was a large nursery for alien babies. He felt awkward when he notices he could easily fit into the high chairs and cribs, but that only momentarily bothers the galactic explorer as he approached the door. "Just got to override the locking mechanism and I'll be out of here." Several minutes after Jamie walked over to the door and started to open it, the Android laying on the table received a remote signal to power up via the master computer. A tremor that ran through the entire Android's body caused it to reboot. It proceeded to process all of it's new data and merged it into its programming: Jamie Jammer, age 12 months, needs care before he is displayed to his new parents. The Humanoid mechanical nanny stood up from the table and opened it's eyes. The robotic babysitter turns around and noticed it's charge was outside of his crib. "Naughty baby Jamie is outside his crib! " "What in the world?!" Jamie exclaimed as he spun around and stared at the seven foot tall Android who was coming right to him. He heard the door behind him click and slide open which signaled his freedom. He turned and begins to run, but the mechanical nanny grabs him by his space suit and picked him up into her arms. "Bad baby, trying to run away from me." She pats his bottom and feels it squish against her hand. "You're wet. Baby needs a diaper change." Jamie blushes tremendously. "I'm not your baby!" He declares defiantly as he struggles against it's tight grip. "First we got to get you out of this silly sleeper of yours." Nanny bot announced as she laid our pampered protagonist onto the changing table with an audible squish. The cybernetic nanny first removed the space boots and his suit which exposed his sopping wet pamper. Then the robot began to pull Jamie's helmet off. Luckily for him, the oxygen was flowing throughout the satellite at the perfect ratio to sustain human breathing thanks to PJP2. However, Jamie didn't know this and tried to kick the Android, bringing his foot back and launching it at the robotic babysitter's face. The Android caught it with it's left hand, even as it was reaching for his helmet. Jamie started yelling "No, no, no!" as the robot finished removing his helmet and pushes a pacifier into his mouth to not only silence him, but calm him down. The tactic seemed to work as Jamie suckled nervously on the rubber nipple of the pacifier while the cybernetic nanny pulled open the tapes of his soggy diaper causing him to shiver slightly from the cold. It grabbed a baby wipe with it's right and then smiled at Jamie while tickling him with its fingers down his leg before it wiped him quickly and thoroughly. The blond could only wonder why this was happening. What caused this robot to treat him in this manner? The Android only continued to smile at the boy while smoothing a cream into his skin. Then it put a fresh white diaper under him and lowered him onto it. In a short time the diaper was tapped on. "There we go," the Android said as it picked Jamie Jammer up into it's arms. "All clean and dry." Jamie spat out the pacifier. "Thanks for the change, but I'm not a baby." "You're just being fussy and need a nap." The robot announced to  diaper clad boy in it's arms. "I don't need a nap!  Now put me back into my space suit! "Captain Jammer firmly stated. The mechanical babysitter put Jamie down onto the crib's mattress. "Your sleeper isn't needed because the climate is controlled in here." Then the robot left the crib leaving our pampered protagonist alone to his thoughts. Jamie watched the Android exit the room and decided he has to use this opportunity to escape before the mechanical babysitter came back and did god knows what else to him. He quickly sprung to his feet causing his diaper to crinkle loudly. He ignored it as he pulled himself up and onto of the railing of the four foot tall crib bars. Jamie looked down and hesitated for a second because it was almost a six foot drop, but still dropped down to the carpet with another crunch of plastic. Jamie landed gracefully enough to regain his footing and start running to the door, but before he could make it everything got heavier for his body. It was like an invisible force was pushing him to the ground. The boy compromised and started crawling much like the infant he was being treated as. His crawling didn't get him far because the Cybernetic nanny returned  carrying a baby bottle, it looked a little larger than normal. The robot reached down and scooped Captain Jammer into it's arms. The Android positioned the blond like a baby about to be bottle fed as it held the bottle of milk up in front of his lips and pushed the nipple of the bottle until it was in its place. Jamie tried to force it from his mouth, but this caused milk to dribble down his chin. He tried to turn his head away from it, but the robot kept the nipple firmly in his mouth no matter how much he struggled against this humiliation. Finally the diapered boy realised that there was only one way to get the nipple out of his mouth. He began to suck, slowly nursing, drinking the milk until it was completely gone. When the robotic babysitter saw the empty bottle it positioned Jamie over it's shoulder and lightly began patting the boy's back until he burped. "That's better, isn't it baby? " Jamie could only blush as he was carried back to his crib and laid within it's secure structure. The nanny bot once again left the room while the boy tried to stand up. Captain Jammer didn't know why, but everytime he tried to stand he couldn't stay on his feet for more then a few seconds before landing on his padded bottom. After the third attempt failed he felt extremely drowsy and decided to lay down for a few minutes. Unbeknowst to our hero, his baba was laced with fast acting sedatives that were reserved to calm the most troublesome of the alien babies. However, the effects on your average human were unknown and Jamie was about to learn how powerful they were. The mechanical babysitter had left to the kitchen where it was pouring some alien mush into a bowl. It seemed pleased that the motion sensors in the nursery remained unactivated. The Android assumed the increased gravity would keep him in his crib, but he still managed to escape. This was why it had choosen to administer the formula after it's charge demostrated that he couldn't be trusted to take a nap. He may not be happy, but he'll be presented to his parents once it was done feeding and bathing him. Jaime awoke to the nanny bot picking him up from under his armpits and he felt very tired as it carried him over to the high chair. The Android placed him into the high chair and strapped him firmly into the seat. Captain Jammer tried to struggle against the straps, but soon realized that he lacked the energy to put up much of a resistance. The blue alien mush was spoon fed to him quickly and he had no choice, but to swallow it or choke. On the other side of the satellite PJP2 worked quickly to ensure all the oxygen levels were stable. The metallic guardian finally was satisfied with the readings the master computer displayed. PJP2 was about to exit the room when a series of images reappeared on the screen via the security cams. One image caught his attention the most. It showed an android spoon feeding a diaper clad Jamie, who was held captive in a very large high chair. PJP2 found this scenario to be quite ironic, and decided to manipulate the nanny bot. Jamie had just swallowed the last spoonful of the hideous mush and was grateful that his feeding was through until his stomach began to cramp. The mechanical babysitter was oblivous to the boy's squirming and brought him over to a strange device that our hero was unfamiliar with. The object in question had to leg sized holes at the bottom and was suspended by two cord like fibers hanging from the ceiling. The poor boy didn't know it, but he was currently being put into a baby bouncer. His toes barely wisked across the floor as the nanny bot forced him to bounce. Captain Jammer's diaper was pulled tightly against his body by the mesh and, with each bounce, his insides churned. He didn't want to mess himself while trapped in this contraption, but his body was ultimately going to betray him. After about ten minutes, Jaime seemed to be holding out and figured that the cramps were most likely a side effect of the alien cuisine. However, that was merely a falsehood as the alien mush attacked his lower intestines, he could do nothing to stop the torrent while he bounced. Finally his diaper expanded and wildly called out to the Android for help. Luckily, PJP2 had gained control of his robotic tornentor, but PJP2 had no intentions of changing Jaime or getting him clean. The Droid figured a little dose of humility would serve his Captain well so, he overrode the nannybot's bathing protocol and had it carry Jamie over to the viewing area. The squirming blond was deposited into the clear plastic bin he had seen earlier as a few lights from above illuminated him. The Android has me on display in a full diaper! Jaime thought to himself feeling incredibly embarassed. It wasn't long until PJP2 had arrived and Jaime's humiliation was renewed ten fold. Here Jaime laid, in a blown out diaper, on display in a glactic maternity ward, like a new born baby. He tried so hard to present the image of a fearless leader and explorer,but sadly for him, all he explored was a nursery. PJP2 would certainly hold this over our hero's head for quite some time.



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