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omg already bro i cant wait to watch this omg i watch 24 after the movie XD


Thank you for your hard work recording for a long time. I enjoyed your video very much! I think the fact that Geto, who hates even the smell of monkeys, is able to step on Maki's blood without any hesitation shows that he recognizes her as a jujutsu sorcerer. Also, it's interesting that Gojo trusts Geto not to kill his students without reason. Season 2 will be even more chaotic. JJK doesn't often kindly explain the details or terminology of the setting or logic. Gege is doing it on purpose. Gege loves works like Fate series and Evangelion, so it makes sense. I got confused many times. But your memory and thoughts are excellent, so I'm not worried about anything. Please enjoy season 2 !


Appreciate the reaction bro! And yeah this movie has every emotion! It's so beautiful yet tragic and disturbing all at the same time! Yuta is such a badass and I can't wait until he meets the trio! Season 2 is going to fill are your questions you had during this movie!


I loved this movie when I saw it in theatres! Now I'll be real, I have mixed feelings about JJK. I felt that Season 1 didn't have a ton of thematic depth (at least for me), and I mostly felt unattached to the main character since I couldn't really relate to or understand his primary motivation (dying a good death). But then I saw this movie, and I was blown away! This protagonist felt so much more real to me, and his "curse" was more compelling than Sukuna in my opinion. I find myself wishing he was the real main character of the show (and interestingly the manga author wrote 0 before anything else). I also felt that this movie fianlly leaned into the thematic potential of curses more than S1 did; them being manifestations of grief, anger, etc. And "exorcising" those curses represents people dealing with their own demons Not to say I didn't enjoy S1 since the animation and fights were beautiful with some epic moments, and so far S2 has set a high bar


Damn it's cool that you're watching this right before starting season 2. And as you said you know that this takes place after the start of season 2. It just gives a lot more meaning to some of what certain characters say. I honestly forgot all about the end of the movie with Gojo and Geto because the movie came out so long ago. Haha


Thank you for putting so much time and effort into these videos! I tried my best to not talk about Geto at all during season 1, but my love for this man won't be a secret anymore from now on. I don't usually have villains as favorite characters in their respective series because no matter how charming and likeable they are, I usually strongly disagree with what they're doing and/or I cannot fully understand how their brains work. For example, I like Hisoka and I think he is an amazing character, but I will never understand what the hell he's thinking which for some people is the exact reason they love him. Geto and someone from HxH who shall not be named are the only exceptions and that's due to the authors' ability to sell them and their ideals to me. It doesn't mean that the person I am right now agrees with them and what they're doing, but with the risk of sounding weird, I can see myself possibly going on the same or a similar path if I was them/in their place. Fortunately, I am not living in a HxH or a JJK world and I can only judge as an outsider who has never experienced what these characters have. I usually make a Vinland Saga reference here and say that this was JJK's "End of the Prologue", but it's not just a reference anymore. See you at HxH! And please don't push yourself to give us more episodes than usual. I for sure won't complain if you give us more, but your health is the no.1 priority. Take care!

Bilal (edited)

Comment edits

2023-09-13 10:50:38 Geto is my favourite character in JJK. In the next season u will understand why. It's such a dope, tragic, relatable and well written character. We also saw Nanami's record of consecutive black flashes he mentioned back then in the fight Todo and Yuji vs Hanami
2023-09-13 08:19:38 Geto is my favourite character in JJK and yeah, Gojo and him were best friends. His character has more depth within him. In the next season u will understand why. It's such a dope and tragic character, also relatable and well written. We also saw Nanami's record of consecutive black flashes he mentioned back then in the fight of Todo and Yuji vs Hanami

Geto is my favourite character in JJK and yeah, Gojo and him were best friends. His character has more depth within him. In the next season u will understand why. It's such a dope and tragic character, also relatable and well written. We also saw Nanami's record of consecutive black flashes he mentioned back then in the fight of Todo and Yuji vs Hanami


Awesome reaction! Btw in Season 1 Geto has a scar on his forehead, so there definitely happened something between Geto and Gojo at the end.


geto is such a great charcter (Rohan VA btw) oh man, i'm soo excited for season 2

Fgts Editing

Geto is such a well written character, cant wait for you to see more of him in season 2


Thank you very much for the kind words. Geto stepping on Maki's blood is a really nice detail and sign of respect that I didn't think about. It seems like he underwent some change for sure, Gojo was his close friend in the past, but we know that he didn't kill him so I can't wait to see what happens in season 2!


I agree that movie presented curses in a more compelling way than S1, for sure! Also Yuta was completely different person at the start and at the end of the movie, it was so good, I can't wait to see what awaits us in S2.


Can't wait to see S2 man! Gojo and Geto relationship is very interesting, we know that he didn't kill him even after all this shit happened so I can't wait to see what's the deal with that.


I thought he sounded familiar, it's my boy Rohan lmao. He kinda sounds like Gojo as well xD Good to see your comment man, next week it's S2 time! :D

Jackson Seales

Hey Marko! I am a new patron, just binged JJK and almost up to date with RE:Zero, and had a comment about this movies pre-discussion. The scene at the end of S1 where Todo and Mai recommend the students to be first-grade sorcerers, there is a bit of important information that is easily skipped. The reason Inumaki was not recomended is because he was already semi-first grade. This rank is where sorcerers who are being appraised for first rank goes. Basically he was already recomended. This also means the students are not first grade yet, but being appraised for it. This comes in handy to avoid confusion in S2 when their ranks are shown. Love the reactions so much! Thanks for filling my weekend with joy : ) Edit: We learn in S1 Inumaki is semi-first grade from Panda's chart in his mechamaru fight.


Hello, thank you so much for being here and for the kind words! I didn't realise that Inumaki was semi-first grade, so this is super helpful, I'll keep in mind that they are all still not first grade! :)