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Movie will be up a bit later as well!



Hell yeah! Already know it's going to be an epic reaction! Both Yuji and Nobora using black flash to the ost! Cannot wait for the movie reaction thanks for uploading it today!


Thank you for uploading this video. I'm happy you met Choso!!! He is my favorite character! The meaning of his name is rarely mentioned. So I would like to explain a little about Cursed Womb: Death Painting(呪胎九相図). Death Painting = Kusozu(九相図) is a painting that depicts the transition of a corpse in nine stages. It's where their names comes from. The eldest son, Choso(脹相), is the first stage, and his name means corpse is inflated with gas. The second son, Eso(壊相), is the second stage, and his name means that the corpse will decompose and the skin will begin to break down. The third son, Kechizu(血塗=血塗相), is the third stage, and his name means exudation of fat and fluids from a more decomposing corpse. Their appearance seems to be an irony to their name. These are coincidental, but interesting. ( I apologize for my poor English😭) I look forward to seeing JJK0's video! Thank you!


Some info. 1)Nobara did indeed achieve Black Flash during the fight for the first time, making her only the fifth sorcerer to be confirmed to have achieved the Black Flash at least once so far (the others being Yuta, Gojo, Nanami and Yuji). It definitely wasn't as clear in the anime compared to the manga with all that was going on so most people unfortunately end up missing this really important detail. 2) The Death Paintings are cursed wombs that are half human/half cursed spirit hybrids that were created 150 years ago meaning unlike curses, who resemble more ghosts, they actually have a physical form. Especially since we saw Mahito use living humans as hosts to manifest them. There are 9 Death Paintings in total, the three we saw get incarnated are the oldest and strongest of them all. Since they were technically born and aborted with Noritoshi Kamo as a "father" they ended up inheriting corrupted forms of blood techniques from the Kamo clan as we saw Eso and Kechisu manipulate their blood in the fight with Yuji and Nobara. 3) There are two characters with the name Noritoshi Kamo in the story. One was the most infamous sorcerer of the past who ended up creating the paintings and did a lot of fu*ked up stuff, the other is the student of the Kyoto school in present day. Getting stuck with the name of an incredibly infamous figure is so unfortunate, whoever named it definitely did it for a reason but it must suck.


Thank you very much for the explanation! I wasn't expecting Choso to be someone's favourite character haha. Your English is very good btw!


教えてくれてありがとう! これぜんぜん知らなかったよ I found this article in English for everyone who is interested in learning more: https://www.talkdeath.com/contemplation-of-a-decaying-corpse-the-japanese-art-kusozu/


I hope this will be useful to you. The article you linked to was very interesting! ありがとう〜!

Fgts Editing

Hey Marko, im sooo happy that weve finally reached this point! I cant wait for you to watch season 2 and yeah its even better, a lot better than season 1 im so excited :)


I just googled it and it's really interesting concept! Yeah it sucks that we can't catch all the cultural references and it's one of those things that makes me happy that I'm doing these reactions and have you guys here to tell me these cool details, thanks!