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LGR - Strangest Computer Designs of the '70s

The 1970s. As the personal computer was being defined, many of these machines appeared strange simply because they were the first of their kind! Let's take a look at some that stand out the most. ● Consider supporting LGR on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/LazyGameReviews ● Social links: https://twitter.com/lazygamereviews https://www.facebook.com/LazyGameReviews ● Music used in order of appearance: Never As Lonely, Beam Me Up http://www.epidemicsound.com



Awesome episode, always a joy to see computer history.


No mention of how the Computer In A Book was popularly used by Penny in Inspector Gadget?


I dig these videos. Thank you!


wonderful story and very nice video as usual. So glad to be a patron :)

Lindsay Michelle

Maybe it's just me but... computers seemed to be still so new in the 70s, especially personal ones, that all of them seem kind of strange to me! But I'm sure the ones in this video were probably the strangest of the era, hehe :)


Dangit, none of my computers has a single metal toggle switch.


The lack of standards must've been really hard for people to make purchase decisions back in the 70s.


She didn't though, it was just a "computer book." Not remotely the same hardware or usage, and is entirely fictional.


Oh yeah, and it was an even bigger deal in the '80s when you had thousands of manufacturers all doing different things for a few years. Standardization was a game-changer.


Some of these computers are pretty crazy. Yet somehow fascinating. Dammit! I have no room for them!


For sure, almost every other computer had some kind of unique feature or setup for the time. One era I'd give anything to time travel back to, just to see the excitement.


The APF Imagination Machine is a really interesting piece of kit. Surprised it didn't catch on. I wonder if it was just priced way too high for what it was.


I'd love to have a museum dedicated to strange and vintage computer designs, I'd go there.


That computer computer built as a desk was pretty cool. I'd like one of those.


The Triumph Adler TA-1000 looks seriously slick ! I'd love to have that, but with a modern PC around it of course. Look at that keyboard and how it's integrated into the desk. It appeals a lot to me. :)


Top stuff again!


I am just drooling over the keyboard designs


It was actually pretty reasonable for the time! I'm not familiar enough with it to know what prevented its popularity though, other than a lack of software support


I'd love that as well. Although there are plenty of amazing computer museums already, it'd be nice to have one dedicated to strangeness.


Amazing. I can really appreciate all your thorough research and articulate way of introducing it. I've learned so much about computing, technology, and the history thereof through your videos. Good stuff.


I love these videos. All your videos. Awesome job!


That was very interesting, some designs I've seen before, but some I've never heard of before. Cool video... just wish it would have been a bit longer and more indepth detail. I love this stuff :)


Wahhh pretty interesting stuff :D