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LGR - Elder Scrolls: Morrowind - PC Game Review

Celebrating the 15th anniversary of The Elder Scrolls III! It's considered by many to be the best in the franchise, but how well does Morrowind (and its expansions Tribunal and Bloodmoon) hold up fifteen years later? ● Consider supporting LGR on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/LazyGameReviews ● Social links: https://twitter.com/lazygamereviews https://www.facebook.com/LazyGameReviews Background music is from the wonderful Morrowind OST.





You sneaky, murderous kleptomaniac! 😂


I tried to play morrowind on the Xbox and I couldn't. I didn't get the combat. I have heard of the mods (which you can't get access to on the console). I might retry on the PC later. The mods make it sound like it could be fun.


Great video Clint!


thank you! i miss you game reviews..


Been waiting for this video for years! Morrowind is probably my all time favourite video game. I have been playing it since release in 2002 and still haven't touched everything in the game on top of all of the cool mods.


This was the review I was looking for. It seems all those Jedi mind tricks I've sent you Clint have finally paid off! :) Morrowing is arguably the best title in the Elder Scrolls series. I have so many great memories of this game. I liked that there was no fast travel method (apart from boats and stilt riders), so you had to explore the land.


And if you want to play it on anything that can run Linux, try OpenMW. :D


Still a great game with one of the best gaming soundtracks ever. Also, great review!


Hi Clint another fantastic video hope you are doing well. I actually picked up morrowind off eBay a few months ago for Xbox 360, I'm a console player can't afford a decent p c yet and I love it it's amazing as are all elder scrolls game which I have from skyrim oblivion and morrowind . So fantastic video and m m m that collectors edition is something pretty special. Please keep the nostalgia gasims coming please :)


Damn Clint, you move fast!

Alyxx the Rat

You make me wanna play Morrowind now.


I remember waiting in the years after Daggerfall knowing that The Elder Scrolls could be even better. Then finally Morrowind came out and a few days later my copy came in the mail. I booted it up and when I heard that title screen music I just sat there with tears of joy running down my face. When I finally got the point that I was willing to leave behind the title music I entered the world. Even though it was running at a whopping 24 frames per second in the wilderness and 14 frames per second in town I enjoyed being lost in that world. Still my favorite TES game to this day.


I just recall giving the game a try, joining the mage's guild, and was asked to go get mushrooms from a swamp south of town. So I go down the south road from town looking for a swamp. No road signs mention one. Then I find myself at the end of the map. Still no swamp. an hour later I spot the top of a tree over a hill. Go over the steep mound and find the swamp was 5 feet south of town over a tall hill. Gave up after that as I knew I'd never be able to find my way anywhere


I remember my younger brother playing the Xbox version of Morrowind about a year after it came out. It became quite an obsession with him, as it was one of his favorite games ever. Sure the combat was a bit iffy at times, but man did he love exploring the shit out of the environment. It was also amusing to watch his transformation from a lowly prisoner to a floating deity that rained destruction everywhere he went. :P


Surprisingly, I've never heard of this.. Seems like a 3D version of Ultima.


Are these early releases of what is headed to YouTube eventually?


Yep! They go up early here and usually get tweaked and re-edited before being posted publicly.


Haha, a floating deity raining destruction is very much what happens, I love that. It almost feels like breaking the game when you get that high level.


Yeah that sounds about right, haha. It's a really big game with very little to help you out, so you kind of have to enjoy the exploration to get much pleasure from it


I absolutely relate. My old HP rig could barely handle the thing, but man, just playing it at all was a mind-bogglingly wonderful experience that remains one of my favorite gaming memories


Nice, I hope you have fun with the rest if you decide to keep playing. There are some great surprises in store.


They haven't gone anywhere though! In fact, there's been five of them just in the past month :P


Same here, been going back to it for years and each time I'm still finding new quests, NPCs, and places to explore


Never tried any games like this before, closest I can think of would be fallout three. Definitely considering picking this up.


just wish bethesda games weren't so fucking buggy haha. The amount of times I had to reload or glitch out to achieve something in fallout. to be fair though I was playing the console version (PS3) making it unbelievably more difficult to fix something simple the game game broke, such as picking up a quest item or a rare weapon that spawned out of the map.


I still remember the first mod I downloaded for this game: no cliffracers. Just annoying creatures that make an even more annoying sound. Btw, also take a look at OpenMW: a (multiplatform) remake of the game's engine with lots of modern improvements


Come Nerevar. Friend or traitor come.

Justin Dotson

MW always seems like the game I always wanted and wanted to play but never got the chance. I did spend a stupid amount of time in Skyrim. Nothing gets me as much as the Fallout games though.

Kris Asick

Dude, I had no idea OpenMW was a thing! That just solved like, 99% of the minor issues I was running into trying to play Morrowind! It even has GUI scaling! (Have to edit the default settings to change it but still, it works!) I am so gonna be playing the crap out of this now! :D


This review captured my love of Morrowind so well. It's easily my favorite Elderscrolls (even if I enjoyed Oblivion & Skyrim in their own ways). I just love how little the game holds your hand. In fact, one of my favorite aspects of any game is in Morrowind, which is how hidden the solution to a specific quest is (if you've played the game to an extreme amount, you *probably* know what I'm referring to). Either way, Morrowind Overhaul has made a lot of the dated aspects of the game feel much less annoying. It goes beyond just the graphics, although that's nice too. It still might take some getting used to for new players, but it's definitely worth using.