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LGR - Retro Patents Make Awesome Posters

RetroPatents.com sent me some prints they made based on imagery and artwork from vintage technology patents! I think this is a great idea for posters to deck your geeky halls with.


Thomas Fuchs

Just saw an episode of Fixer Upper where they used patents of old musical instruments for posters. Didn't occur to me to do that with computer stuff, that's so awesome!


These are really neat! They'd look great in my Dad's computer room. He worked for IBM back in the 60s /70s so I bet he'd love this stuff. Also it was interesting to hear that you used to work in framing! This is random but remember as a kid going with my mom to these frame it yourself places where you could pick out the mats and frame style etc and actually even put it together yourself! They had the tools and work surfaces there for you. Wish I'd been older at the time, I don't think I could quite see over the table to see what was happening. I always learn something from your videos, thanks for providing such interesting content!


Awesome decorations for your Retro PC Games Museum.


When I received this notification, I thought it said that retro "pants" made great posters.... This makes much more sense. LOL


Lovely. Very lovely indeed - I think it's a great way to celebrate these aspects of tech history.


I don't think it makes less sense. It's just another fascination: <a href="http://www.sfdisplay.com/images/products/detail/JerseyFrameLottPants.JPG" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.sfdisplay.com/images/products/detail/JerseyFrameLottPants.JPG</a>


He probably would! Haha, and yeah the actual framing was actually pretty fun. Wish I had one of those do it yourself framing places near me, I'd be using it for sure.


Glad you think so! It's a nice reminder of where our modern stuff came from, while also just looking rad.


What's that cool industrial-esque metal wall about? Do you live in a cargo container?


I think that's a great idea for a poster. I should try it.