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Ahh, high school memories right here. Was glad to find another TI-83+ like I had back in the day for cheap at Goodwill. I've wanted to do a video on this topic for years.


LGR - Doom on a Calculator! (Ti-83 Plus Gaming)

Ever wanted to play first-person shooters on a monochrome calculator screen? Well now you can! Or rather, you could for over a decade but I'm just now making a video on how to do so, ha.



Always looking for ways to game on anything, eh? :D That's still so dang cool though. Makes me want one to try games on, just because. heh


I had a bit of notoriety in high school because I was one of maybe two or three kids with one of these cables. Well, that and I made some rude & crude nonsense text adventures in BASIC on this thing. That's how I learned most of my current programming skills :D EDIT: Also, that Mario had a level editor with a sprite editor.


I had the TI-81/82 in High School and the TI-83 for my last year and college.. my TI-83 still has or had a Tool (band) CD insert that I glued on it and covered in tape.. good times

Lindsay Michelle

I see that you are getting me to associate you with calculators even more now, hehe. But forget Doom, Jezzball is my jam! Because... BALLS. A good part of my childhood consisted of obsessive Jezzball playing. Either way, this was the perfect video to get me to relax and chill after work. Also, I'm glad Patreon FINALLY let me log on after trying 5 times yesterday but getting a site maintenance message every time, argh. :(

Alyxx the Rat

Holy balls that's amazing!


That is impressive. After seeing Doom play on both the Commodore VIC-20 & C64, I would say that the TI-83+ can handle it better! Mind you, it makes a better fist of Mario & Tetris than a Game Boy!


This is awesome! :D Calc gaming is neat :3


I never had the TI-83, but I had a TI-84 plus Silver, which played Tetris pretty decently! DOOM looks incredibly awkward on there, but at the same time it is indeed really impressive!


I played Lotus on mine... Since I didn't like this version of Doom. I also played Tetris, and other games. You can find a shit load of games for it.


Make a video about the Ti-92 as well! That one is pretty much a real mini-computer. In class we never used even a fraction of what it was capable of.


I would never had finished school with this....


I remember selling those back in the early 2000s at Staples. People were already complaining about their high price and low specs, but I wished I knew back then that people could install games. And by the way "Perdu" in French translates into "Lost". :-)


that's cool but can it run Crysis?


You know you can run Game Boy games right?