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LGR - New Retro Arcade Neon Review

Commentary and gameplay on the VR front-end for PC, New Retro Arcade Neon! Customize your own '80s arcade with cabinets, consoles, handhelds, and AESTHETIC.



Lazy Food Reviews or GTFO. *mic drop*


But... LFR doesn't even exist yet! And even if it does, the videos won't be posted here :)


Someone needs to make a VR Clint for the VR Retro Arcade Neon. And the VR Clint will be playing Poolnation VR


Wow. That's kind of cool.

Justin Dotson

I'm honestly surprised it just wasn't all wood grain.


This looks awesome. Need to get this ASAP!

Kris Asick

This thing's a step in the right direction for sure in terms of a VR arcade experience. Gonna take a lot more steps of course to get it just right and make it easier for players to sink their teeth into. I can see micro-transactions working for such a thing as well, where you spend a dollar or two to buy a particular arcade machine or such and can then plop in as many as you care to, plus then if someone visiting another player's arcade also owns that game they can play it. :)


Wow. That sound reminded me of the day I first experienced EAX from Creative. This looks to me like a very important project; the beginning of allowing individual users to build their own virtual worlds. I'm all about that arcade vibe (SEGA Time Traveler in VR?), but I think if such an editor is developed into a good foundation, this could be the first drop in a coming storm. Properly user-configurable and modular VR experiences that can be shared... You know how long that's been twinkle on the horizon. I hope these people keep working on that program. Actually, it's amazing that it even works.


This really reminds me of Anarchy Arcade, which had a lot of features this 'game' has, but I believe it's cheaper, or free. The VR support is definitely a plus though, that part looks like a lot of fun. Though unless some of the issues you mentioned are addressed, I'll likely just watch or check out things other people have made. Thanks for the upload, really enjoyed it. :)


I could see that working as well. Although Microsoft Game Room tried it and it was a flop, but that was years ago too! <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l10zckFQw9c" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l10zckFQw9c</a>


Almost half a million subs, wow


Needs more Vaporwave. Good review tho!

Evan B

wow that looks awesome.. If I had an HTC vive I would totally give it a try.. Yeah old frontends i had tried using in the past had a TON of setup as well... but I guess they've gotten a lot slicker these days.. MetalJesus was talking about his favorite these days and it sounded pretty simple to setup relatively


I used Anarchy Arcade awhile back, since it was free. No VR (from what I can tell), so it definitely lacks that immersion that makes New Retro Arcade look so good. But for someone who doesn't have a VR headset, it might be a nice free alternative to mess around with. Unfortunately, it takes even more work to make it look snazzy since it's a bit barren by default, but the concept is there. I ended up not using it because it basically became more of an inconvenience . If I had a HTC Vive, though, I'd definitely give New Retro Arcade a shot for $20. Miss proper arcades so much.


Oh man, now I'm tempted to just customize all the cabinets with woodgrain and minimalist logos


Oh yeah. Kind of reminds me of the promise of Second Life and its creation of virtual spaces. But with VR and much higher detail, plus good emulation of systems, this is a really awesome thing indeed.


Yeah, the VR support is what really sets this one apart for the most part. Still neat otherwise, but being immersed in all directions is wonderful. And thanks :)


Oh man, the cassette tapes it comes with link to some excellent vaporwave music. It's a great fit.


Oh yeah, there's some incredibly easy to set up frontends these days, where you just point it to your folders of games and artwork (which can be easily downloaded in packs) and it does the rest for you. I wish this one had that kind of option.


Aye, no VR in Anarchy Arcade. And I forgot to mention it, but there's actually a free version of New Retro Arcade as well! Not sure if it can be played without VR, I haven't checked, but it's nice to be able to try before you buy since there's just so much setup.


Yes, but can you play virtual virtual skee ball?