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LGR - Repairing & Installing a Parallel Port CD-ROM

Uploaded by Lazy Game Reviews on 2017-02-05.



My first question was going to be "why not just find an external SCSI drive and expansion card?" Then I realized that's probably nowhere. Near as prevalent in the used market. 😀


Great Episode! More of this please!


Talked about this in the video as well. Since this computer's expansion ports are filled up, parallel is the better option :)


Well... someone was clearly happy with their Casio keyboard. Seriously, WTF was that soundtrack? It just sounds like a mess of notes.

Lindsay Michelle

Doesn't it feel good to finally get to something that you bought years ago, just sitting in storage until now? I would certainly think so, haha. Glad you got to do this! Also, I see Jeff Goldblum in your PC screen. Might want to get that checked out. ;) But I'm guessing that's not considered a problem for you, unlike the Extreme Paintball soundtrack :D


Did you check if EPP mode on the parallel port in switched on the BIOS? Otherwise the maximum speed you'd get is about equivalent to a single speed CD drive.


I honestly thought that music was played at double the intended speed. What an assault on the ears :D


We had those in my high school too. We are talking 1998.


All that vintage software and not a single audio CD?! I think you need to do some more thrifting! :)


Extreme Paintbrawl... more like, Extreme, crapbrawl?


"Plans for the future" about the past. ;)


I had one of the 4x backpacks for my college laptop. I remember the pass through was very finicky with my hp printer.


Dear goodness. I don't think I've heard muzak that bad before. Very interesting to see it how it hooks up - it may not be fast, but it looks like it's a workable enough solution for machines that needed it :)

Kris Asick

I was one of the extremely few people entrusted to handle the external CD-RW drive we had in our tech lab at the high school I went to, due to how expensive it was. Since a CD held more data than most of the hard drives at the school, I had to burn a 3D animation project I was doing straight to CD as it was being rendered... Actually, I still HAVE that CD... I should consider showcasing those really early 3D animations I did in a video or something... ;)


It absolutely was. I remember having to set up these Okidata printers with those in high school. Beyond frustrating.


Totally, even if reads at like 1x it was a lifesaver back then since our school had so many of these PCs! Only two expansion slots, fun times.


Should have grabbed your Quake 1 CD instead. haha. Either way, this is really cool. Love seeing these videos. Looking forward to seeing your ZIP Drive videos soon!


Check out that copyright message of the CD Player command line player! FTL Games! <3 Now you have to do Dungeon Master and Dungeon Master 2 one day. ;)