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LGR - The Sims 4 Vampires Review (and toddlers!)

Gameplay and overview of the fourth game pack for The Sims 4. What are the new items and supernatural powers? And how do pudgy little toddlers fit into all this? Questions, answers, snark!



Great, I like watching your sims videos much more than I like playing the sims... :)


This video being uploaded has made my day!

Lindsay Michelle

I can die happy knowing I saw Duke Nukem as a toddler. Oh, and as a vampire, too, I guess. :P But in all seriousness, I do like how they fleshed out the vampires in this game, and it's just not the same old vampire stuff from past games, despite the lack of other supernatural races being added in this pack.


I so enjoy your Sims videos :) I've yet to play any Sims 4 though. First game in the series I haven't played. The toddlers makes me tempted though...


Glad you're enjoying these! And yeah, it's worth grabbing at this point, especially since it often goes on sale for twenty bucks or so.


In a way, I don't mind the piecemeal approach here, since I'm not a fan of supernatural sims to begin with. Being able to pick and choose what you want, and getting MORE with that choice, is an okay approach!