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It's that time of year again. Time for an Elder Scrolls game on LGR! And what a standout game in the series this...  :|


LGR - The Elder Scrolls Redguard YO

Uploaded by Lazy Game Reviews on 2017-01-20.


Kris Asick

I remember playing the demo version of this game back around the turn of the century. It was a pain to get working in the first place, and once I did have it working it didn't take long to realize just how limited and clunky it was compared to Daggerfall, so... I played more Daggerfall to make up for it. :P


This is the one Elder Scrolls game I haven't played that much of (played the NGage one more), but it seems I haven't missed anything by missing out on this one. I enjoyed the classic Tomb Raider games, but even I can admit that control scheme made them clunkier than they needed to be, so hearing that this game controls like that, but worse, does not sell me on the game. Great video though.


Cyrus looks an awful lot like a sim from the first Sims game. Side note: the whole system of NPCs having a list of dialogue options, one of which *might* have some consequence and the others just being for information, and you having to click through all the options even though you don't care for half of them, unfortunately still exists in way too many RPGs. Elder Scrolls, Witcher, Mass Effect, Dragon Age... And when you play through them a second time, knowing all there is to know about the lore, you again will click through all. that. dialogue. because of course you forgot which options lead to something. Yeah, it probably takes a way the surprise if you indicate the informative and actually useful options, but still... it would make RPG gameplay much less tedious I think...

Manuel Adrian

"Nice dog." Epic writing right there.

Evan B

oof so many caveats to this game.. too bad

Justin Dotson

Have you ever thought about writing a book on big box pc games? Or does something like that already exist?


Where I can buy the book? :-D


Thanks, glad you enjoyed! And yeah, certainly not missing much with this one, other than the lore-building (which honestly you can get all it provides and more in Morrowind)


Yep, it's still a problem today, which is why one of Fallout 4's first mods was one that made the dialogue options more explicit! What makes it most annoying in Redguard though is how it keeps providing precisely the same questions and answers to choose for dozens of NPCs, yet sometimes it'll provide a new piece of info within what appears to be a question you've already heard countless times. Combine with the slow and confusing menu, it makes dialogue a chore.


I've certainly thought about it! Don't know of one for PC games, but I've seen them for other systems.


That feels incredibly weird to be releasing a DOS based title… installed and configured in Windows only. I can see why they'd ape the Tomb Raider control model… but cripes did that control scheme get dated fast! It's a shame that it's somewhat clunky in that regards. Still, an interesting slice, even if only as a curio for the era…

Lindsay Michelle

It's like Tomb Raider and Secret of Monkey Island had a baby. ...A really ugly baby. But I'm glad you were still charmed by how cheesy and horrible it was, at least! :D haha


the voice acting in this reminds me of the voice acting in ultima ascension


I was a Daggerfall snob in this Elder Scrolls era. I suppose I still am. Never understood why, when they come up with a great engine and a big world, they couldn't just make the next expansion the next territory over and build quests between them over time. Elder Scrolls 6: "We've slapped Hammerfell on the side of Skyrim! Only $59.95!" Heck. I'd buy it. Just keep tacking them on until Tamriel is all present and accounted for. Redguard didn't have to be a mistake; there's plenty of room for different game types in the series, but the core should have been expansion of the world.

Ed D

You mentioned RedOrb's PoP3D. I'd say give that one a look if you get a chance: it's better than this, and is underrated in my opinion.