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LGR - Tandy is BACK in 2017!

Uploaded by Lazy Game Reviews on 2017-01-26.



Does it come in woodgrain?

Justin Dotson

I feel like you should have got one of those little red drinking bird things to constantly hit the calculator button for an evening to see what it would do.


Reminds me of when "Commodore" (whoever the heck owned the brand at the time) made crappy gaming PCs...


I'd have been so much more impressed with this brand if they used to it make retro style keyboards and mice. None of this "middle wheel" malarkey.

Lindsay Michelle

I'm not sure if I ship LGR/Clicky Keyboard or LGR/Calculator Button. Maybe I ship both! But I think LGR/Clicky Keyboard is the one that I always come back to, hehe. :) And woodgrain needs to be acknowledged in there somewhere but I'm not sure where... Sorry, I'm really weird. Obviously.


I enjoy your weirdness! This is not a place I ever thought to see a mention of shipping but LGR/Click Keyboard made me laugh... true love! :)


Gotta love that opening with the Keen 4 music. I'm disappointed that the new hardware is so cheap, but if they can get back on their feet, maybe they will start making better stuff again. Crappy or not, I'd totally buy a Tandy Laptop.

Kris Asick



IBM PC Jr. Chicklet keyboard or the Tandy keyboard you're reviewing here? Which is worse?


Ahh. It's been a very long time since I saw Tandy on something new (so my not-so-recently-acquired CoCo 3 doesn't count) - particularly since they got swallowed up here forever ago. I guess it's a way to make a comeback… but darn it, would have been nice if it wasn't such generic gear ;)


I always wondered what kind of yahoo would buy some old resurrected brand that sells really cheap accessories :-) I liked how you almost broke that keyboard and then said that the build quality is not bad. hahahahah...


I was laughing probably much harder than I should have at the end. Love it, excellent video lol!