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LGR - Thrifts [Ep.11] Disposable Greatness

Join me as I go out thrifting, in search of games and interesting goodies at various discount shops! Visiting multiple Goodwills and other familiar thrift stores in this episode. ● Please consider supporting LGR on Patreon!



Your voice goes all "Kermit the Frog here!" at the outdoor fundraising tables. Love it! :D


Oh man, I had a spinning CD tower like that a long time ago. Don't know what happened to it, but I'd love to find it now that I've dived head-first into PC game collecting. Already filled my other CD tower with YDKJ games, so I gotta make room

Harry Thornton

Those pictures looked so interresting. I love it when you find stuff like those pictures and that story in the last episode."


Man, I wish I could find EarthBound just sitting on a sidewalk. That would be a happy day.


Hah another great video! No one will ever be able to re-sort that wooden Bible now!


Heck yeah, numpads are essential thing to have. Screw keyboards without them!


Some nice ones indeed. I put a fair bit of time into the MiG-29 counterpart to F-16 back in the day (if memory serves, you can actually go head-to-head with the different games in multiplayer, just like in Werewolf Vs. Comanche - I kinda miss Novalogic…)…


That Print Artist software remind me Microsoft Kids Fine Artist a sort-of paintbrush for kids starring McZee, the mskids' mascot (also on Creative Writer and the almighty 3D Movie Maker !)


Yet another awesome trip you have there! I find it very interesting Maxis even had a print studio like that. Which reminds me, we still have Print Master for Windows 3.1. Haha. I think the camera was a good find too, that did make it quite amusing to see some thrift store history! I'm also surprised to see a Pokemon game for the PC as well, I wonder how it is.


Traffic cone monster! Fun video, as always, though I'm surprised you didn't get anti-Monopoly just for the bragging rights. "I have every version of Monopoly ever!" "Oh yeah? I have ANTI-Monopoly, so ha! "...Who are you and why are you in my house?"

Lindsay Michelle

Haha, probably the best part was the random disposable film camera you found at one of the thrift stores. That's awesome you could still develop the pictures. Definitely a good memento to have. :) There need to be more places that still develop film! Also, the Anti-Monopoly reminds me of the Communist Monopoly we played in my Political Science class in high school. It had rules like, we couldn't make money off our properties, and we had to listen to the teacher when he felt like changing the rules or putting houses on certain properties. It was quite the experience.


I had no idea there were any Roses stores left anywhere.


Team Rocket, Team Rocket Power, what's the difference?

Alyxx the Rat

I gave Wolfenstein: The New Order a clean 10/10 score in my review. Seriously awesome game.


Ah, Pokemon Masters Arena. I can imagine the excitement at Christmas, followed by the crushing disappointment when it's just an awful mini game collection.


I really like the jazz in the background of the thrifting videos.


I still want to go thrifting. I just keep forgetting to do it.

Aidan Rayner

Talking about Print Artist, I actually have a copy of Print Artist Jr on a magazine CD from years ago. I'll have to dig it out sometime and play it! Also, SOMEONE FOUND TOTAL ANNIHILATION?! I have it but I lost my second disc, that game is so awesome! I still play it to this day.


I bet those stores have a very unique smell!


Waiting for Episode 12!