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LGR - Afterlife - PC Game Review

Ever want to find out how you'd do running heaven and hell? Only in Afterlife, a LucasArts city-builder and management sim in the vein of SimCity 2000! ● Please consider supporting LGR on Patreon! http://www.patreon.com/LazyGameReviews ● Twitter and Facebook: https://twitter.com/lazygamereviews http://www.facebook.com/LazyGameReviews



Certainly interesting, Great review! Cheers :)


It actually appears much more complicated than Sim City 2000 since you have to manage three planes. It must be allot of tedious busywork moving back and fourth to make sure everything is ok.


That's quite an interesting game.


Roads? Where we're going we ..... actually do still need roads.


I've had my eye on this game for a while now, and now I want it even more.


It's pretty much like managing two cities at once, yeah. Although the third plane in-between acts just like the underground view for subways and pipes in SC2k. Very tedious game indeed.


As a kid, I loved watching the Devil and Angel characters. Gave the game some great personality.


Unique huh? And quite forgotten for a Lucasarts game, not many people seem to know what it is when I bring it up

Nostalgia Nerd

I want to see a "reboot" of this game. I like it. I like it a lot.


Great review! The graphics were my biggest gripe as well. Part of why I play city builders is to admire how my creations look, but that's very hard to do with the pixel chaos of this game.


I am not a sim's fan. However, thank you for a terrific review.


It seems like they were trying to make you want to hate the game by how much there is to keep track of haha. Ill probably check the game out or buy it seeing as its a city builder and I need some more heh. Thanks for the review!


Ho-leeeee crap! I used to play this game all the time and it hasn't entered my mind since I saw this come up on the feed. Wow. This game creeped me out big time (in a good way), probably at least as much as Populous on SNES for similar reasons. I think it was a combination of the in-game artwork, music, kind of opaque gameplay. It's like some sort of bizarre parallel universe that somehow still makes sense. Still creepy but still unique.


The comparison to Populous is a great one, in terms of atmosphere and such. Totally agree, these games have a bizarre and otherworldly quality to them. The music, the sounds, the aesthetic... it's awesome