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Playing around with Macromedia Action for Windows 3.1/95, and came up with something silly. Haha, I'm not exactly looking for another intro, but this one could be useful for something like Oddware?



Uploaded by Lazy Game Reviews on 2014-07-29.



That's oh so late 90s cable access! How long did that take to render?


At first I just thought this was pretty okay, then I read that you made it in Macromedia Action, so you have my respect. I actually think this would work well with something like LGR Plays rather than Oddware, but that's just my silly opinion.


Very cool. But what ever happened to your soda drinking intro from your 2009-2011 videos? I always liked that one.


LOL. You ought to play with that one software for the Atari 8-bit to see what you could come up for something silly that I sent you, someday. I wonder if it would be any more amusing or less amusing than this. Hehe


It was actually pretty instantaneous! The software just plays it in real-time and I recorded it via video output with my capture card


Indeed, I'm not sure it's exactly ready for "prime time" or anything since it's so simplistic, but hey


Got rid of it for a slew of reasons. People were always complaining about it, my analytics showed 90% of viewers skipped it anyway, and I was just getting bored with it and started to really dislike longer intros.


Hehe, I'd certainly like to do that. I know there's some great stuff on the C64 and Amiga as well.


Reminds me on something old, like those interesting shows back in the 90s and early 2000s, but actually doesn't sound like that only reminds me of it.


Holy balls indeed.


Nice tune ! It reminds me a lot of Canal+ jingles, like this one : <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OrRVxzlkHRA" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OrRVxzlkHRA</a>

John Gabriel

I'd be more inclined to see if one can rasterise (sic) your intro to match the style of Another World. Admittedly, that's a lot of work.


That sounds like an intro of an old show. Very nice. :)


This would be great for doge


Reminds me of all the silly (but easy to animate) geometric things I used to make with Flash 3. Got a trial on a magazine cover disk one time. It was cool because in my juvenile mind, animated GIFs were still the shiznit.


HOLY BALLS it is L-G-R Oddware™ time All it needs is some moog synthesizer twangs and RF-output to a VHS for re-recording and instant perfection!


maybe it would make a great LGR thrifts intro?


Reminds me of the show 'Doug'.


I can definitely see this for Oddware, or for any sort of "quickie" episodes you decide to put out. Pretty nice for something you're just playing around with!

Aidan Rayner

I think I'm enjoying this way too much XD

Aidan Rayner

Also, how did you get a copy of Macromedia Action? I've looked online but it seems there's no download ANYWHERE, not even Abandonia...


It was preinstalled on an old Packard Bell that was recently sent to me! Although, the older Action v2.5 is available on Vetusware it appears


Did the music come with the package or did you add that later?


I have watched this way more than I should have lol. With that saying, you should use this for your oddware reviews. It really fits with the theme and the atmosphere of those reviews.