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LGR - Sid Meier's Civilization VI Review

Off the cuff commentary and gameplay on the Windows PC game Sid Meier's Civ 6! Is it an improvement over its predecessors? ● Consider supporting LGR on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/LazyGameReviews ● Social links: https://twitter.com/lazygamereviews http://www.facebook.com/LazyGameReviews ● Music used in order of appearance: "Back In Town" and "Howling" https://www.youtube.com/audiolibrary/music



Great first look, I found it left me somewhat cold, maybe after all these years I am finally tired... (talking about CIV, not your videos :) )


"If you're not familiar with the Civilization series, then obviously you have no right to actually watch my videos. Please delete your computer now."


Also, totally agree with you about Civ 6. This is the first one in a long time I've actually been able to finish an entire game AND looked forward at starting again


As a history lover, these games always seemed neat to me but I really don't like turn-based strategy. Guess that's why I was always able to get into AoE more.


Is that Drowned God to your right on the shelf???

Evan B

lol that ending


Maybe some of the new expansive features will freshen things up a bit. The problem I've had with the series since Civ 1 was just plain winning. It never takes long for me to figure out the formula, and then I walk all over everyone. That's fun about twice, and then I'm on to something else. Some people would suggest to play a different way... Well... I mean... I'm going to try to win, right, and win the way I want? They're going to have to figure something else out. The last long periods of fun I've had in a game like this were playing Alpha Centauri.


I used to love Civ since Civ2 but I was always annoyed by the bad diplomacy and AI. I think Alpha Centauri got that better. I wish they would make a remake of this one. But what really pulled me away from the Civ series was the the discovery of Paradox games like EU4 and CK2. So Civ6 is the first game I am not that excited about.


Interesting, that's pretty much the opposite of what I hear from most Civ players! Any particular reasons that you think you're feeling that from this one?


I can understand that, as I was majorly into RTS games over TBS for years. Ever played Empire Earth? It's a great mix of AoE and Civ aspects, I think


"My problem is just plain winning." Haha, such is life. But nah, I get what you mean. Playing against AI only works well for so long, and once you figure out its routines and how to exploit it, there's little fun to be had. Thankfully, there's multiplayer, and playing against real human beings is always a much more enjoyable time in Civ.


Bad diplomacy and AI are practically a hallmark of the series now, hehe. It's sad really, you'd think there'd be a better alternative by this point. I've still never played Alpha Centauri, I need to get on that. Also LOVE Paradox grand strategy games, but they're a whole different beast in my eyes.

Lindsay Michelle

Am I crazy or did you have another version of this review that you deleted/decided not to use? Either way, I'll pick up Civ VI on sale sometime soon. Played a lot of Civ V and this seems similar to it, so I figure this'll be good, too. Skeptical if I'll like the whole district planning thing because I suck at town planning, but hey, I'm willing to still try it out!


Not crazy, I reuploaded this with the one you see here! Just a few minor changes to coincide with the recent patch for the game.


I think I'll wait until they've ironed out a few bugs first. This is one of those games where I like to play in single player, so for the A.I. to be that bad puts me off from buying.