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LGR - Serious Sam The First Encounter Review

Uploaded by Lazy Game Reviews on 2016-11-13.



Serious Sam, yeah! (Whoops, need to shift+enter) This game came out at the perfect time, for me. FPS games were starting to devolve into the two-weapon, regenerating health, maze-like non-descript corridors and generic enemies hiding behind cover. I remember seeing "the big names" of companies start to emerge, leaders in their genres. So seeing this little-known developer put out something like this revived my faith in the gaming industry, that it can still put out interesting and unique titles. I'd never seen so many interesting enemies in an FPS, maybe not since Doom 1. When games were being made in tight corridors, this game spat in the face of "modern game design" by having such brightly lit outdoor environments, flooded with monsters. It was so different from anything else out there at the time. I love that the series is frequently 90% off on Steam. You called it a first-person Smash TV, that sounds accurate. I always used to call it, "a more forgiving Contra." Modern games can learn from this one. If you ever want to partner up with someone to run through the original, HD, or most of the sequels, I'll join you! Heck, I just started another play through of Serious Sam 3, last week.

Lindsay Michelle

My mind went to "Pajama Sam" for some reason when reading the title... but when I saw the cover for the video, I DEFINITELY knew it was not Pajama Sam, hahaha. Now I wonder what Pajama Sam would be like as an FPS game...

Alyxx the Rat

Balls yeah! Serious Sam was my serious jam back in the day and I still play it now and then. It's often confusing and hard as... balls, of steel even, but sometimes it's just awesome how badass it makes you feel.


Never got into this game/series but it looks pretty fun. I think at that time I was struggling to run UT decently.


Awesome! Your next LGR review should be the mother of all infamous FPS games: DAIKATANA! Make it happen please!


Bought this game short after building my first PC. Love at first sight. While everyone else was into the more tactical cover based shooters like CounterStrike, I was amazed at how many enemies the serious engine could throw at you on the screen at the same time. There was nothing like it. Open areas instead of narrow corridors, holding the trigger down while circle strafing rather than the cover/reload cycle. Simply seriously awesome.


I know how you feel about requests so I'm just going to say: "Planet Coaster is a game I think you'd like." <a href="https://youtu.be/cxSXnjGcZ8A" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/cxSXnjGcZ8A</a> edit: Oh never mind :-)


It was either PC Gamer or Computer Gaming World that called this an RBS - a run backwards shooter. Ever try the similar game, Will Rock? It was a suspiciously similar game with especially cool physics.


All very good points :) It still remains very different from games of today, even games like Doom 2016 that owe a lot to its gameplay!


Ha. Somehow, I imagine that'd be pretty neat. Kind of like the Realms of the Haunting, but with more Darkness. Er, the character, not the property of light or horror, which Realms features a lot of already.


Its balls remain quite steely, even to this day. I really should hook a heart rate monitor up while playing this, I'm sure the results would fascinate


Serious Sam (and to a greater extent Serious Sam 2) gave birth to my love of horde shooters. Alien Swarm, UT2004's Invasion mode, Left 4 Dead, etc. An absolute classic, and a review that does it justice. Well done dude! :)