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Greetings, all! I got this one finished up today just in time for getting posted tomorrow, so here's a slightly early upload for you. Not as early as I prefer to have things done, but here we are. As mentioned in the previous post, I was outta town for the weekend and wasn't able to start working on this one until Monday afternoon. It was a good trip! Just time consuming. So I purposely chose a simpler video topic for my return so I could try and have it done by Friday, and yep. Seems I had exactly enough time. Jeez, it's almost like I've been doing this for 13 years and know my limits, ha.

Oh and yes! The thirteenth anniversary of LGR passed by at the beginning of the month of July, it kinda slipped my mind. So, hooray and stuff. Somehow I'm still here! Pretty neat. You have my thanks, sincerely, for your ongoing support after all this time. It really is quite uncommon for a YouTuber (or any creative-type person) to remain successful for this amount of time online, and I constantly make a point not to take this experience for granted. Thank you! 🥳

Now for the video! It's all about a superb CRT monitor from 2003ish, one of ViewSonic's "Graphics" series of shadow mask displays back then. I haven't had it for long and I was psyched to dive in and see how it functioned, so why not slap together a video of the process, right? I actually received it from a generous LGR viewer named Mitch at the SEGE convention I attended a couple of weeks ago, so shoutout to him! The monitor was saved from a life of solitary confinement in a dusty corner of his workplace, and now it's a wonderful addition to LGR stable of monitors I'll be cycling through in future videos. I hope you enjoy!


ViewSonic G220fb: An Awesome 21" CRT Monitor from 2003

Taking a look at the best ViewSonic 'Graphics Series' display when it launched in 2002! The G220f is one superb 21 inch flat screen CRT monitor, boasting a 2048x1536 maximum resolution and a refresh rate up to 180Hz. Testing with the Windows XP Dream PC! ● LGR links: https://www.patreon.com/LazyGameReviews https://www.twitter.com/LazyGameReviews https://www.facebook.com/LazyGameReviews ● All background music licensed from: http://www.epidemicsound.com #LGR #retro #computer



Cool. I had to look that model number up on eBay and this monitor is rare apparently. I can't find any results whatsoever. Not your typical CRT monitor for sure.

Chad Armstrong

And at “just” 27kg! At a former job, the photo retouchers used these huge LaCie monitors which must have weighed well over 70 pounds.


Congratulations on 13 years dude! I had a similar one (might have been NEC) that was the flat screen for the longest time, right around the same time 2004-2007ish, I thought it was cool for being flat screen, until actual flat screens came out what just a couple years later..! then you had to wait for those suckers to come down in price to get one! oh those 2000's

Michael Kerpan

I'm actually kind of shocked that UT2004 was actually spitting out enough frames on a period GPU to actually make use of that 170-180 hz refresh rate, even at the full resolution.


this was a really cool ep, as usual! i'm aware you've moved, i can't imagine how tough that can be moving your stuff AND your studio. i just wanted to say that the past few months of eps have been really fun, and topic choices were great. lambo laptop, your arcade, those dumb mouse/mice, and of course thrifting. anyways....keep it up!


My friend, who is legally blind, worked with me at Sprint Internet Passport support back in 1996, and because he was legally blind, they bought him a 21" monitor. What bullcrap, I wanted a 21" monitor too, but they said tough luck because I was born with good vision. Complete nonsense if you ask me. Anywho, when we then left to work at IBM, they also bought him a 21" monitor while sticking me with a 17" one. I'm not sure why I'm even his friend at this point.

Kris Asick

I used to have a 17" Samsung flat CRT with a 120 Hz max refresh; That high refresh rate is EXTREMELY useful when paired with 3D shutter glasses, as my original GeForce 2 card came with a pair! Nowadays though, I find it MADDENING that it's actually cheaper to buy both a 4K screen AND a 120 Hz or greater screen individually, than it is to buy a screen which has both of those features combined. >_<


2004 our parents bought an LCD Display because they thought viewing an crt from that close would damage your eyes. Well don't know if there is any truth to that. Mhmm.


This is definitely the monitor I plan on using once I get around to reviewing some of my old shutter glasses setups. Higher res and high refresh rates, woo! And yeah it's kinda nuts that I don't own a modern 4K 120 monitor, I've just never felt the need to invest the money needed to get one. Yet my OLED TV just does 4K 120 outta the box and I didn't even realize it when I got it!


That's been disproven many times over the years. I always heard the same thing back then though :)


Granted, it's a higher-end SLI GPU setup from around 2007. So pretty substantial for a game from '04 :)

Kris Asick

I mostly want a 4K/120Hz display for game development purposes, to ensure whatever I make is able to support that stuff properly. As it stands, I can design for those, but I can't appropriately test them myself and have to rely on third-party feedback. :P


Would it be useful to take photos of my Japanese mitsubishi diamondtron monitor?


Dude! Clint! My mom said I can come over and play UT2004! (ok, actually I told her Math Blaster but you know) That monitor is insane. I think I had a few hand-me-down monitors that were pretty decent, didn't even know what I had at the time. Nothing like that though. Sadly I gave away / trashed all of the CRTs I had except a pretty crappy TV

Asaf Sagi

Suggested title for the thumbnail: "3K on a CRT from 2003?!?!"


Man every time I see those speakers I want a pair


Apple’s Color Displays from that time were even heavier, I remember having to reinforce a desk with cinder blocks to prevent it from bowing in the center