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UPDATE: After re-watching the video a few times I became increasingly dissatisfied with the last 3/4 of the video. Far too much echo in that room that made it hard to understand me, plus I was rambling a bit more than I would like and didn't have my thoughts fully formed. So I redid that whole section! Version 2 of the video is now embedded and linked, with everything from 7 minutes onward being completely re-recorded. The content itself is largely the same, I basically took what I was saying off the cuff before and condensed it into an actual script. The video footage is like 95% the same, just muted with a new NON-ECHOEY voiceover. But of course, I also did take the opportunity to add a few tidbits of information, cuz I can't help myself. So all in all it's not an entirely different video, but I think it flows significantly better now. I personally feel way better at least, ha.

New link: https://youtu.be/7d8xsBtxbHs

Hi there, folks! This week was going to be an off-week while I worked on other projects, including a rather excellent vintage robot. But then I got excited diving into this lovely console from Japan. So here's a video! A simpler one but a fun one, I hope.

It's all about the Victor V-Saturn, a Japan-exclusive release of the Sega Saturn sold by the company better known (to me) as JVC. An LGR viewer recently got in touch offering it as a trade for a boxed computer game I owned, and I was happy to accept since the V-Saturn was a console variant I've had my eye on for years. And the fact that it was modded with a new optical drive emulator, or ODE, was extra appealing since I've never used one. Until now! So this video is a quick overview of the V-Saturn as well as a walkthrough of the Fenrir ODE. And then the rest is just games, heh.

Also, here's something different! So I very rarely do interviews or podcasts, they're just really not my thing. But I was invited to one that seemed unique enough that I thought "hey, why not?" I'd do it for the experience if nothing else. It was The Friendship Onion with actors Billy Boyd and Dominic Monaghan of The Lord of the Rings fame. Here's the video version of the show, but an audio version is also available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Audible, and wherever else you prefer to podcast. How odd. Yeah I just randomly got an email a while back saying Billy and Dom wanted to chat about old video games, and well... that was that! This job is surreal at times.

And that is all for this one. I've got a couple days free here before the next Sims 4 expansion pack launches, which I'll actually be covering since it's a full pack and not a smaller piecemeal thing. So expect a review of that next week. In the meantime, I'm gonna try and mentally prepare myself for the ordeal, ha. Have a good week and thank you for your ongoing support, I appreciate it!


Victor-V Saturn version 2

an LGR thing.



Ha, I was just shopping for a Saturn on eBay yesterday with the idea of buying a Fenrir! Growing up, I had a friend down the road with a Saturn, along with a next door neighbor with an N64 (I had the PS1), so I did get some exposure to the Saturn. I really wish I had one, which is why I'm thinking about picking one up. I don't suppose anyone knows what the common failure types are on the Saturn (blown capacitors and the like)? I can't solder, so my ability to repair is fairly low.

Frederick G.

It was really fun when I had one.


Cool stuff. I was playing Sonic R the other day actually, and man the controls were not great lol. Panzer Dragoon on the other hand is fantastic. I still remember when you reviewed the SEGA PC ports of the games.


I JUST played duke nukem on the saturn for the first time last week. It blew me away that it used the same engine as quake and power slave for the saturn, what a magically experience. I love that controller and had forgotten how good the d-pad was.


A Sega Saturn was always something I wanted since I was a kid. I finally got the chance when I imported a Gen1 unit from Japan in 2011. The games I got include Panzer Dragoon, Virtual Fighter II and Phantasy Star Collection. The Gen1's power supply blew in 2015 and replaced it in 2018 with a Gen2 unit. It's always fun to bring it up and show it to fellow gamers. Thanks for showcasing an underrated system!


Loved the Saturn back in the day. So many good memories. It was my introduction to Duke 3D. Would be cool to show the Death Tank easter egg included on the Saturn port. Great intro music.


Ha! "Two Shades of Gray: Top and Bottom" ... solid joke!


Did a double take when I went back and saw the date on that one. No way it's been almost 5 years!


Honestly I've never had a broken Saturn! They always need a new clock battery, but it's a standard CR2032 and it's really no problem. I'm sure there are others that know them better and could elaborate, but I've been 3 for 3 on systems so far.

Tim J

Heh, your Sonic R experience mirrors mine almost exactly. Got it at Sam's Club as a kid and loved it, but only played it with keyboard controls on a PC that couldn't quite run the game full speed. I got a chance to play the Saturn version as an adult and was amazed by how difficult it was. At least the soundtrack's perfect.

Asaf Sagi

Now I know where the channel got its name, lol


Haha, pretty much identical indeed, wow. It really must've been easier when it ran slower back in the day.


Which control would you say is better? Saturn or Dreamcast? I've never touch either one but I assume the Saturn one is like holding an original XBOX controller.


^ Saturn for sure. Dreamcast controller has all kinds of issues, from the weird cord placement to the worse d-pad to overall subpar ergonomics.


I like the updated version better. Normally I like it when you ramble, but I agree the first version was a bit much of a "blerb" video.

DFawlt Uzr

Man I need to get myself a Saturn. I never grew up with one but I would love to play the games for the music alone! Hahah. Also really enjoyed the podcast, found a new podcast to watch now!

Tim J

Gotta agree, the updated video flows and sounds much better. Always enjoy hearing your off-the-cuff rambles, but this seems like it'll work better for the general Youtube audience. 👍


Thank you, that was part of the goal! The general audience is always significantly less forgiving than y'all are on here :)