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Greetings, $5+ patrons! I've returned with another backer-exclusive LGR Wrap Up episode. Seems these keep creeping up in length buuuut so it goes. Please enjoy at your own discretion, heh.


And yes a draft of this was posted earlier today as well, by mistake, with the wrong visibility settings. I'm sorry about that, but this version of the upload should be all good now! Guess that's what I get for typing out a post before my first coffee of the day.

So! The general question topic for next month is: questions related to the collecting of things and amassing a stupid amount of stuff. Seemed apropos considering I'm currently packing up my collection(s) for my upcoming move, haha. Take care and have a nice April 👍


LGR Wrap Up - March 2022




What kind of methodology do you have for keeping an inventory of your collection? Something as simple as a spreadsheet? Thinking about big box pc games where you might have one game in multiple formats, locales, or releases. I've picked up some PS1 games that are in great condition but smell vaguely musty. Is that something you run into with your own collecting? It's hard to tell what you're going to get when buying through auction sites like ebay. I assume you use things like desiccant packs with your own collection but I'm curious if you have any other tips or tricks for storage.


Nvidia in Linux can be problematic. I would have to look up the GPU version to determine that for sure but once Nvidia GPUs are old enough, they will stop supporting it. As a consequence, you will have to use the open source Nouveau drivers which are not the best. It is getting better year over year but the overall experience is lack luster. I use openSUSE Tumbleweed on a Dell Latitude D630 with the NVIDIA GPU and although I get a great framerate, there is stuttering and hiccups from time to time.


Question: Do you find that your collection of things has basically capped out and all the nostalgic items are in your collection now or do you see new things becoming nostalgic and wanting to expand your collection further?


No question but.. Glad you want to visit Japan! I know you are proficient at ordering stuff from Japan, but if any place is hesitant to send overseas you can send it to me in Tokyo and I can ship it on!


Hi, Clint! Your category is timely for me too: I've got a bunch of old hardware and software I've accumulated over the past year for an unfinished project, and I'm running into storage troubles! How do you store components, especially expansion cards, in space-efficient ways that still suitably protect them from damage? Also, ain't it the pits needing to store stuff away for space reasons, then realizing that's created a ton of inertia against ever actually using those systems? Good luck with your new home!


ngl, you summarizing these vids as 'like the Techmoan wrap ups, but with more swearing' totally got me to up my pledge Re: next month's question. Have you ever been surprised by a collecting/hobby/etc community having a lot of crossover with something else? Like retro tech and furries (which isn't even new, I know a guy who was first introduced to it in the late 80s through Swedish Amiga meets), etc. I always find it really fascinating seeing familiar names popping up in odd places, way outside the context you're normally used to seeing them in.


Anyone with old Sony Vaios knows the despair of drivers for OS' older than XP. Interesting with the Hot Wheels thing, it seemed classic LGR to me. I liked the net top thing, it was the first I ever learned of the category. That being netbook guts put into a thin client shell and sold to normal consumers.


Honestly happy there was a mistake, initially; clued me in to their existence and I upped to the $5 tier so I could view them. Curious if others did the same but, regardless, happy I'm here now.

DFawlt Uzr

Question for collecting: do you have a process for downsizing what you collect? I'm sure my wife would appreciate me downsizing the e-waste I collect from my IT job 😂 In that same vein, what is something you would like to collect but can't justify the space for it?


Questions: of any areas of hardware or software, would you consider yourself or could you see yourself becoming a completionist, like owning all clones of a particular PC or all boxed copies of a specific game series etc? I’m always teetering on the edge of doing more collections but my personality is such that it would annoy me to not have the complete set, which is becoming impossible as collecting has become so visible and expensive and the amount of product is finite. Second: are you interested in doing more Amiga and Mac material, and branching out into more unfamiliar systems that you may have never encountered before? I ask because I found the SGI Indy fascinating and would love to see things that aren’t IBM PC or Dos/Windows based, just as a change of pace. Love the channel and content, good luck with the move!


Hey Clint! In a video you made many years ago, you described the work/life balance and keeping certain parts of your collection related to work in storage to better enjoy the things you have at your home. Has your perspective shifted at all with the purchase of a larger home/with more time & experience with YouTube as a career?


I am late to this video, just signed up for the $5 tier. In case you are still looking for a spring for the watch, try McMaster Carr. They are a great source for industrial parts and they have a bunch of springs.